Keystone role for OpenStack-Ansible¶
To clone or view the source code for this repository, visit the role repository for os_keystone.
Default variables¶
## Verbosity Options
debug: False
# Set the host which will execute the shade modules
# for the service setup. The host must already have
# clouds.yaml properly configured.
keystone_service_setup_host: "{{ openstack_service_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"
keystone_service_setup_host_python_interpreter: "{{ openstack_service_setup_host_python_interpreter | default((keystone_service_setup_host == 'localhost') | ternary(ansible_playbook_python, ansible_facts['python']['executable'])) }}"
# Set the package install state for distribution packages
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
keystone_package_state: "{{ package_state | default('latest') }}"
# Set installation method.
keystone_install_method: "{{ service_install_method | default('source') }}"
keystone_venv_python_executable: "{{ openstack_venv_python_executable | default('python3') }}"
# Centos shibboleth repository options
keystone_centos_shibboleth_mirror: ""
keystone_centos_shibboleth_key: ""
# Role standard API override this option in the OS variable files
keystone_shibboleth_repo: {}
keystone_git_install_branch: master
keystone_upper_constraints_url: "{{ requirements_git_url | default('' ~ requirements_git_install_branch | default('master')) }}"
- "--constraint {{ keystone_upper_constraints_url }}"
keystone_pip_install_args: "{{ pip_install_options | default('') }}"
# Name of the virtual env to deploy into
keystone_venv_tag: "{{ venv_tag | default('untagged') }}"
keystone_bin: "{{ _keystone_bin }}"
keystone_fatal_deprecations: False
## System info
keystone_system_user_name: keystone
keystone_system_group_name: keystone
- ssl_cert
keystone_system_shell: /bin/bash
keystone_system_comment: keystone system user
keystone_system_user_home: "/var/lib/{{ keystone_system_user_name }}"
## Drivers
keystone_auth_methods: "password,token,application_credential"
keystone_identity_driver: sql
keystone_token_provider: fernet
keystone_token_expiration: 43200
keystone_token_cache_time: 3600
# Set the revocation driver used within keystone.
keystone_revocation_driver: sql
keystone_revocation_cache_time: 3600
keystone_revocation_expiration_buffer: 1800
## Fernet config vars
keystone_fernet_tokens_key_repository: "/etc/keystone/fernet-keys"
keystone_fernet_tokens_max_active_keys: 7
# Any of the following rotation times are valid:
# reboot, yearly, annually, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly
keystone_fernet_rotation: daily
keystone_fernet_auto_rotation_script: /opt/
## Credentials config vars
keystone_credential_key_repository: /etc/keystone/credential-keys
# Any of the following rotation times are valid:
# reboot, yearly, annually, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly
keystone_credential_rotation: weekly
keystone_credential_auto_rotation_script: /opt/
keystone_assignment_driver: sql
keystone_resource_cache_time: 3600
keystone_resource_driver: sql
keystone_bind_address: "{{ openstack_service_bind_address | default('') }}"
## Database info
keystone_db_setup_host: "{{ openstack_db_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"
keystone_db_setup_python_interpreter: "{{ openstack_db_setup_python_interpreter | default((keystone_db_setup_host == 'localhost') | ternary(ansible_playbook_python, ansible_facts['python']['executable'])) }}"
keystone_galera_address: "{{ galera_address | default('') }}"
keystone_galera_user: keystone
keystone_galera_database: keystone
keystone_galera_port: "{{ galera_port | default('3306') }}"
keystone_database_connection_string: >-
mysql+pymysql://{{ keystone_galera_user }}:{{ keystone_container_mysql_password }}@{{ keystone_galera_address }}:{{keystone_galera_port}}/{{ keystone_galera_database }}?charset=utf8{% if keystone_galera_use_ssl | bool %}&ssl_ca={{ keystone_galera_ssl_ca_cert }}{% endif %}
## Database SSL
keystone_galera_use_ssl: "{{ galera_use_ssl | default(False) }}"
keystone_galera_ssl_ca_cert: "{{ galera_ssl_ca_cert | default('/etc/ssl/certs/galera-ca.pem') }}"
# Database tuning
keystone_database_enabled: true
keystone_database_idle_timeout: 200
keystone_database_min_pool_size: 5
keystone_database_max_pool_size: 120
keystone_database_pool_timeout: 30
