Manage shares services

The Shared File Systems service provides API that allows to manage running share services (Share services API). Using the manila service-list command, it is possible to get a list of all kinds of running services. To select only share services, you can pick items that have field binary equal to manila-share. Also, you can enable or disable share services using raw API requests. Disabling means that share services are excluded from the scheduler cycle and new shares will not be placed on the disabled back end. However, shares from this service stay available. With 2024.2 release, admin can schedule share on disabled back end using only_host scheduler hint.

Recalculating the shares’ export location

Until the 2024.2 release, recalculating a share’s export location required restarting the corresponding manila-share manager service. This action triggered the backend driver’s “ensure shares” operation, which would execute a series of steps to update the export locations.

Starting with the 2024.2 release, as an administrator, you can initiate export location recalculation without restarting the manila-share service. This can now be done directly through the “ensure shares” API.

It is possible to start the ensure shares procedure even if a service is already running it.

To start ensure shares on a given manila-share binary, run the openstack share service ensure shares command:

$ openstack share service ensure shares <host>


When this command is issued, the manila-share manager will by default change the status of the shares to ensuring, unless the common configuration option named update_shares_status_on_ensure is changed to False.


The service will have its ensuring field set to True while this operation is still in progress.