Command extension

Networking-sfc uses python-neutronclient’s existing command extension framework for adding required command lines for realizing service function chaining functionality. Refer to Python-neutronclient command extension for further details.

List of New Neutron CLI Commands:

Below listed command lines are introduced for realizing service function chaining.

flow-classifier-create   Create a flow-classifier.
flow-classifier-delete   Delete a given flow-classifier.
flow-classifier-list     List flow-classifiers that belong to a given tenant.
flow-classifier-show     Show information of a given flow-classifier.
flow-classifier-update   Update flow-classifier information.

port-pair-create         Create a port-pair.
port-pair-delete         Delete a given port-pair.
port-pair-list           List port-pairs that belongs to a given tenant.
port-pair-show           Show information of a given port-pair.
port-pair-update         Update port-pair's information.

port-pair-group-create   Create a port-pair-group.
port-pair-group-delete   Delete a given port-pair-group.
port-pair-group-list     List port-pair-groups that belongs to a given tenant.
port-pair-group-show     Show information of a given port-pair-group.
port-pair-group-update   Update port-pair-group's information.

port-chain-create        Create a port-chain.
port-chain-delete        Delete a given port-chain.
port-chain-list          List port-chains that belong to a given tenant.
port-chain-show          Show information of a given port-chain.
port-chain-update        Update port-chain's information.

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