## Oslo Messaging
keystone_messaging_enabled: true
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_host_group: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_host_group | default('rabbitmq_all') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_setup_host: "{{ (keystone_oslomsg_rpc_host_group in groups) | ternary(groups[keystone_oslomsg_rpc_host_group][0], 'localhost') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_transport: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_transport | default('rabbit') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_servers: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_servers | default('') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_port: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_port | default('5672') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl | default(False) }}"
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_userid: keystone
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_vhost: /keystone
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_ssl_version: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_ssl_version | default('TLSv1_2') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_ssl_ca_file: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_ssl_ca_file | default('') }}"
# Notify
keystone_oslomsg_notify_host_group: "{{ oslomsg_notify_host_group | default('rabbitmq_all') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_setup_host: "{{ (keystone_oslomsg_notify_host_group in groups) | ternary(groups[keystone_oslomsg_notify_host_group][0], 'localhost') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_transport: "{{ oslomsg_notify_transport | default('rabbit') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_servers: "{{ oslomsg_notify_servers | default('') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_port: "{{ oslomsg_notify_port | default('5672') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_use_ssl: "{{ oslomsg_notify_use_ssl | default(False) }}"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_userid: "{{ keystone_oslomsg_rpc_userid }}"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_password: "{{ keystone_oslomsg_rpc_password }}"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_vhost: "{{ keystone_oslomsg_rpc_vhost }}"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_ssl_version: "{{ oslomsg_notify_ssl_version | default('TLSv1_2') }}"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_ssl_ca_file: "{{ oslomsg_notify_ssl_ca_file | default('') }}"
## (Qdrouterd) info
# TODO(ansmith): Change structure when more backends will be supported
keystone_oslomsg_amqp1_enabled: "{{ keystone_oslomsg_rpc_transport == 'amqp' }}"
## Role info
keystone_role_name: admin
keystone_default_role_name: _member_
## Admin info
keystone_admin_user_name: admin
keystone_admin_tenant_name: admin
keystone_admin_description: Admin Tenant
## Service Type and Data
keystone_service_setup: true
keystone_service_region: "{{ service_region | default('RegionOne') }}"
keystone_service_name: keystone
keystone_service_port: 5000
keystone_service_type: identity
keystone_service_description: "Keystone Identity Service"
keystone_service_tenant_name: service
keystone_service_project_description: "OpenStack Services"
keystone_service_proto: http
keystone_service_publicuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_publicuri_proto | default(keystone_service_proto) }}"
keystone_service_adminuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_adminuri_proto | default(keystone_service_proto) }}"
keystone_service_internaluri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_internaluri_proto | default(keystone_service_proto) }}"
keystone_service_internaluri_insecure: false
keystone_service_adminuri_insecure: false
keystone_service_publicuri: "{{ keystone_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ keystone_service_port }}"
keystone_service_internaluri: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ keystone_service_port }}"
keystone_service_adminuri: "{{ keystone_service_adminuri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ keystone_service_port }}"
## Set this value to override the "public_endpoint" keystone.conf variable
#keystone_public_endpoint: "{{ keystone_service_publicuri }}"
