# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import collections
import functools
import itertools
import re
import uuid
import wsgiref.util
import flask
from flask import blueprints
import flask_restful
import flask_restful.utils
import http.client
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_log import versionutils
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from keystone.common import authorization
from keystone.common import context
from keystone.common import driver_hints
from keystone.common import json_home
from keystone.common.rbac_enforcer import enforcer
from keystone.common import utils
import keystone.conf
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone import notifications
# NOTE(morgan): Capture the relevant part of the flask url route rule for
# substitution. In flask arguments (e.g. url elements to be passed to the
# "resource" method, e.g. user_id, are specified like `<string:user_id>`
# we use this regex to replace the <> with {} for JSON Home purposes and
# remove the argument type. Use of this is done like
# _URL_SUBST.sub('{\\1}', entity_path), which replaces the whole match
# match rule bit with the capture group (this is a greedy sub).
_URL_SUBST = re.compile(r'<[^\s:]+:([^>]+)>')
CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
ResourceMap = collections.namedtuple(
'resource_map', 'resource, url, alternate_urls, kwargs, json_home_data')
JsonHomeData = collections.namedtuple(
'json_home_data', 'rel, status, path_vars')
_v3_resource_relation = json_home.build_v3_resource_relation
[docs]def construct_resource_map(resource, url, resource_kwargs, alternate_urls=None,
rel=None, status=json_home.Status.STABLE,
"""Construct the ResourceMap Named Tuple.
:param resource: The flask-RESTful resource class implementing the methods
for the API.
:type resource: :class:`ResourceMap`
:param url: Flask-standard url route, all flask url routing rules apply.
url variables will be passed to the Resource methods as
:type url: str
:param resource_kwargs: a dict of optional value(s) that can further modify
the handling of the routing.
* endpoint: endpoint name (defaults to
Can be used to reference this route in
:class:`fields.Url` fields (str)
* resource_class_args: args to be forwarded to the
constructor of the resource.
* resource_class_kwargs: kwargs to be forwarded to
the constructor of the
resource. (dict)
Additional keyword arguments not specified above
will be passed as-is to
:param alternate_urls: An iterable (list) of dictionaries containing urls
and associated json home REL data. Each element is
expected to be a dictionary with a 'url' key and an
optional 'json_home' key for a 'JsonHomeData' named
tuple These urls will also map to the resource.
These are used to ensure API compatibility when a
"new" path is more correct for the API but old paths
must continue to work. Example:
`/auth/domains` being the new path for
`/OS-FEDERATION/domains`. The `OS-FEDERATION` part
would be listed as an alternate url. If a
'json_home' key is provided, the original path
with the new json_home data will be added to the
JSON Home Document.
:type: iterable or None
:param rel:
:type rel: str or None
:param status: JSON Home API Status, e.g. "STABLE"
:type status: str
:param path_vars: JSON Home Path Var Data (arguments)
:type path_vars: dict or None
:param resource_relation_func: function to build expected resource rel data
:type resource_relation_func: callable
if rel is not None:
jh_data = construct_json_home_data(
rel=rel, status=status, path_vars=path_vars,
jh_data = None
if not url.startswith('/'):
url = '/%s' % url
return ResourceMap(
resource=resource, url=url, alternate_urls=alternate_urls,
kwargs=resource_kwargs, json_home_data=jh_data)
[docs]def construct_json_home_data(rel, status=json_home.Status.STABLE,
rel = resource_relation_func(resource_name=rel)
return JsonHomeData(rel=rel, status=status, path_vars=(path_vars or {}))
def _initialize_rbac_enforcement_check():
setattr(flask.g, enforcer._ENFORCEMENT_CHECK_ATTR, False)
def _assert_rbac_enforcement_called(resp):
# assert is intended to be used to ensure code during development works
# as expected, it is fine to be optimized out with `python -O`
msg = ('PROGRAMMING ERROR: enforcement (`keystone.common.rbac_enforcer.'
