Off-path SmartNIC DPUs with OVN

The purpose of this page is to describe how off-path SmartNIC DPU hardware can be integrated with Neutron when OVN mechanism driver is used. For an in-depth discussion of underlying mechanisms it is recommended to get familiar with the following specifications


A class of devices collectively referred to as off-path SmartNIC DPUs introduces an important change to earlier architectures where compute and networking agents used to coexist at the hypervisor host: networking control plane components are now moved to the SmartNIC DPU’s CPU side which includes ovs-vswitchd and ovn-controller. The following diagram provides an overview of the components involved:

                       │  Hypervisor                        │    LoM Ports
                       │  ┌───────────┐       ┌───────────┐ │   (on-board,
                       │  │ Instance  │       │  Nova     │ ├──┐ optional)
                       │  │(e.g. QEMU)│       │ Compute   │ │  ├─────────┐
                       │  │           │       │           │ ├──┘         │
                       │  └───────────┘       └───────────┘ │            │
                       │                                    │            │
                       └────────────────┬─┬───────┬─┬──┬────┘            │
                                        │ │       │ │  │                 │
                                        │ │       │ │  │ Control Traffic │
                           Instance VF  │ │       │ │  │ PF associated   │
                                        │ │       │ │  │ with an uplink  │
                                        │ │       │ │  │ port or a VF.   │
                                        │ │       │ │  │ (used to replace│
                                        │ │       │ │  │  LoM)           │
   ┌────────────────────────────────────┼─┼───────┼─┼──┼─┐               │
   │   SmartNIC DPU Board               │ │       │ │  │ │               │
   │                                    │ │       │ │  │ │               │
   │  ┌──────────────┐ Control traffic  │ │       │ │  │ │               │
   │  │   App. CPU   │ via PFs or VFs  ┌┴─┴───────┴─┴┐ │ │               │
   │  ├──────────────┤  (DC Fabric)    │             │ │ │               │
   │  │ovn-controller├─────────────────┼─┐           │ │ │               │
   │  ├──────────────┤                 │ │           │ │ │               │
   │  │ovs-vswitchd  │                 │ │NIC Switch │ │ │               │
   │  ├──────────────┤                 │ │ASIC/FPGA  │ │ │               │
   │  │ Neutron OVN  │                 │ │           │ │ │               │
   │  │metadata agent│                 │ │           │ │ │               │
   │  ├──────────────┤Port representors│ │           │ │ │               │
   │  │    br-int    ├═════════════════┤ │           │ │ │               │
   │  └──────────────┘                 └─┼───┬─┬─────┘ │ │               │
 ┌ ┴─ ─ ─ ┐Optional port for             │   │ │       │ │               │
─┤OOB Port initial NIC switch config     │   │ │uplink │ │               │
 └ ┬─ ─ ─ ┘                              │   │ │       │ │               │
   │                                     │   │ │       │ │               │
   └─────────────────────────────────────┼───┼─┼───────┼─┘               │
                                         │   │ │       │                 │
                                      ┌──┼───┴─┴───────┼────────┐        │
                                      │  │             │        │        │
                                      │  │   DC Fabric ├────────┼────────┘
                                      │  │             │        │
                                         │             │
                                         │         ┌───┴──────┐
                                         │         │          │
                                     ┌───▼──┐  ┌───▼───┐ ┌────▼────┐
                                     │OVN SB│  │Neutron│ │Placement│
                                     └──────┘  │Server │ │         │
                                               └───────┘ └─────────┘


  • OpenStack Yoga or newer;

  • Open vSwitch >= 2.17;

  • Open Virtual Network >= 21.12.0;

  • OVN VIF >= 21.12.0;

  • A SmartNIC DPU with the following characteristics:

    • A NIC that exposes a card serial number via a PCIe VPD capability on its physical or virtual function PCIe endpoints to both the hypervisor host and the DPU host;

    • Exposes the information about representor ports to applications running on the SmartNIC DPU’s CPU in a manner supported by one of the OVN VIF Plug Providers.

Nova configuration

Hypervisor hosts need to be configured to enable:

In addition to the regular PCI device allow list configuration, the PCI device specification must include the remote_managed tag as in the following examples:

  • Virtual networks without physical segments;

    passthrough_whitelist = {"vendor_id": "15b3", "product_id": "101e", "physical_network": null, "remote_managed": "true"}
  • Physical networks (flat, VLAN) with a label:

      passthrough_whitelist = {"vendor_id": "15b3", "product_id": "101e", "physical_network": "dcfabric", "remote_managed": "true"}
    .. note::
    "dcfabric" is an arbitrary physnet name. In order for this to work it must
    be specified consistenly in Nova config, during OVN configuraton when
    specifying ``external_ids:ovn-bridge-mappings`` and during Neutron provider
    network segment creation.


When an instance with a remote-managed port is scheduled to a compute host with a free remote-managed device, it claims it and supplies additional information from that device about the NIC to Neutron so that it knows which OVN chassis needs to handle an representor interface plugging and flow programming. For PCI VFs this additional information includes:

  • A card serial number from the NIC’s VPD;

  • PF mac address;

  • VF logical number.

Neutron uses the card serial number to look up a chassis host name which is needed for port binding to succeed and the rest is used by ovn-vif to set up the matching representor port.

As a result, no direct communication or configuration is required between the SmartNIC DPU host and the compute host in order to handle matching of compute hosts to SmartNIC DPUs.


Multiple DPUs per hypervisor host are possible to use, however, at the time of writing, there is no way to indicate to Nova which VFs to choose via Neutron port object attributes.

Having the OVN controller expose the SmartNIC DPU serial number is accomplished by providing the serial number via the ovn-cms-options entry in external_ids column of the SmartNIC DPU local Open_vSwitch table:

$ ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . external-ids:ovn-cms-options="card-serial-number=AB0123XX0042"

Launch an instance with remote managed port

$ openstack port create \
    --network network \
    --vnic-type remote-managed \
$ openstack server create \
    --flavor 1 \
    --nic port-id=port1