# This is the web server that will handle all requests and will act as a
# reverse proxy to uWSGI. If internal TLS/SSL certificates are configured,
# they are implemented in this web server's configuration. Using a web server
# for endpoints is far better for scale and allows the use of additional
# modules to improve performance or security, leaving uWSGI to only have
# to be used for running the service.
# Note:
# The default is nginx, but apache will be used if Keystone is configured
# as a Federated Service provider.
# TODO (odyssey4me): Convert the SP implementation to use nginx instead
# so that we do not have to be concerned with multiple web servers.
keystone_web_server: "{{ (keystone_sp != {}) | ternary('apache', 'nginx') }}"
keystone_web_server_bind_address: "{{ openstack_service_bind_address | default('') }}"
## security.txt
# When security risks in web services are discovered by independent security
# researchers who understand the severity of the risk, they often lack the
# channels to disclose them properly. As a result, security issues may be
# left unreported. security.txt defines a standard to help organizations
# define the process for security researchers to disclose security
# vulnerabilities securely. For more information see
# This content will be hosted at /security.txt and /.well-known/security.txt
keystone_security_txt_dir: "/var/www/html"
# keystone_security_txt_content: |
# # Please see for details of the specification of this file
## Apache setup
keystone_apache_log_level: info
keystone_apache_custom_log_format: combined
keystone_apache_servertokens: "Prod"
keystone_apache_serversignature: "Off"
## Apache MPM tunables
keystone_httpd_mpm_backend: event
keystone_httpd_mpm_start_servers: 2
keystone_httpd_mpm_min_spare_threads: 25
keystone_httpd_mpm_max_spare_threads: 75
keystone_httpd_mpm_thread_limit: 64
keystone_httpd_mpm_thread_child: 25
keystone_httpd_mpm_max_requests: 150
keystone_httpd_mpm_max_conn_child: 0
## Centos NGINX repository options
keystone_centos_nginx_mirror: "{{ centos_nginx_mirror | default('$basearch/') }}"
keystone_centos_nginx_key: "{{ centos_nginx_key | default('') }}"
## Nginx setup
keystone_nginx_access_log_format_combined: '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"'
keystone_nginx_access_log_format_extras: '$request_time $upstream_response_time'
keystone-wsgi-public: "{{ keystone_service_port }}"
- keepalive_timeout 70;
## uWSGI setup
keystone_wsgi_threads: 1
## Cap the maximun number of processes when a user value is unspecified.
keystone_wsgi_processes_max: 16
keystone_wsgi_processes: "{{ [[ansible_facts['processor_vcpus']|default(1), 1] | max * 2, keystone_wsgi_processes_max] | min }}"
keystone_uwsgi_bind_address: "{{ openstack_service_bind_address | default('') }}"
http: 37358
socket: 35358
keystone_uwsgi_ini_overrides: {}
# set keystone_ssl to true to enable SSL configuration on the keystone containers
keystone_ssl: false
keystone_ssl_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/keystone.pem
keystone_ssl_key: /etc/ssl/private/keystone.key
keystone_ssl_ca_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/keystone-ca.pem
keystone_ssl_protocol: "{{ (keystone_web_server == 'nginx') | ternary('TLSv1.2', 'ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1') }}"
keystone_ssl_cipher_suite: "{{ ssl_cipher_suite | default('ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:RSA+AESGCM:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS') }}"
# if using a self-signed certificate, set this to true to regenerate it
keystone_ssl_self_signed_regen: false
keystone_ssl_self_signed_subject: "/C=US/ST=Texas/L=San Antonio/O=IT/CN={{ internal_lb_vip_address }}/subjectAltName=IP.1={{ external_lb_vip_address }}"
# Set these variables to deploy custom certificates
#keystone_user_ssl_cert: <path to cert on ansible deployment host>
#keystone_user_ssl_key: <path to cert on ansible deployment host>
#keystone_user_ssl_ca_cert: <path to cert on ansible deployment host>
# Set to true when terminating SSL/TLS at a load balancer
keystone_external_ssl: false
# External SSL forwarding proto
keystone_secure_proxy_ssl_header: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO
## Override memcached_servers
keystone_memcached_servers: "{{ memcached_servers }}"
## Caching
# This is a list of strings, each string contains a cache server's
# information (IP:port for example)
# The cache_servers default backend is memcached, so this variable
# should point to a list of memcached servers.
# If empty, caching is disabled.
keystone_cache_servers: "{{ keystone_memcached_servers.split(',') }}"
