Source code for magnum_ui.api.magnum

#  Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging

from django.conf import settings
from magnumclient.v1 import client as magnum_client

from horizon import exceptions
from horizon.utils.memoized import memoized
from openstack_dashboard.api import base

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CLUSTER_TEMPLATE_CREATE_ATTRS = ['name', 'image_id', 'flavor_id',
                                 'master_flavor_id', 'keypair_id',
                                 'external_network_id', 'fixed_network',
                                 'dns_nameserver', 'docker_volume_size',
                                 'labels', 'coe', 'http_proxy', 'https_proxy',
                                 'no_proxy', 'network_driver', 'volume_driver',
                                 'public', 'registry_enabled', 'tls_disabled',
                                 'docker_storage_driver', 'fixed_subnet',
                                 'floating_ip_enabled', 'master_lb_enabled',

CLUSTER_CREATE_ATTRS = ['name', 'cluster_template_id', 'node_count',
                        'discovery_url', 'create_timeout',
                        'master_count', 'keypair']

CERTIFICATE_CREATE_ATTRS = ['cluster_uuid', 'csr']

def _cleanup_params(attrs, check, **params):
    args = {}
    for (key, value) in params.items():
        if key in attrs:
            if value is None:
                value = ''
            args[str(key)] = str(value)
        elif check:
            raise exceptions.BadRequest(
                "Key must be in %s" % ",".join(attrs))
        if key == "labels":
            if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode):
                labels = {}
                vals = value.split(",")
                for v in vals:
                    kv = v.split("=", 1)
                    labels[kv[0]] = kv[1]
                args["labels"] = labels
                args["labels"] = value
    return args

def _create_patches(old, new):
    """"Create patches for updating cluster template and cluster

    Returns patches include operations for each parameters to update values
    # old = {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B', 'c': 'C', 'd': 'D', 'e': 'E'}
    # new = {'a': 'A', 'c': 'c', 'd': None, 'e': '', 'f': 'F'}
    # patch = [
    #     {'op': 'add', 'path': '/f', 'value': 'F'}
    #     {'op': 'remove', 'path': '/e'},
    #     {'op': 'remove', 'path': '/d'},
    #     {'op': 'replace', 'path': '/c', 'value': 'c'}
    # ]

    patch = []

    for key in new:
        path = '/' + key
        if key in old and old[key] != new[key]:
            if new[key] is None or new[key] is '':
                patch.append({'op': 'remove', 'path': path})
                patch.append({'op': 'replace', 'path': path,
                              'value': new[key]})
        elif key not in old:
            patch.append({'op': 'add', 'path': path, 'value': new[key]})

    return patch

[docs]def magnumclient(request): magnum_url = "" try: magnum_url = base.url_for(request, 'container-infra') except exceptions.ServiceCatalogException: LOG.debug('No Container Infrastructure Management service is ' 'configured.') return None LOG.debug('magnumclient connection created using the token "%s" and url' '"%s"' % (, magnum_url)) insecure = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY', False) cacert = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_CACERT', None) c = magnum_client.Client(username=request.user.username, project_id=request.user.tenant_id,, magnum_url=magnum_url, insecure=insecure, cacert=cacert) return c
[docs]def cluster_template_create(request, **kwargs): args = _cleanup_params(CLUSTER_TEMPLATE_CREATE_ATTRS, True, **kwargs) return magnumclient(request).cluster_templates.create(**args)
[docs]def cluster_template_update(request, id, **kwargs): new = _cleanup_params(CLUSTER_TEMPLATE_CREATE_ATTRS, True, **kwargs) old = magnumclient(request).cluster_templates.get(id).to_dict() old = _cleanup_params(CLUSTER_TEMPLATE_CREATE_ATTRS, False, **old) patch = _create_patches(old, new) return magnumclient(request).cluster_templates.update(id, patch)
[docs]def cluster_template_delete(request, id): return magnumclient(request).cluster_templates.delete(id)
[docs]def cluster_template_list(request, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, detail=True): return magnumclient(request).cluster_templates.list( limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, detail)
[docs]def cluster_template_show(request, id): return magnumclient(request).cluster_templates.get(id)
[docs]def cluster_create(request, **kwargs): args = _cleanup_params(CLUSTER_CREATE_ATTRS, True, **kwargs) return magnumclient(request).clusters.create(**args)
[docs]def cluster_update(request, id, **kwargs): new = _cleanup_params(CLUSTER_CREATE_ATTRS, True, **kwargs) old = magnumclient(request).clusters.get(id).to_dict() old = _cleanup_params(CLUSTER_CREATE_ATTRS, False, **old) patch = _create_patches(old, new) return magnumclient(request).clusters.update(id, patch)
[docs]def cluster_delete(request, id): return magnumclient(request).clusters.delete(id)
[docs]def cluster_list(request, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, detail=True): return magnumclient(request).clusters.list(limit, marker, sort_key, sort_dir, detail)
[docs]def cluster_show(request, id): return magnumclient(request).clusters.get(id)
[docs]def certificate_create(request, **kwargs): args = {} for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): if key in CERTIFICATE_CREATE_ATTRS: args[key] = value else: raise exceptions.BadRequest( "Key must be in %s" % ",".join(CERTIFICATE_CREATE_ATTRS)) return magnumclient(request).certificates.create(**args)
[docs]def certificate_show(request, id): return magnumclient(request).certificates.get(id)