keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins module

exception keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins.AuthPluginException(message: str | None = None)

Bases: ClientException

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = None
__module__ = 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins'
message = 'Unknown error with authentication plugins.'
exception keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins.MissingAuthPlugin(message: str | None = None)

Bases: AuthPluginException

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = None
__module__ = 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins'
message = 'An authenticated request is required but no plugin available.'
exception keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins.MissingRequiredOptions(options: Sequence[loading.Opt])

Bases: OptionError

One or more required options were not provided.


options (list(keystoneauth1.loading.Opt)) – Missing options.


List of the missing options.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'One or more required options were not provided.\n\n    :param list(keystoneauth1.loading.Opt) options: Missing options.\n\n    .. py:attribute:: options\n\n        List of the missing options.\n    '
__init__(options: Sequence[loading.Opt])
__module__ = 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins'
exception keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins.NoMatchingPlugin(name: str)

Bases: AuthPluginException

No auth plugins could be created from the parameters provided.


name (str) – The name of the plugin that was attempted to load.


The name of the plugin that was attempted to load.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'No auth plugins could be created from the parameters provided.\n\n    :param str name: The name of the plugin that was attempted to load.\n\n    .. py:attribute:: name\n\n        The name of the plugin that was attempted to load.\n    '
__init__(name: str)
__module__ = 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins'
exception keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins.OptionError(message: str | None = None)

Bases: AuthPluginException

A requirement of this plugin loader was not met.

This error can be raised by a specific plugin loader during the load_from_options stage to indicate a parameter problem that can not be handled by the generic options loader.

The intention here is that a plugin can do checks like if a name parameter is provided then a domain parameter must also be provided, but that Opt checking doesn’t handle.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = "A requirement of this plugin loader was not met.\n\n    This error can be raised by a specific plugin loader during the\n    load_from_options stage to indicate a parameter problem that can not be\n    handled by the generic options loader.\n\n    The intention here is that a plugin can do checks like if a name parameter\n    is provided then a domain parameter must also be provided, but that Opt\n    checking doesn't handle.\n    "
__module__ = 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins'
exception keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins.UnsupportedParameters(names: Sequence[str])

Bases: AuthPluginException

A parameter that was provided or returned is not supported.


names (list(str)) – Names of the unsupported parameters.


Names of the unsupported parameters.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'A parameter that was provided or returned is not supported.\n\n    :param list(str) names: Names of the unsupported parameters.\n\n    .. py:attribute:: names\n\n        Names of the unsupported parameters.\n    '
__init__(names: Sequence[str])
__module__ = 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.auth_plugins'