Neutron maintains all of it’s bugs in Launchpad. All of the current open Neutron bugs can be found in that link.
Neutron maintains the notion of a “bug czar.” The bug czar plays an important role in the Neutron community. As a large project, Neutron is routinely fielding many bug reports. The bug czar is responsible for acting as a “first contact” for these bug reports and performing initial triaging. The bug czar is expected to communicate with the various Neutron teams when a bug has been triaged. In addition, the bug czar should be reporting “High” and “Critical” priority bugs to both the PTL and the core reviewer team during each weekly Neutron meeting.
The current Neutron bug czar is Kyle Mestery (IRC nick mestery).
Many plugins and drivers have backend code that exists in another repository. These repositories have their own launchpad projects for bugs. The teams working on the code in these repos assume full responsibility for bug handling in those projects.
The process of bug triaging consists of the following steps: