The nova.signature_utils Module

Support signature verification.

class SignatureKeyType(name, public_key_type, create_verifier)

Bases: object

classmethod lookup(name)

Look up the signature key type.

Parameters:name – the name of the signature key type
Returns:the SignatureKeyType object
Raises:SignatureVerificationError if signature key type is invalid
classmethod register(name, public_key_type, create_verifier)

Register a signature key type.

  • name – the name of the signature key type
  • public_key_type – e.g. RSAPublicKey, DSAPublicKey, etc.
  • create_verifier – a function to create a verifier for this type
create_verifier_for_dsa(signature, hash_method, public_key)

Create the verifier to use when the key type is DSA

  • signature – the decoded signature to use
  • hash_method – the hash method to use, as a cryptography object
  • public_key – the public key to use, as a cryptography object

the verifier to use to verify the signature for DSA

create_verifier_for_ecc(signature, hash_method, public_key)

Create the verifier to use when the key type is ECC_*.

  • signature – the decoded signature to use
  • hash_method – the hash method to use, as a cryptography object
  • public_key – the public key to use, as a cryptography object

the verifier to use to verify the signature for ECC_*.

create_verifier_for_pss(signature, hash_method, public_key)

Create the verifier to use when the key type is RSA-PSS.

  • signature – the decoded signature to use
  • hash_method – the hash method to use, as a cryptography object
  • public_key – the public key to use, as a cryptography object

SignatureVerificationError if the RSA-PSS specific properties are invalid


the verifier to use to verify the signature for RSA-PSS

get_certificate(context, signature_certificate_uuid)

Create the certificate object from the retrieved certificate data.

  • context – the user context for authentication
  • signature_certificate_uuid – the uuid to use to retrieve the certificate

the certificate cryptography object


SignatureVerificationError if the retrieval fails or the format is invalid


Verify the hash method name and create the hash method.

Parameters:hash_method_name – the name of the hash method to retrieve
Returns:the hash method, a cryptography object
Raises:SignatureVerificationError if the hash method name is invalid
get_public_key(context, signature_certificate_uuid, signature_key_type)

Create the public key object from a retrieved certificate.

  • context – the user context for authentication
  • signature_certificate_uuid – the uuid to use to retrieve the certificate
  • signature_key_type – a SignatureKeyType object

the public key cryptography object


SignatureVerificationError if public key format is invalid


Decode the signature data and returns the signature.

Parameters:siganture_data – the base64-encoded signature data
Returns:the decoded signature
Raises:SignatureVerificationError if the signature data is malformatted
get_verifier(context, img_signature_certificate_uuid, img_signature_hash_method, img_signature, img_signature_key_type)

Instantiate signature properties and use them to create a verifier.

  • context – the user context for authentication
  • img_signature_certificate_uuid – uuid of signing certificate stored in key manager
  • img_signature_hash_method – string denoting hash method used to compute signature
  • img_signature – string of base64 encoding of signature
  • img_signature_key_type – string denoting type of keypair used to compute signature

instance of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.AsymmetricVerificationContext


SignatureVerificationError if we fail to build the verifier


Verify that the certificate has not expired.

Parameters:certificate – the cryptography certificate object
Raises:SignatureVerificationError if the certificate valid time range does not include now

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