## LDAP Section
# Define Keystone LDAP domain configuration here.
# This may be used to add configuration for a LDAP identity back-end.
# See the
# Each top-level entry is a domain name. Each entry below that are key: value pairs for
# the ldap section in the domain-specific configuration file.
# keystone_ldap:
# Users:
# url: "ldap://"
# user: "root"
# password: "secrete"
# ...
keystone_ldap: {}
keystone_ldap_domain_config_dir: /etc/keystone/domains
# If you want to regenerate the keystone users SSH keys, on each run, set this var to True
# Otherwise keys will be generated on the first run and not regenerated each run.
keystone_recreate_keys: False
## Policy vars
# Provide a list of access controls to update the default policy.json with. These changes will be merged
# with the access controls in the default policy.json. E.g.
# identity:create_region: "rule:admin_required"
# identity:update_region: "rule:admin_required"
## Federation
# Enable the following section on the Keystone IdP
keystone_idp: {}
# certfile: "/etc/keystone/ssl/idp_signing_cert.pem"
# keyfile: "/etc/keystone/ssl/idp_signing_key.pem"
# self_signed_cert_subject: "/C=US/ST=Texas/L=San Antonio/O=IT/CN={{ external_lb_vip_address }}"
# regen_cert: false
# idp_entity_id: "{{ keystone_service_publicuri }}/v3//OS-FEDERATION/saml2/idp"
# idp_sso_endpoint: "{{ keystone_service_publicuri }}/v3/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/sso"
# idp_metadata_path: /etc/keystone/saml2_idp_metadata.xml
# service_providers:
# - id: "sp_1"
# auth_url:
# sp_url:
# # the following settings are optional
# organization_name: example_company
# organization_display_name: Example Corp.
# organization_url:
# contact_company: example_company
# contact_name: John
# contact_surname: Smith
# contact_email:
# contact_telephone: 555-55-5555
# contact_type: technical
# Enable the following section in order to install and configure
# Keystone as a Resource Service Provider (SP) and to configure
# trusts with specific Identity Providers (IdP).
keystone_sp: {}
# cert_duration_years: 5
# apache_mod: shibboleth #or mod_auth_openidc
# cadf_notifications: false
# cadf_notifications_opt_out:
# - identity.authenticate.failed
# - identity.authenticate.pending
# - identity.authenticate.success
# trusted_dashboard_list:
# - "https://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}/auth/websso/"
# - "https://{{ horizon_server_name }}/auth/websso/"
# trusted_idp_list:
# note that only one of these is supported at any one time for now
# - name: "keystone-idp"
# domain_id: "default"
# display_name: "Keystone IDP" # Optional, used in Horizon IDP dropdown
# entity_ids:
# - 'https://keystone-idp:5000/v3/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/idp'
# metadata_uri: 'https://keystone-idp:5000/v3/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/metadata'
# metadata_file: 'metadata-keystone-idp.xml'
# metadata_reload: 1800
# federated_identities:
# - domain: default
# project: fedproject
# group: fedgroup
# role: _member_
# protocols:
# - name: saml2
# mapping:
# name: keystone-idp-mapping
# rules:
# - remote:
# - type: openstack_user
# local:
# - group:
# name: fedgroup
# domain:
# name: Default
# user:
# name: '{0}'
# attributes:
# - name: openstack_user
# id: openstack_user
# - name: openstack_roles
# id: openstack_roles
# - name: openstack_project
# id: openstack_project
# - name: openstack_user_domain
# id: openstack_user_domain
# - name: openstack_project_domain
# id: openstack_project_domain
# - name: 'testshib-idp'
# entity_ids:
# - ''
# metadata_uri: ''
# metadata_file: 'metadata-testshib-idp.xml'
# metadata_reload: 1800
# federated_identities:
# - domain: Default
# project: fedproject
# group: fedgroup
# role: _member_
# protocols:
# - name: saml2
# mapping:
# name: testshib-idp-mapping
# rules:
# - remote:
# - type: eppn
# local:
# - group:
# name: fedgroup
# domain:
# name: Default
# - user:
# name: '{0}'
# - name: 'adfs-idp'
# entity_ids:
# - ''
# metadata_uri: ''
# metadata_file: 'metadata-adfs-idp.xml'
# metadata_reload: 1800
# federated_identities:
# - domain: Default
# project: fedproject
# group: fedgroup
# role: _member_
# protocols:
# - name: saml2
# mapping:
# name: adfs-idp-mapping
# rules:
# - remote:
# - type: upn
# local:
# - group:
# name: fedgroup
# domain:
# name: Default
# - user:
# name: '{0}'
# attributes:
# - name: ''
# id: upn
# - name: "keycloak-oidc-idp"
# oidc_provider_metadata_url: https://identity-provider/.well-known/openid-configuration
# oidc_client_id: keystone
# oidc_client_secret: secret
# oidc_crypto_passphrase: