The Telemetry alarming services perform the following functions:
- Creates an API endpoint for controlling alarms.
- Allows you to set alarms based on threshold evaluation for a collection of samples.
Configure Aodh by specifying the metering-alarm_hosts directive in the /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/aodh.yml file. The following shows the example included in the etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/aodh.yml.example file:
# The infra nodes that the Aodh services run on. metering-alarm_hosts: infra1: ip: infra2: ip: infra3: ip:
The metering-alarm_hosts provides several services:
- An API server (aodh-api): Runs on one or more central management servers to provide access to the alarm information in the data store.
- An alarm evaluator (aodh-evaluator): Runs on one or more central management servers to determine alarm fire due to the associated statistic trend crossing a threshold over a sliding time window.
- A notification listener (aodh-listener): Runs on a central management server and fire alarms based on defined rules against event captured by ceilometer’s module’s notification agents.
- An alarm notifier (aodh-notifier). Runs on one or more central management servers to allow the setting of alarms to base on the threshold evaluation for a collection of samples.
These services communicate by using the OpenStack messaging bus. Only the API server has access to the data store.
Run the os-aodh-install.yml playbook. If deploying a new OpenStack (instead of only Aodh), run setup-openstack.yml. The Aodh playbooks run as part of this playbook.