The nova.api.openstack.compute.floating_ip_dns Module

class FloatingIPDNSDomainController

Bases: nova.api.openstack.wsgi.Controller

DNS domain controller for OpenStack API.

delete(*args, **kwargs)

Delete the domain identified by id.

index(*args, **kwargs)

Return a list of available DNS domains.

update(*args, **kwargs)

Add or modify domain entry.

wsgi_actions = {}
wsgi_extensions = []
class FloatingIPDNSEntryController

Bases: nova.api.openstack.wsgi.Controller

DNS Entry controller for OpenStack API.

delete(*args, **kwargs)

Delete the entry identified by req and id.

show(*args, **kwargs)

Return the DNS entry that corresponds to domain_id and id.

update(*args, **kwargs)

Add or modify dns entry.

wsgi_actions = {}
wsgi_extensions = []
class FloatingIpDns(extension_info)

Bases: nova.api.openstack.extensions.V21APIExtensionBase

Floating IP DNS support.

alias = 'os-floating-ip-dns'

It’s an abstract function V21APIExtensionBase and the extension will not be loaded without it.

name = 'FloatingIpDns'
version = 1

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