
General information

Networking-bgpvpn contains the bgpvpn_dashboard plugin for Horizon. It adds a BGPVPN Interconnections panel in the admin section. Admin users can handle BGPVPNs resources through this panel. The operations possible for admin users are:

  • listing BGPVPN

  • creating a BGPVPN

  • editing a BGPVPN

  • associating or disassociating a BGPVPN to network(s)

  • associating or disassociating a BGPVPN to router(s)

  • deleting a BGPVPN

For non admin users the plugin adds a BGPVPN Interconnections panel in the Project section under the Network subsection. The operations possible for non admin users are:

  • listing BGPVPN (display only name, type, networks and routers associations)

  • editing a BGPVPN (only the name)

  • associating or disassociating a BGPVPN to network(s)

  • associating or disassociating a BGPVPN to router(s)

Installation and Configuration

Devstack will automatically configure Horizon to enable the Horizon plugin.

For others deployments we assume that Horizon and networking-bgpvpn are already installed. Their installation folders are respectively <horizon> and <networking-bgpvpn>.

Copy configuration file:

cp <networking-bgpvpn>/bgpvpn_dashboard/enabled/_[0-9]*.py <horizon>/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/

Configure the policy file for BGPVPN dashboard in OpenStack Dashboard local_settings.py. <bgpvpn-dashboard-dir> is a directory which contains configurations for BGPVPN dashboard and the location varies across distributions or deployments. <bgpvpn-dashboard-dir> can be found with: dirname $(python -c 'import bgpvpn_dashboard as _; print _.__file__')

POLICY_FILES[' networking-bgpvpn'] = '<bgpvpn-dashboard-dir>/bgpvpn_dashboard/etc/bgpvpn-horizon.conf'


If you do not configure POLICY_FILES in your local_settings.py, you also need to define the default POLICY_FILES in local_settings.py. If you use the example local_settings.py file from horizon, what you need is to uncomment POLICY_FILES (which contains the default values).

Restart the web server hosting Horizon.

The BGPVPN Interconnections panels will now be in your Horizon dashboard.