'enforcer.RBACEnforcer.enforce_call()`) has not been called; API '
'is unenforced.')
g = flask.g
# NOTE(morgan): OPTIONS is a special case and is handled by flask
# internally. We should never be enforcing on OPTIONS calls.
if flask.request.method != 'OPTIONS':
assert getattr( # nosec
g, enforcer._ENFORCEMENT_CHECK_ATTR, False), msg # nosec
return resp
def _remove_content_type_on_204(resp):
# Remove content-type if the resp is 204.
if resp.status_code == http.client.NO_CONTENT:
resp.headers.pop('content-type', None)
return resp
[docs]class APIBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def _name(self):
"""Override with an attr consisting of the API Name, e.g 'users'."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _import_name(self):
"""Override with an attr consisting of the value of `__name__`."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def resource_mapping(self):
"""An attr containing of an iterable of :class:`ResourceMap`.
Each :class:`ResourceMap` is a NamedTuple with the following elements:
* resource: a :class:`flask_restful.Resource` class or subclass
* url: a url route to match for the resource, standard flask
routing rules apply. Any url variables will be passed
to the resource method as args. (str)
* alternate_urls: an iterable of url routes to match for the
resource, standard flask routing rules apply.
These rules are in addition (for API compat) to
the primary url. Any url variables will be
passed to the resource method as args. (iterable)
* json_home_data: :class:`JsonHomeData` populated with relevant
info for populated JSON Home Documents or None.
* kwargs: a dict of optional value(s) that can further modify the
handling of the routing.
* endpoint: endpoint name (defaults to
Can be used to reference this route in
:class:`fields.Url` fields (str)
* resource_class_args: args to be forwarded to the
constructor of the resource.
* resource_class_kwargs: kwargs to be forwarded to the
constructor of the resource.
Additional keyword arguments not specified above will be
passed as-is to :meth:`flask.Flask.add_url_rule`.
raise NotImplementedError()
def resources(self):
return []
def _build_bp_url_prefix(prefix):
# NOTE(morgan): Keystone only has a V3 API, this is here for future
# proofing and exceptional cases such as root discovery API object(s)
parts = ['/v3']
if prefix:
return '/'.join(parts).rstrip('/')
def api(self):
# The API may be directly accessed via this property
return self.__api
def blueprint(self):
# The API Blueprint may be directly accessed via this property
return self.__blueprint
def __init__(self, blueprint_url_prefix='', api_url_prefix='',
default_mediatype='application/json', decorators=None,
self.__before_request_functions_added = False
self.__after_request_functions_added = False
self._default_mediatype = default_mediatype
blueprint_url_prefix = blueprint_url_prefix.rstrip('/')
api_url_prefix = api_url_prefix.rstrip('/')
if api_url_prefix and not api_url_prefix.startswith('/'):
self._api_url_prefix = '/%s' % api_url_prefix
# NOTE(morgan): If the api_url_prefix is empty fall back on the
# class-level defined `_api_url_prefix` if it is set.
self._api_url_prefix = (api_url_prefix or
getattr(self, '_api_url_prefix', ''))
if blueprint_url_prefix and not blueprint_url_prefix.startswith('/'):
self._blueprint_url_prefix = self._build_bp_url_prefix(
'/%s' % blueprint_url_prefix)
self._blueprint_url_prefix = self._build_bp_url_prefix(
self.__blueprint = blueprints.Blueprint(
name=self._name, import_name=self._import_name,
self.__api = flask_restful.Api(
app=self.__blueprint, prefix=self._api_url_prefix,
decorators=decorators, errors=errors)
# NOTE(morgan): Make sure we're using oslo_serialization.jsonutils
# instead of the default json serializer. Keystone has data types that
# the default serializer cannot handle, representation is a decorator
# but since we instantiate the API in-line we need to do some magic
# and call it as a normal method.
# Apply Before and After request functions
# Assert is intended to ensure code works as expected in development,
# it is fine to optimize out with python -O
msg = '%s_request functions not registered'
assert self.__before_request_functions_added, msg % 'before' # nosec
assert self.__after_request_functions_added, msg % 'after' # nosec
def _add_resources(self):
