The standard pattern for executing a manila-manage command is:
manila-manage <category> <command> [<args>]
For example, to obtain a list of all hosts:
manila-manage host list
Run without arguments to see a list of available command categories:
Categories are shell, logs, service, db, host, version and config. Detailed descriptions are below.
These sections describe the available categories and arguments for manila-manage.
Manila Db
manila-manage db version
Print the current database version.
manila-manage db sync
Sync the database up to the most recent version. This is the standard way to create the db as well.
manila-manage db downgrade <version>
Downgrade database to given version.
manila-manage db stamp <version>
Stamp database with given version.
manila-manage db revision <message> <autogenerate>
Generate new migration.
manila-manage db purge <age_in_days>
Purge deleted rows older than a given age from manila database tables.
If age_in_days is not given or is specified as 0 all available rows will
be deleted.
Manila Logs
manila-manage logs errors
Displays manila errors from log files.
manila-manage logs syslog <number>
Displays manila alerts from syslog.
Manila Shell
manila-manage shell bpython
Starts a new bpython shell.
manila-manage shell ipython
Starts a new ipython shell.
manila-manage shell python
Starts a new python shell.
manila-manage shell run
Starts a new shell using python.
manila-manage shell script <path/scriptname>
Runs the named script from the specified path with flags set.
Manila Host
manila-manage host list
Returns list of running manila hosts.
Manila Config
manila-manage config list
Returns list of currently set config options and its values.
Manila Service
manila-manage service list
Returns list of manila services.
Manila Version
manila-manage version list
Returns list of versions.