Enable network per namespace functionality (handler + driver)

To enable the subnet driver that creates a new network for each new namespace the next steps are needed:

  1. Enable the namespace handler to reach to namespace events, in this case, creation and deletion. To do that you need to add it to the list of the enabled handlers at kuryr.conf (details on how to edit this for containerized deployment can be found at Containerized installation):


    Note that if you also want to enable prepopulation of ports pools upon creation of first pod on pods network in a namespace, you need to also add the kuryrnetwork_population handler (more details on How to enable ports pool support):

  2. Enable the namespace subnet driver by modifying the default pod_subnet_driver option at kuryr.conf:

    pod_subnets_driver = namespace
  3. Select (and create if needed) the subnet pool from where the new subnets will get their CIDR (e.g., the default on devstack deployment is shared-default-subnetpool-v4):

    pod_subnet_pool = SUBNET_POOL_ID
  4. Select (and create if needed) the router where the new subnet will be connected (e.g., the default on devstack deployments is router1):

    pod_router = ROUTER_ID

    Note that if a new router is created, it must ensure the connectivity requirements between pod, service and public subnets, as in the case for the default subnet driver.

Note you need to restart the kuryr controller after applying the above detailed steps. For devstack non-containerized deployments:

$ sudo systemctl restart devstack@kuryr-kubernetes.service

And for containerized deployments:

$ kubectl -n kube-system get pod | grep kuryr-controller
$ kubectl -n kube-system delete pod KURYR_CONTROLLER_POD_NAME

For directly enabling the driver when deploying with devstack, you just need to add the namespace handler and state the namespace subnet driver with:



If the loadbalancer maintains the source IP (such as ovn-octavia driver), there is no need to enforce sg rules at the load balancer level. To disable the enforcement, you need to set the following variable: KURYR_ENFORCE_SG_RULES=False

Testing the network per namespace functionality

  1. Create two namespaces:

    $ kubectl create namespace test1
    $ kubectl create namespace test2
  2. Check resources has been created:

    $ kubectl get namespaces
    NAME        STATUS        AGE
    test1       Active        14s
    test2       Active        5s
    ...         ...           ...
    $ kubectl get kuryrnetworks -A
    NAME      AGE
    ns-test1  1m
    ns-test2  1m
    $ openstack network list | grep test1
    | 7c7b68c5-d3c4-431c-9f69-fbc777b43ee5 | ns/test1-net        | 8640d134-5ea2-437d-9e2a-89236f6c0198                                       |
    $ openstack subnet list | grep test1
    | 8640d134-5ea2-437d-9e2a-89236f6c0198 | ns/test1-subnet         | 7c7b68c5-d3c4-431c-9f69-fbc777b43ee5 |       |
  3. Create a pod in the created namespaces:

    $ kubectl create deployment -n test1 --image quay.io/kuryr/demo demo
    deployment "demo" created
    $ kubectl create deployment -n test2 --image quay.io/kuryr/demo demo
    deployment "demo" created
    $ kubectl -n test1 get pod -o wide
    NAME                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP           NODE
    demo-5995548848-lmmjc   1/1       Running   0          7s   node1
    $ kubectl -n test2 get pod -o wide
    NAME                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP           NODE
    demo-5135352253-dfghd   1/1       Running   0          7s   node1
  4. Create a service:

    $ kubectl expose -n test1 deploy/demo --port 80 --target-port 8080
    service "demo" exposed
    $ kubectl -n test1 get svc
    demo      ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    18s
  5. Test service connectivity from both namespaces:

    $ kubectl exec -n test1 -it demo-5995548848-lmmjc /bin/sh
    test-1-pod$ curl
    demo-5995548848-lmmjc: HELLO! I AM ALIVE!!!
  6. And finally, to remove the namespace and all its resources, including openstack networks, kuryrnetwork CRD, svc, pods, you just need to do:

    $ kubectl delete namespace test1
    $ kubectl delete namespace test2