# Add resources that are standardized. Each resource implements a
# base set of handling for a collection of entities such as
# `users`. Resources are sourced from self.resources. Each resource
# should have an attribute/property containing the `collection_key`
# which is typically the "plural" form of the entity, e.g. `users` and
# `member_key` which is typically the "singular" of the entity, e.g.
# `user`. Resources are sourced from self.resources, each element is
# simply a :class:`flask_restful.Resource`.
for r in self.resources:
c_key = getattr(r, 'collection_key', None)
m_key = getattr(r, 'member_key', None)
r_pfx = getattr(r, 'api_prefix', None)
if not c_key or not m_key:
LOG.debug('Unable to add resource %(resource)s to API '
'%(name)s, both `member_key` and `collection_key` '
'must be implemented. [collection_key(%(col_key)s) '
{'resource': r.__name__,
'name': self._name, 'col_key': c_key,
'm_key': m_key})
if r_pfx != self._api_url_prefix:
LOG.debug('Unable to add resource %(resource)s to API as the '
'API Prefixes do not match: %(apfx)r != %(rpfx)r',
{'resource': r.__name__,
'rpfx': r_pfx, 'apfx': self._api_url_prefix})
# NOTE(morgan): The Prefix is automatically added by the API, so
# we do not add it to the paths here.
collection_path = '/%s' % c_key
if getattr(r, '_id_path_param_name_override', None):
# The member_key doesn't match the "id" key in the url, make
# sure to use the correct path-key for ID.
member_id_key = getattr(r, '_id_path_param_name_override')
member_id_key = '%(member_key)s_id' % {'member_key': m_key}
entity_path = '/%(collection)s/<string:%(member)s>' % {
'collection': c_key, 'member': member_id_key}
# NOTE(morgan): The json-home form of the entity path is different
# from the flask-url routing form. Must also include the prefix
jh_e_path = _URL_SUBST.sub('{\\1}', '%(pfx)s/%(e_path)s' % {
'pfx': self._api_url_prefix,
'e_path': entity_path.lstrip('/')})
'Adding standard routes to API %(name)s for `%(resource)s` '
'(API Prefix: %(prefix)s) [%(collection_path)s, '
'%(entity_path)s]', {
'name': self._name, 'resource': r.__class__.__name__,
'collection_path': collection_path,
'entity_path': entity_path,
'prefix': self._api_url_prefix})
self.api.add_resource(r, collection_path, entity_path)
# Add JSON Home data
resource_rel_func = getattr(
r, 'json_home_resource_rel_func',
resource_rel_status = getattr(
r, 'json_home_resource_status', None)
collection_rel_resource_name = getattr(
r, 'json_home_collection_resource_name_override', c_key)
collection_rel = resource_rel_func(
# NOTE(morgan): Add the prefix explicitly for JSON Home documents
# to the collection path.
href_val = '%(pfx)s%(collection_path)s' % {
'pfx': self._api_url_prefix,
'collection_path': collection_path}
# If additional parameters exist in the URL, add them to the
# href-vars dict.
additional_params = getattr(
r, 'json_home_additional_parameters', {})
if additional_params:
# NOTE(morgan): Special case, we have 'additional params' which
# means we know the params are in the "prefix". This guarantees
# the correct data in the json_home document with href-template
# and href-vars even on the "collection" entry
rel_data = dict()
rel_data['href-template'] = _URL_SUBST.sub('{\\1}', href_val)
rel_data['href-vars'] = additional_params
rel_data = {'href': href_val}
member_rel_resource_name = getattr(
r, 'json_home_member_resource_name_override', m_key)
entity_rel = resource_rel_func(
id_str = member_id_key
parameter_rel_func = getattr(
r, 'json_home_parameter_rel_func',
id_param_rel = parameter_rel_func(parameter_name=id_str)
entity_rel_data = {'href-template': jh_e_path,
'href-vars': {id_str: id_param_rel}}
if additional_params:
entity_rel_data.setdefault('href-vars', {}).update(
if resource_rel_status is not None:
rel_data, resource_rel_status)
entity_rel_data, resource_rel_status)
collection_rel, rel_data)
entity_rel, entity_rel_data)
def _add_mapped_resources(self):
# Add resource mappings, non-standard resource connections
for r in self.resource_mapping:
alt_url_json_home_data = []
'Adding resource routes to API %(name)s: '
'[%(url)r %(kwargs)r]',
{'name': self._name, 'url': r.url, 'kwargs': r.kwargs})
urls = [r.url]
if r.alternate_urls is not None:
for element in r.alternate_urls:
if self._api_url_prefix:
'Unable to add additional resource route '
'`%(route)s` to API %(name)s because API has a '
'URL prefix. Only APIs without explicit prefixes '
'can have alternate URL routes added.',
{'route': element['url'], 'name': self._name}
'Adding additional resource route (alternate) to API '
'%(name)s: [%(url)r %(kwargs)r]',
{'name': self._name, 'url': element['url'],
'kwargs': r.kwargs})
if element.get('json_home'):
# Add all URL routes at once.
self.api.add_resource(r.resource, *urls, **r.kwargs)
# Build the JSON Home data and add it to the relevant JSON Home
# Documents for explicit JSON Home data.
if r.json_home_data:
resource_data = {}
# NOTE(morgan): JSON Home form of the URL is different
# from FLASK, do the conversion here.
conv_url = '%(pfx)s/%(url)s' % {
'url': _URL_SUBST.sub('{\\1}', r.url).lstrip('/'),
'pfx': self._api_url_prefix}
if r.json_home_data.path_vars:
resource_data['href-template'] = conv_url
resource_data['href-vars'] = r.json_home_data.path_vars
resource_data['href'] = conv_url
resource_data, r.json_home_data.status)
for element in alt_url_json_home_data:
# Append the "new" path (resource) data with the old rel
# reference.
element.rel, resource_data)
def _register_before_request_functions(self, functions=None):
"""Register functions to be executed in the `before request` phase.
Override this method and pass in via "super" any additional functions
that should be registered. It is assumed that any override will also
accept a "functions" list and append the passed in values to it's
list prior to calling super.
Each function will be called with no arguments and expects a NoneType
return. If the function returns a value, that value will be returned
as the response to the entire request, no further processing will
:param functions: list of functions that will be run in the
`before_request` phase.
:type functions: list
functions = functions or []
# Assert is intended to ensure code works as expected in development,
# it is fine to optimize out with python -O
msg = 'before_request functions already registered'
assert not self.__before_request_functions_added, msg # nosec
# register global before request functions
# e.g. self.__blueprint.before_request(function)
# Add passed-in functions
for f in functions:
self.__before_request_functions_added = True
def _register_after_request_functions(self, functions=None):
"""Register functions to be executed in the `after request` phase.
Override this method and pass in via "super" any additional functions
that should be registered. It is assumed that any override will also
accept a "functions" list and append the passed in values to it's
list prior to calling super.
Each function will be called with a single argument of the Response
class type. The function must return either the passed in Response or
a new Response. NOTE: As of flask 0.7, these functions may not be
executed in the case of an unhandled exception.
:param functions: list of functions that will be run in the
`after_request` phase.
:type functions: list
functions = functions or []
# Assert is intended to ensure code works as expected in development,
# it is fine to optimize out with python -O
msg = 'after_request functions already registered'
assert not self.__after_request_functions_added, msg # nosec
# register global after request functions
# e.g. self.__blueprint.after_request(function)
# Add Passed-In Functions
for f in functions:
self.__after_request_functions_added = True
def _output_json(data, code, headers=None):
"""Make a Flask response with a JSON encoded body.
This is a replacement of the default that is shipped with flask-RESTful
as we need oslo_serialization for the wider datatypes in our objects
that are serialized to json.
settings = flask.current_app.config.get('RESTFUL_JSON', {})
# If we're in debug mode, and the indent is not set, we set it to
# a reasonable value here. Note that this won't override any existing
# value that was set. We also set the "sort_keys" value.
if flask.current_app.debug:
settings.setdefault('indent', 4)
settings.setdefault('sort_keys', not flask_restful.utils.PY3)
# always end the json dumps with a new line
# see https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask/pull/1262
dumped = jsonutils.dumps(data, **settings) + "\n"
resp = flask.make_response(dumped, code)
resp.headers.extend(headers or {})
return resp
[docs] @classmethod
def instantiate_and_register_to_app(cls, flask_app):
"""Build the API object and register to the passed in flask_app.
This is a simplistic loader that makes assumptions about how the
blueprint is loaded. Anything beyond defaults should be done
explicitly via normal instantiation where more values may be passed
via :meth:`__init__`.
