(href=None, v2=True, v3=True, v2_id=None, v3_id=None, v2_status=None, v2_updated=None, v2_html=True, v2_pdf=True, v3_status=None, v3_updated=None, v3_json=True, v3_xml=True)¶Bases: dict
A List of version elements.
Creates a correctly structured list of identity service endpoints for use in testing with discovery.
Parameters: |
= ''¶add_microversion
(href, id, **kwargs)¶Add a microversion version to the list.
The parameters are the same as MicroversionDiscovery.
(href, id, **kwargs)¶Add a nova microversion version to the list.
The parameters are the same as NovaMicroversionDiscovery.
(href, **kwargs)¶Add a v2 version to the list.
The parameters are the same as V2Discovery.
(href, **kwargs)¶Add a v3 version to the list.
The parameters are the same as V3Discovery.
(version)¶Add a new version structure to the list.
Parameters: | version (dict) – A new version structure to add to the list. |
(href, id=None, html=True, pdf=True, **kwargs)¶Bases: keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.DiscoveryBase
A Version element for a V2 identity service endpoint.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a v2.0 endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
Parameters: |
()¶Add the HTML described by links.
The standard structure includes a link to a HTML document with the API specification. Add it to this entry.
()¶Add the PDF described by links.
The standard structure includes a link to a PDF document with the API specification. Add it to this entry.
(href, id=None, json=True, xml=True, **kwargs)¶Bases: keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.DiscoveryBase
A Version element for a V3 identity service endpoint.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a v3 endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
Parameters: |
()¶Add the JSON media-type links.
The standard structure includes a list of media-types that the endpoint supports. Add JSON to the list.
()¶Add the XML media-type links.
The standard structure includes a list of media-types that the endpoint supports. Add XML to the list.
(href, id, **kwargs)¶Bases: keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.DiscoveryBase
A Version element for non-keystone services without microversions.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a microversion endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
Parameters: |
¶Bases: exceptions.Exception
The token you created is not legitimate.
The data contained in the token that was generated is not valid and would not have been returned from a keystone server. You should not do testing with this token.
Custom hooks for betamax and keystoneauth.
Module providing a set of hooks specially designed for interacting with clouds and keystone authentication.
author: | Yolanda Robla |
(nested, prev_key)¶keystoneauth1.fixture.hooks.
(interaction, cassette)¶Hook to mask saved data.
This hook will be triggered before saving the interaction, and will perform two tasks: - mask user, project and password in the saved data - set token expiration time to an inifinite time.
A fixture to wrap the session constructor for use with Betamax.
(cassette_name, cassette_library_dir=None, serializer=None, record=False, pre_record_hook=<function pre_record_hook>, serializer_name=None, request_matchers=None)¶Bases: fixtures.fixture.Fixture
¶Determine the name of the selected serializer.
If a class was specified, use the name attribute to generate this,
otherwise, use the serializer_name parameter from __init__
Returns: | Name of the serializer |
Return type: | str |
()¶A serializer to emit YAML but with request body in nicely formatted JSON.
(token_id=None, expires=None, issued=None, tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None, user_id=None, user_name=None, trust_id=None, trustee_user_id=None, audit_id=None, audit_chain_id=None)¶Bases: dict
A V2 Keystone token that can be used for testing.
This object is designed to allow clients to generate a correct V2 token for use in there test code. It should prevent clients from having to know the correct token format and allow them to test the portions of token handling that matter to them and not copy and paste sample.
(name=None, id=None)¶add_service
(type, name=None)¶audit_chain_id
(name, data)¶set_scope
(id=None, name=None)¶set_trust
(id=None, trustee_user_id=None)¶tenant_id
(expires=None, issued=None, user_id=None, user_name=None, user_domain_id=None, user_domain_name=None, methods=None, project_id=None, project_name=None, project_domain_id=None, project_domain_name=None, domain_id=None, domain_name=None, trust_id=None, trust_impersonation=None, trustee_user_id=None, trustor_user_id=None, oauth_access_token_id=None, oauth_consumer_id=None, audit_id=None, audit_chain_id=None, is_admin_project=None, project_is_domain=None)¶Bases: dict
A V3 Keystone token that can be used for testing.
