OpenStack-Ansible Memcached server

OpenStack-Ansible Memcached server

Ansible role to install and configure Memcached.

To clone or view the source code for this repository, visit the role repository for memcached_server.

Default variables

## Logging level
debug: False

## APT Cache Options
cache_timeout: 600

# Set the package install state for distribution packages
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
memcached_package_state: "latest"

# Defines that the role will be deployed on a host machine
is_metal: true

# The default memcache memory setting is to use .25 of the available system ram
# as long as that value is < 8192. However you can set the `memcached_memory`
# value to whatever you like as an override.
base_memcached_memory: "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb | default(4096) }}"
memcached_memory: "{{ base_memcached_memory | int // 4 if base_memcached_memory | int // 4 < 8192 else 8192 }}"

memcached_port: 11211
memcached_listen: ""
memcached_log: /var/log/memcached/memcached.log
memcached_connections: 1024
memcached_threads: 4
memcached_file_limits: "{{ memcached_connections | int + 1024 }}"

memcached_distro_packages: []
memcached_test_distro_packages: []
install_test_packages: False

Required variables


Example playbook

- name: Install Memcached
  hosts: memcached
  user: root
    - { role: "memcached_server" }
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