neutron_lib.db package

neutron_lib.db package


neutron_lib.db.api module


Transaction Context Manager accessor.

Returns:The transaction context manager.

Helper to get reader session.

Returns:The reader session.

Helper to get writer session.

Returns:The writer session.

neutron_lib.db.constants module

neutron_lib.db.model_base module

class neutron_lib.db.model_base.HasId

Bases: object

id mixin, add to subclasses that have an id.

id = Column(None, String(length=36), table=None, primary_key=True, nullable=False, default=ColumnDefault(<function generate_uuid>))
class neutron_lib.db.model_base.HasProject

Bases: object

Project mixin, add to subclasses that have a user.

project_id = Column(None, String(length=255), table=None)
tenant_id = <SynonymProperty at 0x7f3b7003c738; no key>
class neutron_lib.db.model_base.HasProjectNoIndex

Bases: neutron_lib.db.model_base.HasProject

Project mixin, add to subclasses that have a user.

project_id = Column(None, String(length=255), table=None)
class neutron_lib.db.model_base.HasProjectPrimaryKey

Bases: neutron_lib.db.model_base.HasProject

Project mixin, add to subclasses that have a user.

project_id = Column(None, String(length=255), table=None, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
class neutron_lib.db.model_base.HasProjectPrimaryKeyIndex

Bases: neutron_lib.db.model_base.HasProject

Project mixin, add to subclasses that have a user.

project_id = Column(None, String(length=255), table=None, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
class neutron_lib.db.model_base.HasStatusDescription

Bases: object

Status with description mixin.

status = Column(None, String(length=16), table=None, nullable=False)
status_description = Column(None, String(length=255), table=None)
class neutron_lib.db.model_base.NeutronBaseV2

Bases: neutron_lib.db.model_base._NeutronBase

neutron_lib.db.utils module

neutron_lib.db.utils.get_and_validate_sort_keys(sorts, model)

Extract sort keys from sorts and ensure they are valid for the model.

  • sorts – A list of (key, direction) tuples.
  • model – A sqlalchemy ORM model class.

A list of the extracted sort keys.


BadRequest – If a sort key attribute references another resource and cannot be used in the sort.

neutron_lib.db.utils.get_sort_dirs(sorts, page_reverse=False)

Extract sort directions from sorts, possibly reversed.

  • sorts – A list of (key, direction) tuples.
  • page_reverse – True if sort direction is reversed.

The list of extracted sort directions optionally reversed.


Determine if the said exception is retriable.

Parameters:exception – The exception to check.
Returns:True if ‘exception’ is retriable, otherwise False.

Wrap the said function with a RetryRequest upon error.

Parameters:function – The function to wrap/decorate.
Returns:The ‘function’ wrapped in a try block that will reraise any Exception’s as a RetryRequest.
Raises:RetryRequest – If the wrapped function raises retriable exception.

Module contents

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