The nova.pci.utils Module


Given the device name, returns the PCI address of a an device and returns True if the address in a physical function.

get_ifname_by_pci_address(pci_addr, pf_interface=False)

Get the interface name based on a VF’s pci address

The returned interface name is either the parent PF’s or that of the VF itself based on the argument of pf_interface.


Get the VF number based on a VF’s pci address

A VF is associated with an VF number, which ip link command uses to configure it. This number can be obtained from the PCI device filesystem.


Returns (domain, bus, slot, function) from PCI address that is stored in PciDevice DB table.

pci_device_prop_match(pci_dev, specs)

Check if the pci_dev meet spec requirement

Specs is a list of PCI device property requirements. An example of device requirement that the PCI should be either: a) Device with vendor_id as 0x8086 and product_id as 0x8259, or b) Device with vendor_id as 0x10de and product_id as 0x10d8:

[{“vendor_id”:”8086”, “product_id”:”8259”},
{“vendor_id”:”10de”, “product_id”:”10d8”}]

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