Opendaylight - SDN controller

Preparation and deployment

Modify the /etc/kolla/globals.yml file as the following example shows:

enable_opendaylight: "yes"
neutron_plugin_agent: "opendaylight"

Networking-ODL is an additional Neutron plugin that allows the OpenDaylight SDN Controller to utilize its networking virtualization features. For OpenDaylight to work, the Networking-ODL plugin has to be installed in the neutron-server container. In this case, one could use the neutron-server-opendaylight container and the opendaylight container by pulling from Kolla dockerhub or by building them locally.

OpenDaylight globals.yml configurable options with their defaults include:

opendaylight_mechanism_driver: "opendaylight_v2"
opendaylight_l3_service_plugin: "odl-router_v2"
opendaylight_acl_impl: "learn"
enable_opendaylight_qos: "no"
enable_opendaylight_l3: "yes"
enable_opendaylight_legacy_netvirt_conntrack: "no"
opendaylight_port_binding_type: "pseudo-agentdb-binding"
opendaylight_features: "odl-mdsal-apidocs,odl-netvirt-openstack"
opendaylight_allowed_network_types: '"flat", "vlan", "vxlan"'

Clustered OpenDaylight Deploy

High availability clustered OpenDaylight requires modifying the inventory file and placing three or more hosts in the OpenDaylight or Networking groups.


The OpenDaylight role will allow deploy of one or three plus hosts for OpenDaylight/Networking role.


Verify the build and deploy operation of Networking-ODL containers. Successful deployment will bring up an Opendaylight container in the list of running containers on network/opendaylight node.

For the source code, please refer to the following link: