The nova.conductor.api Module

Handles all requests to the conductor service.

class API

Bases: nova.conductor.api.LocalAPI

Conductor API that does updates via RPC to the ConductorManager.

wait_until_ready(context, early_timeout=10, early_attempts=10)

Wait until a conductor service is up and running.

This method calls the remote ping() method on the conductor topic until it gets a response. It starts with a shorter timeout in the loop (early_timeout) up to early_attempts number of tries. It then drops back to the globally configured timeout for rpc calls for each retry.

class ComputeTaskAPI

Bases: object

ComputeTask API that queues up compute tasks for nova-conductor.

build_instances(context, instances, image, filter_properties, admin_password, injected_files, requested_networks, security_groups, block_device_mapping, legacy_bdm=True)
live_migrate_instance(context, instance, host_name, block_migration, disk_over_commit)
rebuild_instance(context, instance, orig_image_ref, image_ref, injected_files, new_pass, orig_sys_metadata, bdms, recreate=False, on_shared_storage=False, preserve_ephemeral=False, host=None, kwargs=None)
resize_instance(context, instance, extra_instance_updates, scheduler_hint, flavor, reservations, clean_shutdown=True)
unshelve_instance(context, instance)
class LocalAPI

Bases: object

A local version of the conductor API that does database updates locally instead of via RPC.

object_backport(context, objinst, target_version)
object_backport_versions(context, objinst, object_versions)
wait_until_ready(context, *args, **kwargs)
class LocalComputeTaskAPI

Bases: object

build_instances(context, instances, image, filter_properties, admin_password, injected_files, requested_networks, security_groups, block_device_mapping, legacy_bdm=True)
live_migrate_instance(context, instance, host_name, block_migration, disk_over_commit)
rebuild_instance(context, instance, orig_image_ref, image_ref, injected_files, new_pass, orig_sys_metadata, bdms, recreate=False, on_shared_storage=False, preserve_ephemeral=False, host=None, kwargs=None)
resize_instance(context, instance, extra_instance_updates, scheduler_hint, flavor, reservations, clean_shutdown=True)
unshelve_instance(context, instance)

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The nova.conductor.manager Module

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