
The OpenStack monitoring plugins within monitorstack require basic configuration that provides URLs for endpoints and credentials for those endpoints. The following example provides configuration details for various OpenStack services:

# Store the authentication credentials needed to query a given OpenStack Service.
#  All sections are overrides for the defaults. If you only need to connect to a
#  single cloud simply store the credentials needd in the DEFAULT section and
#  override whatever is needed within the local sections.

# Allow insecure TLS (https) requests.
#   If your SSL certificate is not valid set this option to true,
#   else omit it or set it false.
insecure = false

auth_url =

username = admin
password = Secrete

# NOTE(Cloudnull):
#   If the system already has a clouds.yaml configuration file in place, monitorstack
#   can use this config by default. Create the "cloud" section and set the cloud option.
#   When using this section, no other OpenStack options are needed.
# [cloud]
# cloud = default

# NOTE(cloudnull):
#  When using keystone V3 you will need the .*domain_name configuration options.
user_domain_name = default
project_domain_name = default

# NOTE(cloudnull):
#  If you're using keystone V2 you will need the tenant_name and project_name options.
tenant_name = admin
project_name = admin

# NEVER Mix and match the options tenant name and domain_name options withiin the same section.
#  You are be required to run either V2 or V3 as it pertains to this config.
#  If you provide both tenant_name and .*domain_name options at the same time
#  the plugins will fail API version negotiation.





auth_url =
project_name = ironic
user_domain_name = users
project_domain_name = projects
password = SuperSecrete

# List of hosts. Note, items in this list are strings with the hostname or IP only.
hosts = ['localhost']
# Optional settings when using authenticated environments.
# http_auth = ('user', 'secret')

# Optional settings when using SSL.
# scheme="https"
# port=443