:returns: :class:`keystone.server.flask.common.APIBase`
inst = cls()
return inst
class _AttributeRaisesError(object):
# NOTE(morgan): This is a special case class that exists to effectively
# create a @classproperty style function. We use __get__ to raise the
# exception.
def __init__(self, name):
self.__msg = 'PROGRAMMING ERROR: `self.{name}` is not set.'.format(
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
raise ValueError(self.__msg)
[docs]class ResourceBase(flask_restful.Resource):
collection_key = _AttributeRaisesError(name='collection_key')
member_key = _AttributeRaisesError(name='member_key')
_public_parameters = frozenset([])
# NOTE(morgan): This must match the string on the API the resource is
# registered to.
api_prefix = ''
_id_path_param_name_override = None
method_decorators = []
def _assign_unique_id(ref):
ref = ref.copy()
ref['id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
return ref
def _validate_id_format(id):
uval = uuid.UUID(id).hex
if uval != id:
raise ValueError('badly formed hexadecimal UUID value')
def _require_matching_id(cls, ref):
"""Ensure the value matches the reference's ID, if any."""
id_arg = None
if cls.member_key is not None:
id_arg = flask.request.view_args.get('%s_id' % cls.member_key)
if ref.get('id') is not None and id_arg != ref['id']:
raise exception.ValidationError('Cannot change ID')
[docs] @classmethod
def filter_params(cls, ref):
"""Remove unspecified parameters from the dictionary.
This function removes unspecified parameters from the dictionary.
This method checks only root-level keys from a ref dictionary.
:param ref: a dictionary representing deserialized response to be
# NOTE(morgan): if _public_parameters is empty, do nothing. We do not
# filter if we do not have an explicit white-list to work from.
if cls._public_parameters:
ref_keys = set(ref.keys())
blocked_keys = ref_keys - cls._public_parameters
for blocked_param in blocked_keys:
del ref[blocked_param]
return ref
[docs] @classmethod
def wrap_collection(cls, refs, hints=None, collection_name=None):
"""Wrap a collection, checking for filtering and pagination.
Returns the wrapped collection, which includes:
- Executing any filtering not already carried out
- Truncate to a set limit if necessary
- Adds 'self' links in every member
- Adds 'next', 'self' and 'prev' links for the whole collection.
:param refs: the list of members of the collection
:param hints: list hints, containing any relevant filters and limit.
Any filters already satisfied by managers will have been
:param collection_name: optional override for the 'collection key'
class attribute. This is to be used when
wrapping a collection for a different api,
e.g. 'roles' from the 'trust' api.
# Check if there are any filters in hints that were not handled by
# the drivers. The driver will not have paginated or limited the
# output if it found there were filters it was unable to handle
if hints:
refs = cls.filter_by_attributes(refs, hints)
list_limited, refs = cls.limit(refs, hints)
collection = collection_name or cls.collection_key
for ref in refs:
cls._add_self_referential_link(ref, collection_name=collection)
container = {collection: refs}
self_url = full_url(flask.request.environ['PATH_INFO'])
container['links'] = {
'next': None,
'self': self_url,
'previous': None
if list_limited:
container['truncated'] = True
return container
[docs] @classmethod
def wrap_member(cls, ref, collection_name=None, member_name=None):
cls._add_self_referential_link(ref, collection_name)
return {member_name or cls.member_key: ref}
def _add_self_referential_link(cls, ref, collection_name=None):
collection_element = collection_name or cls.collection_key
if cls.api_prefix:
api_prefix = cls.api_prefix.lstrip('/').rstrip('/')
# ensure we have substituted the flask-arg specification
# to the "keystone" mechanism, then format the string
api_prefix = _URL_SUBST.sub('{\\1}', api_prefix)
if flask.request.view_args:
# if a prefix has substitutions it is *required* that the
# values are passed as view_args to the HTTP action method
# (e.g. head/get/post/...).
api_prefix = api_prefix.format(**flask.request.view_args)
collection_element = '/'.join(
[api_prefix, collection_name or cls.collection_key])
self_link = base_url(path='/'.join([collection_element, ref['id']]))
ref.setdefault('links', {})['self'] = self_link
[docs] @classmethod
def filter_by_attributes(cls, refs, hints):
"""Filter a list of references by filter values."""
def _attr_match(ref_attr, val_attr):
"""Matche attributes allowing for booleans as strings.
We test explicitly for a value that defines it as 'False',
which also means that the existence of the attribute with
no value implies 'True'
if type(ref_attr) is bool:
return ref_attr == utils.attr_as_boolean(val_attr)
return ref_attr == val_attr
def _inexact_attr_match(inexact_filter, ref):
"""Apply an inexact filter to a result dict.
