MuranoPL Core Library

MuranoPL Core Library

Some objects and actions can be used in several application deployments. All common parts are grouped into MuranoPL libraries. Murano core library is a set of classes needed in each deployment. Class names from core library can be used in the application definitions. This library is located under the meta directory.

Classes included in the Murano core library are as follows:




Class: Object

A parent class for all MuranoPL classes. It implements the initialize, setAttr, and getAttr methods defined in the pythonic part of the Object class. All MuranoPL classes are implicitly inherited from this class.

See also

Source Object.yaml file.

Class: Application

Defines an application itself. All custom applications must be derived from this class.

See also

Source Application.yaml file.

Class: SecurityGroupManager

Manages security groups during an application deployment.

See also

Source SecurityGroupManager.yaml file.

Class: CloudRegion

Defines a CloudRegion and groups region-local properties

CloudRegion class properties
Property Description Default usage
name A region name. In
agentListener A property containing the io.murano.system.AgentListener object that can be used to interact with Murano Agent. Runtime
stack A property containing a HeatStack object that can be used to interact with Heat. Runtime
defaultNetworks A property containing user-defined Networks (io.murano.resources.Network) that can be used as default networks for the instances in this environment. In
securityGroupManager A property containing the SecurityGroupManager object that can be used to construct a security group associated with this environment. Runtime

See also

Source CloudRegion.yaml file.

Class: Environment

Defines an environment in terms of the deployment process and groups all Applications and their related infrastructures. It also able to deploy them at once.

Environments is intent to group applications to manage them easily.

Environment class properties
Property Description Default usage
name An environment name. In
applications A list of applications belonging to an environment. In
agentListener A property containing the io.murano.system.AgentListener object that can be used to interact with Murano Agent. Runtime
stack A property containing a HeatStack object in default region that can be used to interact with Heat. Runtime
instanceNotifier A property containing the io.murano.system.InstanceNotifier object that can be used to keep track of the amount of deployed instances. Runtime
defaultNetworks A property containing templates for user-defined Networks in regions (io.murano.resources.Network). In
securityGroupManager A property containing the SecurityGroupManager object from default region that can be used to construct a security group associated with this environment. Runtime
homeRegionName A property containing the name of home region from murano config Runtime
regions A property containing the map regionName -> CloudRegion instance. InOut
regionConfigs A property containing the map regionName -> CloudRegion config Config

See also

Source Environment.yaml file.

Class: Instance

Defines virtual machine parameters and manages an instance lifecycle: spawning, deploying, joining to the network, applying security group, and deleting.

Instance class properties
Property Description Default usage
regionName Inherited from CloudResource. Describe region for instance deployment In
name An instance name. In
flavor An instance flavor defining virtual machine hardware parameters. In
image An instance image defining operation system. In
keyname Optional. A key pair name used to connect easily to the instance. In
agent Configures interaction with the Murano agent using io.murano.system.Agent. Runtime
ipAddresses A list of all IP addresses assigned to an instance. Floating ip address is placed in the list tail if present. Out
networks Specifies the networks that an instance will be joined to. Custom networks that extend Network class can be specified. An instance will be connected to them and for the default environment network or flat network if corresponding values are set to True. Without additional configuration, instance will be joined to the default network that is set in the current environment. In
volumes Specifies the mapping of a mounting path to volume implementations that must be attached to the instance. Custom volumes that extend Volume class can be specified. In
blockDevices Specifies the list of block device mappings that an instance will use to boot from. Each mapping defines a volume that must be an instance of Volume class, device name, device type, and boot order. Either the blockDevices property or image property must be specified in order to boot an instance In
assignFloatingIp Determines if floating IP is required. Default is False. In
floatingIpAddress IP addresses assigned to an instance after an application deployment. Out
securityGroupName Optional. A security group that an instance will be joined to. In

See also

Source Instance.yaml file.


Instance class uses the following resources:


Python Murano Agent template.


This agent is supposed to be unified. Currently, only Linux-based machines are supported. Windows support will be added later.
Python Murano Agent initialization script that sets up an agent with valid information containing an updated agent template.
Windows Murano Agent template.
Windows Murano Agent initialization script.

Class: Network

The basic abstract class for all MuranoPL classes representing networks.

See also

Source Network.yaml file.

Class: Logger

Logging API is the part of core library since Liberty release. It was introduced to improve debuggability of MuranoPL programs.

You can get a logger instance by calling a logger function which is located in io.murano.system namespace. The logger function takes a logger name as the only parameter. It is a common recommendation to use full class name as a logger name within that class. This convention avoids names conflicts in logs and ensures a better logging subsystem configurability.

Logger class instantiation:

$log: logger('io.murano.apps.activeDirectory.ActiveDirectory')
Log levels prioritized in order of severity
Level Description
CRITICAL Very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort.
ERROR Error events that might not prevent the application from running.
WARNING Events that are potentially harmful but will allow the application to continue running.
INFO Informational messages highlighting the progress of the application at the coarse-grained level.
DEBUG Detailed informational events that are useful when debugging an application.
TRACE Even more detailed informational events comparing to the DEBUG level.

There are several methods that fully correspond to the log levels you can use for logging events. They are debug, trace, info, warning, error, and critical.

Logging example:

$'print my info message {message}', message=>message)

Logging methods use the same format rules as the YAQL format function. Thus the line above is equal to the:

$'print my info message {message}'.format(message=>message))

To print an exception stacktrace, use the exception method. This method uses the ERROR level:

  - Throw: exceptionName
    Message: exception message
With: exceptionName
As: e
  - $log.exception($e, 'something bad happen "{message}"', message=>message)


You can configure the logging subsystem through the logging.conf file of the Murano Engine.

Class: StatusReporter

Provides feedback feature. To follow the deployment process in the UI, all status changes should be included in the application configuration.

See also

Source StatusReporter.yaml file.

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