neutron_lib.exceptions.l3_ext_ha_mode module

exception neutron_lib.exceptions.l3_ext_ha_mode.DuplicatedHANetwork(**kwargs)

Bases: Conflict

message = 'Project %(project_id)s already has a HA network.'
exception neutron_lib.exceptions.l3_ext_ha_mode.HAMaximumAgentsNumberNotValid(**kwargs)

Bases: NeutronException

message = 'max_l3_agents_per_router %(max_agents)s config parameter is not valid as it cannot be negative. It must be 1 or greater. Alternatively, it can be 0 to mean unlimited.'
exception neutron_lib.exceptions.l3_ext_ha_mode.HANetworkCIDRNotValid(**kwargs)

Bases: NeutronException

message = "The HA Network CIDR specified in the configuration file isn't valid; %(cidr)s."
exception neutron_lib.exceptions.l3_ext_ha_mode.HANetworkConcurrentDeletion(**kwargs)

Bases: Conflict

message = 'Network for project %(project_id)s concurrently deleted.'
exception neutron_lib.exceptions.l3_ext_ha_mode.MaxVRIDAllocationTriesReached(**kwargs)

Bases: NeutronException

message = 'Failed to allocate a VRID in the network %(network_id)s for the router %(router_id)s after %(max_tries)s tries.'
exception neutron_lib.exceptions.l3_ext_ha_mode.NoVRIDAvailable(**kwargs)

Bases: Conflict

message = 'No more Virtual Router Identifier (VRID) available when creating router %(router_id)s. The limit of number of HA Routers per tenant is 254.'