:param inexact_filter: the filter in question
:param ref: the dict to check
:returns: True if there is a match
comparator = inexact_filter['comparator']
key = inexact_filter['name']
if key in ref:
filter_value = inexact_filter['value']
target_value = ref[key]
if not inexact_filter['case_sensitive']:
# We only support inexact filters on strings so
# it's OK to use lower()
filter_value = filter_value.lower()
target_value = target_value.lower()
if comparator == 'contains':
return (filter_value in target_value)
elif comparator == 'startswith':
return target_value.startswith(filter_value)
elif comparator == 'endswith':
return target_value.endswith(filter_value)
# We silently ignore unsupported filters
return True
return False
for f in hints.filters:
if f['comparator'] == 'equals':
attr = f['name']
value = f['value']
refs = [r for r in refs if _attr_match(
utils.flatten_dict(r).get(attr), value)]
# It might be an inexact filter
refs = [r for r in refs if _inexact_attr_match(f, r)]
return refs
def auth_context(self):
return flask.request.environ.get(authorization.AUTH_CONTEXT_ENV, None)
def oslo_context(self):
return flask.request.environ.get(context.REQUEST_CONTEXT_ENV, None)
def audit_initiator(self):
"""A pyCADF initiator describing the current authenticated context.
As a property.
return notifications.build_audit_initiator()
[docs] @staticmethod
def query_filter_is_true(filter_name):
"""Determine if bool query param is 'True'.
We treat this the same way as we do for policy
{bool_param}=0 is treated as False
Any other value is considered to be equivalent to
True, including the absence of a value (but existence
as a parameter).
False Examples for param named `p`:
* http://host/url
* http://host/url?p=0
All other forms of the param 'p' would be result in a True value
including: `http://host/url?param`.
val = False
if filter_name in flask.request.args:
filter_value = flask.request.args.get(filter_name)
if (isinstance(filter_value, str) and
filter_value == '0'):
val = False
val = True
return val
def request_body_json(self):
return flask.request.get_json(silent=True, force=True) or {}
[docs] @staticmethod
def build_driver_hints(supported_filters):
"""Build list hints based on the context query string.
:param supported_filters: list of filters supported, so ignore any
keys in query_dict that are not in this list.
hints = driver_hints.Hints()
if not flask.request.args:
return hints
for key, value in flask.request.args.items(multi=True):
# Check if this is an exact filter
if supported_filters is None or key in supported_filters:
hints.add_filter(key, value)
# Check if it is an inexact filter
for valid_key in supported_filters:
# See if this entry in query_dict matches a known key with an
# inexact suffix added. If it doesn't match, then that just
# means that there is no inexact filter for that key in this
# query.
if not key.startswith(valid_key + '__'):
base_key, comparator = key.split('__', 1)
# We map the query-style inexact of, for example:
# {'email__contains', 'myISP'}
# into a list directive add filter call parameters of:
# name = 'email'
# value = 'myISP'
# comparator = 'contains'
# case_sensitive = True
case_sensitive = True
if comparator.startswith('i'):
case_sensitive = False
comparator = comparator[1:]
hints.add_filter(base_key, value,
# NOTE(henry-nash): If we were to support pagination, we would pull any
# pagination directives out of the query_dict here, and add them into
# the hints list.
return hints
[docs] @classmethod
def limit(cls, refs, hints):
"""Limit a list of entities.
The underlying driver layer may have already truncated the collection
for us, but in case it was unable to handle truncation we check here.
:param refs: the list of members of the collection
:param hints: hints, containing, among other things, the limit
:returns: boolean indicating whether the list was truncated, as well
as the list of (truncated if necessary) entities.
if hints is None or hints.limit is None:
# No truncation was requested
return NOT_LIMITED, refs
if hints.limit.get('truncated', False):
# The driver did truncate the list
return LIMITED, refs
if len(refs) > hints.limit['limit']:
# The driver layer wasn't able to truncate it for us, so we must
# do it here
return LIMITED, refs[:hints.limit['limit']]
return NOT_LIMITED, refs
def _normalize_dict(cls, d):
return {cls._normalize_arg(k): v for (k, v) in d.items()}
def _normalize_arg(arg):
return arg.replace(':', '_').replace('-', '_')
def _get_domain_id_for_list_request(cls):
"""Get the domain_id for a v3 list call.
