keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery module¶
- class keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.DiscoveryBase(id, status=None, updated=None)
The basic version discovery structure.
All version discovery elements should have access to these values.
- Parameters:
id (string) – The version id for this version entry.
status (string) – The status of this entry.
updated (DateTime) – When the API was last updated.
- __annotations__ = {}
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery', '__doc__': 'The basic version discovery structure.\n\n All version discovery elements should have access to these values.\n\n :param string id: The version id for this version entry.\n :param string status: The status of this entry.\n :param DateTime updated: When the API was last updated.\n ', '__init__': <function DiscoveryBase.__init__>, 'id': <property object>, 'status': <property object>, 'links': <property object>, 'updated_str': <property object>, 'updated': <property object>, 'add_link': <function DiscoveryBase.add_link>, 'media_types': <property object>, 'add_media_type': <function DiscoveryBase.add_media_type>, '__orig_bases__': (dict[str, typing.Any],), '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'DiscoveryBase' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'DiscoveryBase' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = 'The basic version discovery structure.\n\n All version discovery elements should have access to these values.\n\n :param string id: The version id for this version entry.\n :param string status: The status of this entry.\n :param DateTime updated: When the API was last updated.\n '
- __init__(id, status=None, updated=None)
- __module__ = 'keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery'
- __orig_bases__ = (dict[str, typing.Any],)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- add_link(href, rel='self', type=None)
- add_media_type(base, type)
- property id
- property links
- property media_types
- property status
- property updated
- property updated_str
- class keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.DiscoveryList(href=None, v2=True, v3=True, v2_id=None, v3_id=None, v2_status=None, v2_updated=None, v2_html=True, v2_pdf=True, v3_status=None, v3_updated=None, v3_json=True, v3_xml=True)
A List of version elements.
Creates a correctly structured list of identity service endpoints for use in testing with discovery.
- Parameters:
href (string) – The url that this should be based at.
v2 (bool) – Add a v2 element.
v3 (bool) – Add a v3 element.
v2_status (string) – The status to use for the v2 element.
v2_updated (DateTime) – The update time to use for the v2 element.
v2_html (bool) – True to add a html link to the v2 element.
v2_pdf (bool) – True to add a pdf link to the v2 element.
v3_status (string) – The status to use for the v3 element.
v3_updated (DateTime) – The update time to use for the v3 element.
v3_json (bool) – True to add a html link to the v2 element.
v3_xml (bool) – True to add a pdf link to the v2 element.
- TEST_URL = ''
- __annotations__ = {}
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery', '__doc__': 'A List of version elements.\n\n Creates a correctly structured list of identity service endpoints for\n use in testing with discovery.\n\n :param string href: The url that this should be based at.\n :param bool v2: Add a v2 element.\n :param bool v3: Add a v3 element.\n :param string v2_status: The status to use for the v2 element.\n :param DateTime v2_updated: The update time to use for the v2 element.\n :param bool v2_html: True to add a html link to the v2 element.\n :param bool v2_pdf: True to add a pdf link to the v2 element.\n :param string v3_status: The status to use for the v3 element.\n :param DateTime v3_updated: The update time to use for the v3 element.\n :param bool v3_json: True to add a html link to the v2 element.\n :param bool v3_xml: True to add a pdf link to the v2 element.\n ', 'TEST_URL': '', '__init__': <function DiscoveryList.__init__>, 'versions': <property object>, 'add_version': <function DiscoveryList.add_version>, 'add_v2': <function DiscoveryList.add_v2>, 'add_v3': <function DiscoveryList.add_v3>, 'add_microversion': <function DiscoveryList.add_microversion>, 'add_nova_microversion': <function DiscoveryList.add_nova_microversion>, '__orig_bases__': (dict[str, typing.Any],), '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'DiscoveryList' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'DiscoveryList' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
- __doc__ = 'A List of version elements.\n\n Creates a correctly structured list of identity service endpoints for\n use in testing with discovery.\n\n :param string href: The url that this should be based at.\n :param bool v2: Add a v2 element.\n :param bool v3: Add a v3 element.\n :param string v2_status: The status to use for the v2 element.\n :param DateTime v2_updated: The update time to use for the v2 element.\n :param bool v2_html: True to add a html link to the v2 element.\n :param bool v2_pdf: True to add a pdf link to the v2 element.\n :param string v3_status: The status to use for the v3 element.\n :param DateTime v3_updated: The update time to use for the v3 element.\n :param bool v3_json: True to add a html link to the v2 element.\n :param bool v3_xml: True to add a pdf link to the v2 element.\n '
- __init__(href=None, v2=True, v3=True, v2_id=None, v3_id=None, v2_status=None, v2_updated=None, v2_html=True, v2_pdf=True, v3_status=None, v3_updated=None, v3_json=True, v3_xml=True)
- __module__ = 'keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery'
- __orig_bases__ = (dict[str, typing.Any],)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- add_microversion(href, id, **kwargs)
Add a microversion version to the list.
