Group Capabilities and group-specs

Group Capabilities and group-specs

Manila Administrators create share group types with share types and group-specs to allow users to request a group type of share group to create. The Administrator chooses a name for the share group type and decides how to communicate the significance of the different share group types in terms that the users should understand or need to know. By design, most of the details of a share group type (the extra- specs) are not exposed to users – only Administrators.

Share group Types

Refer to the manila client command-line help for information on how to create a share group type and set “share types”, “group-spec” key/value pairs for a share group type.


The group specs contains the group capabilities, similar to snapshot_support in share types. Users know what a group can do from group specs.

The group specs is an exact match requirement in share group filter (such as ConsistentSnapshotFilter). When the ConsistentSnapshotFilter is enabled (it is enabled by default), the scheduler will only create a share group on a backend that reports capabilities that match the share group type’s group-spec keys.

Common Group Capabilities

For group capabilities that apply to multiple backends a common capability can be created. Like all other backend reported group capabilities, these group capabilities can be used verbatim as group_specs in share group types used to create share groups.

  • consistent_snapshot_support - indicates that a backend can enable you to create snapshots at the exact same point in time from multiple shares. The default value of the consistent_snapshot_support capability (if a driver doesn’t report it) is None. Administrators can make a share group type use consistent snapshot support by setting this group-spec to ‘host’.

Reporting Group Capabilities

Drivers report group capabilities as part of the updated stats (e.g. capacity) and filled in ‘share_group_stats’ node for their back end. This is how a backend advertizes its ability to provide a share that matches the group capabilities requested in the share group type group-specs.

Developer impact

Developers should update their drivers to include all backend and pool capacities and capabilities in the share stats it reports to scheduler. Below is an example having multiple pools. “my” is used as an example vendor prefix:

    'driver_handles_share_servers': 'False',          #\
    'share_backend_name': 'My Backend',               # backend level
    'vendor_name': 'MY',                              # mandatory/fixed
    'driver_version': '1.0',                          # stats & capabilities
    'storage_protocol': 'NFS_CIFS',                   #/
    'my_capability_1': 'custom_val',                  # "my" optional vendor
    'my_capability_2': True,                          # stats & capabilities
    'share_group_stats': {
            'my_group_capability_1': 'custom_val',    # "my" optional vendor
            'my_group_capability_2': True,            # stats & group capabilities
            'consistent_snapshot_support': 'host',    #\
                                                      # common group capabilities

Work Flow

  1. Share Backends report how many pools and what those pools look like and are capable of to group scheduler;
  2. When request comes in, scheduler picks a backend that fits the need best to serve the request, it passes the request to the backend where the target pool resides;
  3. Share driver gets the message and lets the target pool serve the request as group scheduler instructed. Share group type group-specs (scoped and un-scoped) are available for the driver implementation to use as-needed.
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