If we running with multiple domain drivers, then the caller must
specify a domain_id either as a filter or as part of the token scope.
if not CONF.identity.domain_specific_drivers_enabled:
# We don't need to specify a domain ID in this case
domain_id = flask.request.args.get('domain_id')
if domain_id:
return domain_id
token_ref = cls.get_token_ref()
if token_ref.domain_scoped:
return token_ref.domain_id
elif token_ref.project_scoped:
return token_ref.project_domain['id']
elif token_ref.system_scoped:
msg = 'No domain information specified as part of list request'
tr_msg = _('No domain information specified as part of list '
raise exception.Unauthorized(tr_msg)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_token_ref(cls):
"""Retrieve KeystoneToken object from the auth context and returns it.
:raises keystone.exception.Unauthorized: If auth context cannot be
:returns: The KeystoneToken object.
# Retrieve the auth context that was prepared by
# AuthContextMiddleware.
auth_context = flask.request.environ.get(
authorization.AUTH_CONTEXT_ENV, {})
return auth_context['token']
except KeyError:
LOG.warning("Couldn't find the auth context.")
raise exception.Unauthorized()
def _normalize_domain_id(cls, ref):
"""Fill in domain_id if not specified in a v3 call."""
if not ref.get('domain_id'):
oslo_ctx = flask.request.environ.get(
if oslo_ctx and oslo_ctx.domain_id:
# Domain Scoped Token Scenario.
ref['domain_id'] = oslo_ctx.domain_id
elif oslo_ctx.is_admin:
# Legacy "shared" admin token Scenario
raise exception.ValidationError(
_('You have tried to create a resource using the admin '
'token. As this token is not within a domain you must '
'explicitly include a domain for this resource to '
'belong to.'))
# TODO(henry-nash): We should issue an exception here since if
# a v3 call does not explicitly specify the domain_id in the
# entity, it should be using a domain scoped token. However,
# the current tempest heat tests issue a v3 call without this.
# This is raised as bug #1283539. Once this is fixed, we
# should remove the line below and replace it with an error.
# Ahead of actually changing the code to raise an exception, we
# issue a deprecation warning.
'Not specifying a domain during a create user, group or '
'project call, and relying on falling back to the '
'default domain, is deprecated as of Liberty. There is no '
'plan to remove this compatibility, however, future API '
'versions may remove this, so please specify the domain '
'explicitly or use a domain-scoped token.')
ref['domain_id'] = CONF.identity.default_domain_id
return ref
[docs]def base_url(path=''):
url = CONF['public_endpoint']
if url:
substitutions = dict(
itertools.chain(CONF.items(), CONF.eventlet_server.items()))
url = url % substitutions
elif flask.request.environ:
url = wsgiref.util.application_uri(flask.request.environ)
# remove version from the URL as it may be part of SCRIPT_NAME but
# it should not be part of base URL
url = re.sub(r'/v(3|(2\.0))/*$', '', url)
# now remove the standard port
url = utils.remove_standard_port(url)
# if we don't have enough information to come up with a base URL,
# then fall back to localhost. This should never happen in
# production environment.
url = 'http://localhost:%d' % CONF.eventlet_server.public_port
if path:
# Cleanup leading /v3 if needed.
path = path.rstrip('/').lstrip('/')
if path.startswith('v3'):
path = path[2:].lstrip('/')
url = url.rstrip('/')
url = '/'.join([p for p in (url, 'v3', path) if p])
return url
[docs]def full_url(path=''):
subs = {'url': base_url(path), 'query_string': ''}
qs = flask.request.environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
if qs:
subs['query_string'] = '?%s' % qs
return '%(url)s%(query_string)s' % subs
[docs]def set_unenforced_ok():
# Does the work for unenforced_api. This must be used outside of a
# decorator in some limited, such as when a ValidationError is raised up
# from a "before_request" function (body_json checker is a prime example)
setattr(flask.g, enforcer._ENFORCEMENT_CHECK_ATTR, True)
[docs]def unenforced_api(f):
"""Decorate a resource method to mark is as an unenforced API.
Explicitly exempts an API from receiving the enforced API check,
specifically for cases such as user self-service password changes (or
other APIs that must work without already having a token).
This decorator may also be used if the API has extended enforcement
logic/varying enforcement logic (such as some of the AUTH paths) where
the full enforcement will be implemented directly within the methods.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper