You can store data across multiple machines by setting up MongoDB sharded clusters.
Each cluster includes:
This example shows you how to set up a MongoDB sharded cluster.
Before you begin. Make sure that:
Create a cluster
Create a cluster by using the trove cluster-create command. This command creates a one-shard cluster. Pass in:
$ trove cluster-create cluster1 mongodb "2.4" \
--instance flavor_id=7,volume=2 --instance flavor_id=7,volume=2 \
--instance flavor_id=7,volume=2
| Property | Value |
| created | 2014-08-16T01:46:51 |
| datastore | mongodb |
| datastore_version | 2.4 |
| id | aa6ef0f5-dbef-48cd-8952-573ad881e717 |
| name | cluster1 |
| task_description | Building the initial cluster. |
| task_name | BUILDING |
| updated | 2014-08-16T01:46:51 |
Display cluster information
Display information about a cluster by using the trove cluster-show command. Pass in the ID of the cluster.
The cluster ID displays when you first create a cluster. (If you need to find it later on, use the trove cluster-list command to list the names and IDs of all the clusters in your system.)
$ trove cluster-show CLUSTER_ID
| Property | Value |
| created | 2014-08-16T01:46:51 |
| datastore | mongodb |
| datastore_version | 2.4 |
| id | aa6ef0f5-dbef-48cd-8952-573ad881e717 |
| ip | |
| name | cluster1 |
| task_description | No tasks for the cluster. |
| task_name | NONE |
| updated | 2014-08-16T01:59:33 |
Your application connects to this IP address. The trove cluster-show command displays the IP address of the query router. This is the IP address your application uses to retrieve data from the database.
List cluster instances
List the instances in a cluster by using the trove cluster-instances command.
$ trove cluster-instances CLUSTER_ID
| ID | Name | Flavor ID | Size |
| 45532fc4-661c-4030-8ca4-18f02aa2b337 | cluster1-rs1-1 | 7 | 2 |
| 7458a98d-6f89-4dfd-bb61-5cf1dd65c121 | cluster1-rs1-2 | 7 | 2 |
| b37634fb-e33c-4846-8fe8-cf2b2c95e731 | cluster1-rs1-3 | 7 | 2 |
Naming conventions for replication sets and instances. Note that the Name column displays an instance name that includes the replication set name. The replication set names and instance names are automatically generated, following these rules:
List clusters
List all the clusters in your system, using the trove cluster-list command.
$ trove cluster-list
| ID | Name | Datastore | Datastore Version | Task Name |
| aa6ef0f5-dbef-48cd-8952-573ad881e717 | cluster1 | mongodb | 2.4 | NONE |
| b8829c2a-b03a-49d3-a5b1-21ec974223ee | cluster2 | mongodb | 2.4 | BUILDING |
Delete a cluster
Delete a cluster, using the trove cluster-delete command.
$ trove cluster-delete CLUSTER_ID
Each cluster includes at least one query router and one config server. Query routers and config servers count against your quota. When you delete a cluster, the system deletes the associated query router(s) and config server(s).
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