Kuryr installation as a Kubernetes network addon

Building images

First you should build kuryr-controller and kuryr-cni docker images and place them on cluster-wide accessible registry.

For creating controller image on local machine:

$ docker build -t kuryr/controller -f controller.Dockerfile .

For creating cni daemonset image on local machine:

$ docker build -t kuryr/cni -f cni.Dockerfile .

If you want to run kuryr CNI without the daemon, build the image with:

$ docker build -t kuryr/cni -f cni.Dockerfile --build-arg CNI_DAEMON=False .

Alternatively, you can remove imagePullPolicy: Never from kuryr-controller Deployment and kuryr-cni DaemonSet definitions to use pre-built controller and cni images from the Docker Hub. Those definitions will be generated in next step.

Generating Kuryr resource definitions for Kubernetes

kuryr-kubernetes includes a tool that lets you generate resource definitions that can be used to Deploy Kuryr on Kubernetes. The script is placed in tools/generate_k8s_resource_definitions.sh and takes up to 3 arguments:

$ ./tools/generate_k8s_resource_definitions.sh <output_dir> [<controller_conf_path>] [<cni_conf_path>] [<ca_certificate_path>]
  • output_dir - directory where to put yaml files with definitions.

  • controller_conf_path - path to custom kuryr-controller configuration file.

  • cni_conf_path - path to custom kuryr-cni configuration file (defaults to controller_conf_path).

  • ca_certificate_path - path to custom CA certificate for OpenStack API. It will be added into Kubernetes as a Secret and mounted into kuryr-controller container. Defaults to no certificate.


Providing no or incorrect ca_certificate_path will still create the file with Secret definition with empty CA certificate file. This file will still be mounted in kuryr-controller Deployment definition.

If no path to config files is provided, script automatically generates minimal configuration. However some of the options should be filled by the user. You can do that either by editing the file after the ConfigMap definition is generated or provide your options as environment variables before running the script. Below is the list of available variables:

  • $KURYR_K8S_API_ROOT - [kubernetes]api_root (default:

  • $KURYR_K8S_AUTH_URL - [neutron]auth_url (default:

  • $KURYR_K8S_USERNAME - [neutron]username (default: admin)

  • $KURYR_K8S_PASSWORD - [neutron]password (default: password)

  • $KURYR_K8S_USER_DOMAIN_NAME - [neutron]user_domain_name (default: Default)

  • $KURYR_K8S_KURYR_PROJECT_ID - [neutron]kuryr_project_id

  • $KURYR_K8S_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME - [neutron]project_domain_name (default: Default)

  • $KURYR_K8S_PROJECT_ID - [neutron]k8s_project_id

  • $KURYR_K8S_POD_SUBNET_ID - [neutron_defaults]pod_subnet_id

  • $KURYR_K8S_POD_SG - [neutron_defaults]pod_sg

  • $KURYR_K8S_SERVICE_SUBNET_ID - [neutron_defaults]service_subnet_id

  • $KURYR_K8S_WORKER_NODES_SUBNETS - [pod_vif_nested]worker_nodes_subnets

  • $KURYR_K8S_BINDING_DRIVER - [binding]driver (default: kuryr.lib.binding.drivers.vlan)

  • $KURYR_K8S_BINDING_IFACE - [binding]link_iface (default: eth0)


kuryr-daemon will be started in the CNI container. It is using os-vif and oslo.privsep to do pod wiring tasks. By default it’ll call sudo to raise privileges, even though container is priviledged by itself or sudo is missing from container OS (e.g. default CentOS 7). To prevent that make sure to set following options in kuryr.conf used for kuryr-daemon:


Those options will prevent oslo.privsep from doing that. If rely on aformentioned script to generate config files, those options will be added automatically.

In case of using ports pool functionality, we may want to make the kuryr-controller not ready until the pools are populated with the existing ports. To achieve this a readiness probe must be added to the kuryr-controller deployment. To add the readiness probe, in addition to the above environment variables or the kuryr-controller configuration file, and extra environmental variable must be set:

  • $KURYR_USE_PORTS_POOLS - True (default: False)

Example run:

$ KURYR_K8S_API_ROOT="" ./tools/generate_k8s_resource_definitions.sh /tmp

This should generate 6 files in your <output_dir>:

  • config_map.yml

  • certificates_secret.yml

  • controller_service_account.yml

  • cni_service_account.yml

  • controller_deployment.yml

  • cni_ds.yml


kuryr-cni daemonset mounts /var/run, due to necessity of accessing to several sub directories like openvswitch and auxiliary directory for vhostuser configuration and socket files. Also when neutron-openvswitch-agent works with datapath_type = netdev configuration option, kuryr-kubernetes has to move vhostuser socket to auxiliary directory, that auxiliary directory should be on the same mount point, otherwise connection of this socket will be refused. In case when Open vSwitch keeps vhostuser socket files not in /var/run/openvswitch, openvswitch mount point in cni_ds.yaml and [vhostuser] section in config_map.yml should be changed properly.

Deploying Kuryr resources on Kubernetes

To deploy the files on your Kubernetes cluster run:

$ kubectl apply -f config_map.yml -n kube-system
$ kubectl apply -f certificates_secret.yml -n kube-system
$ kubectl apply -f controller_service_account.yml -n kube-system
$ kubectl apply -f cni_service_account.yml -n kube-system
$ kubectl apply -f controller_deployment.yml -n kube-system
$ kubectl apply -f cni_ds.yml -n kube-system

After successful completion:

  • kuryr-controller Deployment object, with single replica count, will get created in kube-system namespace.

  • kuryr-cni gets installed as a daemonset object on all the nodes in kube-system namespace

To see kuryr-controller logs:

$ kubectl logs <pod-name>

NOTE: kuryr-cni has no logs and to debug failures you need to check out kubelet logs.