keystoneauth1.plugin module

class keystoneauth1.plugin.BaseAuthPlugin

Bases: object

The basic structure of an authentication plugin.


See Authentication Plugins for a description of plugins provided by this library.

get_api_major_version(session, endpoint_override=None, **kwargs)

Get the major API version from the endpoint.

  • session (keystoneauth1.session.Session) – A session object that can be used for communication.

  • endpoint_override (str) – URL to use for version discovery.

  • kwargs – Ignored.


keystoneauth1.exceptions.http.HttpError – An error from an invalid HTTP response.


Valid EndpointData or None if not available.

Return type or None

get_auth_ref(session, **kwargs)

Return the authentication reference of an auth plugin.

There are no required kwargs. They are passed directly to the auth plugin and they are implementation specific.


session (keystoneauth1.session.session) – A session object to be used for communication


Retrieve the current authentication state for the plugin.

Retrieve any internal state that represents the authenticated plugin.

This should not fetch any new data if it is not present.


NotImplementedError – if the plugin does not support this feature.


raw python data (which can be JSON serialized) that can be moved into another plugin (of the same type) to have the same authenticated state.

Return type

object or None if unauthenticated.


Fetch an identifier that uniquely identifies the auth options.

The returned identifier need not be decomposable or otherwise provide anyway to recreate the plugin. It should not contain sensitive data in plaintext.

This string MUST change if any of the parameters that are used to uniquely identity this plugin change.

If get_cache_id returns a str value suggesting that caching is supported then get_auth_cache and set_auth_cache must also be implemented.


A unique string for the set of options

Return type

str or None if this is unsupported or unavailable.

get_connection_params(session, **kwargs)

Return any additional connection parameters required for the plugin.


session (keystoneauth1.session.Session) – The session object that the auth_plugin belongs to.


Headers that are set to authenticate a message or None for failure. Note that when checking this value that the empty dict is a valid, non-failure response.

Return type


get_endpoint(session, **kwargs)

Return an endpoint for the client.

There are no required keyword arguments to get_endpoint as a plugin implementation should use best effort with the information available to determine the endpoint. However there are certain standard options that will be generated by the clients and should be used by plugins:

  • service_type: what sort of service is required.

  • service_name: the name of the service in the catalog.

  • interface: what visibility the endpoint should have.

  • region_name: the region the endpoint exists in.


session (keystoneauth1.session.Session) – The session object that the auth_plugin belongs to.


The base URL that will be used to talk to the required service or None if not available.

Return type


get_endpoint_data(session, endpoint_override=None, discover_versions=True, **kwargs)

Return a valid endpoint data for a the service.

  • session (keystoneauth1.session.Session) – A session object that can be used for communication.

  • endpoint_override (str) – URL to use for version discovery.

  • discover_versions (bool) – Whether to get version metadata from the version discovery document even if it major api version info can be inferred from the url. (optional, defaults to True)

  • kwargs – Ignored.


keystoneauth1.exceptions.http.HttpError – An error from an invalid HTTP response.


Valid EndpointData or None if not available.

Return type or None

get_headers(session, **kwargs)

Fetch authentication headers for message.

This is a more generalized replacement of the older get_token to allow plugins to specify different or additional authentication headers to the OpenStack standard ‘X-Auth-Token’ header.

How the authentication headers are obtained is up to the plugin. If the headers are still valid they may be re-used, retrieved from cache or the plugin may invoke an authentication request against a server.

The default implementation of get_headers calls the get_token method to enable older style plugins to continue functioning unchanged. Subclasses should feel free to completely override this function to provide the headers that they want.

There are no required kwargs. They are passed directly to the auth plugin and they are implementation specific.

Returning None will indicate that no token was able to be retrieved and that authorization was a failure. Adding no authentication data can be achieved by returning an empty dictionary.


session (keystoneauth1.session.Session) – The session object that the auth_plugin belongs to.


Headers that are set to authenticate a message or None for failure. Note that when checking this value that the empty dict is a valid, non-failure response.

Return type


get_project_id(session, **kwargs)

Return the project id that we are authenticated to.

Wherever possible the project id should be inferred from the token however there are certain URLs and other places that require access to the currently authenticated project id.


session (keystoneauth1.session.Session) – A session object so the plugin can make HTTP calls.


A project identifier or None if one is not available.

Return type


get_sp_auth_url(session, sp_id, **kwargs)

Return auth_url from the Service Provider object.

This url is used for obtaining unscoped federated token from remote cloud.


sp_id (string) – ID of the Service Provider to be queried.


A Service Provider auth_url or None if one is not available.

Return type


get_sp_url(session, sp_id, **kwargs)

Return sp_url from the Service Provider object.

This url is used for passing SAML2 assertion to the remote cloud.


sp_id (str) – ID of the Service Provider to be queried.


A Service Provider sp_url or None if one is not available.

Return type


get_token(session, **kwargs)

Obtain a token.

How the token is obtained is up to the plugin. If it is still valid it may be re-used, retrieved from cache or invoke an authentication request against a server.

There are no required kwargs. They are passed directly to the auth plugin and they are implementation specific.

Returning None will indicate that no token was able to be retrieved.

This function is misplaced as it should only be required for auth plugins that use the ‘X-Auth-Token’ header. However due to the way plugins evolved this method is required and often called to trigger an authentication request on a new plugin.

When implementing a new plugin it is advised that you implement this method, however if you don’t require the ‘X-Auth-Token’ header override the get_headers method instead.


session (keystoneauth1.session.Session) – A session object so the plugin can make HTTP calls.


A token to use.

Return type


get_user_id(session, **kwargs)

Return a unique user identifier of the plugin.

Wherever possible the user id should be inferred from the token however there are certain URLs and other places that require access to the currently authenticated user id.


session (keystoneauth1.session.Session) – A session object so the plugin can make HTTP calls.


A user identifier or None if one is not available.

Return type



Invalidate the current authentication data.

This should result in fetching a new token on next call.

A plugin may be invalidated if an Unauthorized HTTP response is returned to indicate that the token may have been revoked or is otherwise now invalid.


True if there was something that the plugin did to invalidate. This means that it makes sense to try again. If nothing happens returns False to indicate give up.

Return type



Install existing authentication state for a plugin.

Take the output of get_auth_state and install that authentication state into the current authentication plugin.


NotImplementedError – if the plugin does not support this feature.

class keystoneauth1.plugin.FixedEndpointPlugin(endpoint=None)

Bases: keystoneauth1.plugin.BaseAuthPlugin

A base class for plugins that have one fixed endpoint.

get_endpoint(session, **kwargs)

Return the supplied endpoint.

Using this plugin the same endpoint is returned regardless of the parameters passed to the plugin. endpoint_override overrides the endpoint specified when constructing the plugin.

get_endpoint_data(session, endpoint_override=None, discover_versions=True, **kwargs)

Return a valid endpoint data for a the service.

  • session (keystoneauth1.session.Session) – A session object that can be used for communication.

  • endpoint_override (str) – URL to use for version discovery.

  • discover_versions (bool) – Whether to get version metadata from the version discovery document even if it major api version info can be inferred from the url. (optional, defaults to True)

  • kwargs – Ignored.


keystoneauth1.exceptions.http.HttpError – An error from an invalid HTTP response.


Valid EndpointData or None if not available.

Return type or None