This object is designed to allow clients to generate a correct V3 token for use in there test code. It should prevent clients from having to know the correct token format and allow them to test the portions of token handling that matter to them and not copy and paste sample.
(name=None, id=None)¶add_service
(type, name=None, id=None)¶add_service_provider
(sp_id, sp_auth_url, sp_url)¶audit_chain_id
(name, data)¶set_domain_scope
(id=None, name=None)¶set_oauth
(access_token_id=None, consumer_id=None)¶set_project_scope
(id=None, name=None, domain_id=None, domain_name=None, is_domain=None)¶set_trust_scope
(id=None, impersonation=False, trustee_user_id=None, trustor_user_id=None)¶trust_id
(methods=None, identity_provider=None, protocol=None, groups=None)¶Bases: keystoneauth1.fixture.v3.Token
A V3 Keystone Federation token that can be used for testing.
Similar to V3Token, this object is designed to allow clients to generate a correct V3 federation token for use in test code.
= 'Federated'¶add_federation_info_to_user
(identity_provider=None, protocol=None, groups=None)¶Produce keystone compliant structures for use in testing.
They are part of the public API because they may be relied upon to generate test tokens for other clients. However they should never be imported into the main client (keystoneauth or other). Because of this there may be dependencies from this module on libraries that are only available in testing.
(href=None, v2=True, v3=True, v2_id=None, v3_id=None, v2_status=None, v2_updated=None, v2_html=True, v2_pdf=True, v3_status=None, v3_updated=None, v3_json=True, v3_xml=True)¶Bases: dict
A List of version elements.
Creates a correctly structured list of identity service endpoints for use in testing with discovery.
Parameters: |
= ''¶add_microversion
(href, id, **kwargs)¶Add a microversion version to the list.
The parameters are the same as MicroversionDiscovery.
(href, id, **kwargs)¶Add a nova microversion version to the list.
The parameters are the same as NovaMicroversionDiscovery.
(href, **kwargs)¶Add a v2 version to the list.
The parameters are the same as V2Discovery.
(href, **kwargs)¶Add a v3 version to the list.
The parameters are the same as V3Discovery.
(version)¶Add a new version structure to the list.
Parameters: | version (dict) – A new version structure to add to the list. |
¶Bases: exceptions.Exception
The token you created is not legitimate.
The data contained in the token that was generated is not valid and would not have been returned from a keystone server. You should not do testing with this token.
(href, id=None, html=True, pdf=True, **kwargs)¶Bases: keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.DiscoveryBase
A Version element for a V2 identity service endpoint.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a v2.0 endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
Parameters: |
()¶Add the HTML described by links.
The standard structure includes a link to a HTML document with the API specification. Add it to this entry.
()¶Add the PDF described by links.
The standard structure includes a link to a PDF document with the API specification. Add it to this entry.
(href, id=None, json=True, xml=True, **kwargs)¶Bases: keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.DiscoveryBase
A Version element for a V3 identity service endpoint.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a v3 endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
Parameters: |
()¶Add the JSON media-type links.
The standard structure includes a list of media-types that the endpoint supports. Add JSON to the list.
()¶Add the XML media-type links.
The standard structure includes a list of media-types that the endpoint supports. Add XML to the list.
¶alias of Token
¶alias of Token
(methods=None, identity_provider=None, protocol=None, groups=None)¶Bases: keystoneauth1.fixture.v3.Token
A V3 Keystone Federation token that can be used for testing.
Similar to V3Token, this object is designed to allow clients to generate a correct V3 federation token for use in test code.
= 'Federated'¶add_federation_info_to_user
(identity_provider=None, protocol=None, groups=None)¶keystoneauth1.fixture.
(href, id, **kwargs)¶Bases: keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.DiscoveryBase
A Version element for non-keystone services without microversions.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a microversion endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
Parameters: |
Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.