keystoneauth1.loading.adapter module

class keystoneauth1.loading.adapter.Adapter

Bases: _BaseLoader[Adapter]

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = None
__module__ = 'keystoneauth1.loading.adapter'
__orig_bases__ = (keystoneauth1.loading.base._BaseLoader[keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter],)
__parameters__ = ()
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
static get_conf_options(include_deprecated: bool = True, deprecated_opts: dict[str, list[cfg.DeprecatedOpt]] | None = None) list[cfg.Opt]

Get oslo_config options that are needed for a Adapter.

These may be useful without being registered for config file generation or to manipulate the options before registering them yourself.

The options that are set are:

The default service_type for URL discovery.


The default service_name for URL discovery.


The default interface for URL discovery. (deprecated)


List of acceptable interfaces for URL discovery. Can be a list of any of ‘public’, ‘internal’ or ‘admin’.


The default region_name for URL discovery.


Always use this endpoint URL for requests for this client.


The minimum version restricted to a given Major API. Mutually exclusive with min_version and max_version.


The minimum major version of a given API, intended to be used as the lower bound of a range with max_version. Mutually exclusive with version. If min_version is given with no max_version it is as if max version is ‘latest’.


The maximum major version of a given API, intended to be used as the upper bound of a range with min_version. Mutually exclusive with version.

  • include_deprecated – If True (the default, for backward compatibility), deprecated options are included in the result. If False, they are excluded.

  • deprecated_opts (dict) –

    Deprecated options that should be included in the definition of new options. This should be a dict from the name of the new option to a list of oslo.DeprecatedOpts that correspond to the new option. (optional)

    For example, to support the api_endpoint option pointing to the new endpoint_override option name:

    old_opt = oslo_cfg.DeprecatedOpt('api_endpoint', 'old_group')
    deprecated_opts = {'endpoint_override': [old_opt]}


A list of oslo_config options.

get_options() list[opts.Opt]

Return the list of parameters associated with the auth plugin.

This list may be used to generate CLI or config arguments.


A list of Param objects describing available plugin parameters.

Return type:


load_from_conf_options(conf: cfg.ConfigOpts, group: str, **kwargs: Any) Adapter

Create an Adapter object from an oslo_config object.

The options must have been previously registered with register_conf_options.

  • conf (oslo_config.Cfg) – config object to register with.

  • group (string) – The ini group to register options in.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional parameters to pass to Adapter construction.


A new Adapter object.

Return type:


property plugin_class: Type[Adapter]
register_conf_options(conf: cfg.ConfigOpts, group: str, include_deprecated: bool = True, deprecated_opts: dict[str, list[cfg.DeprecatedOpt]] | None = None) list[cfg.Opt]

Register the oslo_config options that are needed for an Adapter.

The options that are set are:

The default service_type for URL discovery.


The default service_name for URL discovery.


The default interface for URL discovery. (deprecated)


List of acceptable interfaces for URL discovery. Can be a list of any of ‘public’, ‘internal’ or ‘admin’.


The default region_name for URL discovery.


Always use this endpoint URL for requests for this client.


The minimum version restricted to a given Major API. Mutually exclusive with min_version and max_version.


The minimum major version of a given API, intended to be used as the lower bound of a range with max_version. Mutually exclusive with version. If min_version is given with no max_version it is as if max version is ‘latest’.


The maximum major version of a given API, intended to be used as the upper bound of a range with min_version. Mutually exclusive with version.


The maximum number of retries that should be attempted for connection errors.


The maximum number of retries that should be attempted for retriable HTTP status codes.

  • conf (oslo_config.Cfg) – config object to register with.

  • group (string) – The ini group to register options in.

  • include_deprecated – If True (the default, for backward compatibility), deprecated options are registered. If False, they are excluded.

  • deprecated_opts (dict) –

    Deprecated options that should be included in the definition of new options. This should be a dict from the name of the new option to a list of oslo.DeprecatedOpts that correspond to the new option. (optional)

    For example, to support the api_endpoint option pointing to the new endpoint_override option name:

    old_opt = oslo_cfg.DeprecatedOpt('api_endpoint', 'old_group')
    deprecated_opts = {'endpoint_override': [old_opt]}


The list of options that was registered.

keystoneauth1.loading.adapter.get_conf_options(include_deprecated: bool = True, deprecated_opts: dict[str, list[cfg.DeprecatedOpt]] | None = None) list[cfg.Opt]
keystoneauth1.loading.adapter.load_from_conf_options(conf: cfg.ConfigOpts, group: str, **kwargs: Any) Adapter
keystoneauth1.loading.adapter.process_conf_options(confgrp: cfg.OptGroup, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) None

Set Adapter constructor kwargs based on conf options.

  • confgrp (oslo_config.cfg.OptGroup) – Config object group containing options to inspect.

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments suitable for the constructor of keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter. Will be modified by this method. Values already set remain unaffected.


TypeError – If invalid conf option values or combinations are found.

keystoneauth1.loading.adapter.register_argparse_arguments(parser: ArgumentParser, service_type: str | None = None) None
keystoneauth1.loading.adapter.register_conf_options(conf: cfg.ConfigOpts, group: str, include_deprecated: bool = True, deprecated_opts: dict[str, list[cfg.DeprecatedOpt]] | None = None) list[cfg.Opt]
keystoneauth1.loading.adapter.register_service_argparse_arguments(parser: ArgumentParser, service_type: str) None