The parameters are the same as MicroversionDiscovery.
- add_nova_microversion(href, id, **kwargs)
Add a nova microversion version to the list.
The parameters are the same as NovaMicroversionDiscovery.
- add_v2(href, **kwargs)
Add a v2 version to the list.
The parameters are the same as V2Discovery.
- add_v3(href, **kwargs)
Add a v3 version to the list.
The parameters are the same as V3Discovery.
- add_version(version)
Add a new version structure to the list.
- Parameters:
version (dict) – A new version structure to add to the list.
- property versions
- class keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.MicroversionDiscovery(href, id, min_version='', max_version='', **kwargs)
A Version element that has microversions.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a microversion endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
- Parameters:
href (string) – The url that this entry should point to.
id (string) – The version id that should be reported.
min_version (string) – The minimum supported microversion. (optional)
max_version (string) – The maximum supported microversion. (optional)
- __annotations__ = {}
- __doc__ = 'A Version element that has microversions.\n\n Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a microversion\n endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating\n their own structures.\n\n :param string href: The url that this entry should point to.\n :param string id: The version id that should be reported.\n :param string min_version: The minimum supported microversion. (optional)\n :param string max_version: The maximum supported microversion. (optional)\n '
- __init__(href, id, min_version='', max_version='', **kwargs)
- __module__ = 'keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery'
- property max_version
- property min_version
- class keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.NovaMicroversionDiscovery(href, id, min_version=None, version=None, **kwargs)
A Version element with nova-style microversions.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a microversion endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
- Parameters:
href – The url that this entry should point to.
id (string) – The version id that should be reported.
min_version (string) – The minimum microversion supported. (optional)
version (string) – The maximum microversion supported. (optional)
- __annotations__ = {}
- __doc__ = 'A Version element with nova-style microversions.\n\n Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a microversion\n endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating\n their own structures.\n\n :param href: The url that this entry should point to.\n :param string id: The version id that should be reported.\n :param string min_version: The minimum microversion supported. (optional)\n :param string version: The maximum microversion supported. (optional)\n '
- __init__(href, id, min_version=None, version=None, **kwargs)
- __module__ = 'keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery'
- property min_version
- property version
- class keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.V2Discovery(href, id=None, html=True, pdf=True, **kwargs)
A Version element for a V2 identity service endpoint.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a v2.0 endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
- Parameters:
- _DESC_URL = ''
- __annotations__ = {}
- __doc__ = "A Version element for a V2 identity service endpoint.\n\n Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a v2.0\n endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating\n their own structures.\n\n :param string href: The url that this entry should point to.\n :param string id: The version id that should be reported. (optional)\n Defaults to 'v2.0'.\n :param bool html: Add HTML describedby links to the structure.\n :param bool pdf: Add PDF describedby links to the structure.\n\n "
- __init__(href, id=None, html=True, pdf=True, **kwargs)
- __module__ = 'keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery'
- add_html_description()
Add the HTML described by links.
The standard structure includes a link to a HTML document with the API specification. Add it to this entry.
- add_pdf_description()
Add the PDF described by links.
The standard structure includes a link to a PDF document with the API specification. Add it to this entry.
- class keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.V3Discovery(href, id=None, json=True, xml=True, **kwargs)
A Version element for a V3 identity service endpoint.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a v3 endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
- Parameters:
- __annotations__ = {}
- __doc__ = "A Version element for a V3 identity service endpoint.\n\n Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a v3\n endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating\n their own structures.\n\n :param href: The url that this entry should point to.\n :param string id: The version id that should be reported. (optional)\n Defaults to 'v3.0'.\n :param bool json: Add JSON media-type elements to the structure.\n :param bool xml: Add XML media-type elements to the structure.\n "
- __init__(href, id=None, json=True, xml=True, **kwargs)
- __module__ = 'keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery'
- add_json_media_type()
Add the JSON media-type links.
The standard structure includes a list of media-types that the endpoint supports. Add JSON to the list.
- add_xml_media_type()
Add the XML media-type links.
The standard structure includes a list of media-types that the endpoint supports. Add XML to the list.
- class keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery.VersionDiscovery(href, id, **kwargs)
A Version element for non-keystone services without microversions.
Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a microversion endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating their own structures.
- Parameters:
href (string) – The url that this entry should point to.
id (string) – The version id that should be reported.
- __annotations__ = {}
- __doc__ = 'A Version element for non-keystone services without microversions.\n\n Provides some default values and helper methods for creating a microversion\n endpoint version structure. Clients should use this instead of creating\n their own structures.\n\n :param string href: The url that this entry should point to.\n :param string id: The version id that should be reported.\n '
- __init__(href, id, **kwargs)
- __module__ = 'keystoneauth1.fixture.discovery'