random string
# oidc_redirect_uri: https://keystone:5000/v3/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/keycloak-idp/protocols/openid/auth
# oidc_outgoing_proxy: "proxy address" (optional setting)
# oidc_oauth_introspection_endpoint: endpoint address (optional)
# oidc_oauth_client_id: string (optional)
# oidc_oauth_client_secret: secret (optional)
# oidc_auth_request_params: param=some+url+encoded+value¶m2=and+another+one (optional)
# oidc_state_max_number_of_cookies: 5 false (optional)
# oidc_default_url: (optional)
# entity_ids:
# - 'https://identity-provider/openid-endpoint/'
# federated_identities:
# - domain: default
# project: fedproject
# group: fedgroup
# role: _member_
# protocols:
# - name: openid
# mapping:
# name: keycloak-oidc-idp-openid-mapping
# rules:
# - remote:
# - type: OIDC-email
# local:
# - group:
# name: fedgroup
# domain:
# name: Default
# user:
# name: '{0}'
keystone_service_in_ldap: "{{ service_ldap_backend_enabled | default(False) }}"
# Keystone notification settings
keystone_ceilometer_enabled: "{{ (groups['ceilometer_all'] is defined) and (groups['ceilometer_all'] | length > 0) }}"
# Common pip packages
- "git+{{ keystone_git_repo }}@{{ keystone_git_install_branch }}#egg=keystone"
- ldappool
- osprofiler
- pymemcache
- python-memcached
- python-openstackclient
- systemd-python
- pyngus
# Specific pip packages provided by the user
keystone_user_pip_packages: []
# optional pip packages
- oslo.messaging[amqp1]
# NOTE(cloudnull): Tunable SSO callback file file-based overrides If defined,
# it'll be read from the deployment host, interpreted by the
# template engine and copied to the target host.
# keystone_sso_callback_file_path: "/etc/openstack_deploy/keystone/sso_callback_template.html"
#: Tunable file-based overrides
# The contents of these files, if they exist, are read from the
# specified path on the deployment host, interpreted by the
# template engine and copied to the target host. If they do
# not exist then they will be generated on first playbook run.
shibboleth_cert_user_file_path: "/etc/openstack_deploy/keystone/sp-cert.pem"
shibboleth_key_user_file_path: "/etc/openstack_deploy/keystone/sp-key.pem"
#: Tunable var-based overrides
# The contents of these are templated over the default files.
keystone_keystone_conf_overrides: {}
keystone_keystone_default_conf_overrides: {}
keystone_policy_overrides: {}
- keystone_auth_admin_password
- keystone_container_mysql_password
- keystone_oslomsg_rpc_password
- keystone_oslomsg_notify_password
- keystone_rabbitmq_password
keystone_uwsgi_init_overrides: {}
## Service Name-Group Mapping
group: keystone_all
service_name: "keystone-wsgi-public"
init_config_overrides: "{{ keystone_uwsgi_init_overrides }}"
execstarts: "{{ keystone_uwsgi_bin }}/uwsgi --autoload --ini /etc/uwsgi/keystone-wsgi-public.ini"
## Extra HTTP headers for Keystone
# Add any additional headers here that Keystone should return.
# Example:
# keystone_extra_headers:
# - parameter: "Access-Control-Expose-Headers"
# value: "X-Subject-Token"
# - parameter: "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"
# value: "Content-Type, X-Auth-Token"
# - parameter: "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
# value: "*"
keystone_extra_headers: []
# List of trusted IPs which can pass X-Forwarded-For
keystone_set_real_ip_from: []
# Toggle whether memcache should be flushed when doing
# database migrations. This is sometimes useful when
# doing upgrades, but should not usually be required.
# ref:
keystone_flush_memcache: no
This role needs pip >= 7.1 installed on the target host.
To use this role, define the following variables:
# hostname or IP of load balancer providing external network
# access to Keystone
# hostname or IP of load balancer providing internal network
# access to Keystone
# password used by the keystone service to interact with Galera
keystone_container_mysql_password: "YourPassword"
keystone_auth_admin_password: "SuperSecretePassword"
keystone_rabbitmq_password: "secrete"
keystone_container_mysql_password: "SuperSecrete"
This list is not exhaustive at present. See role internals for further details.
Example playbook¶
- name: Installation and setup of Keystone
hosts: keystone_all
user: root
- { role: "os_keystone", tags: [ "os-keystone" ] }
keystone_galera_database: keystone
keystone_venv_tag: "testing"
keystone_developer_mode: true
keystone_git_install_branch: master
keystone_auth_admin_password: "SuperSecretePassword"
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_password: "secrete"
keystone_oslomsg_notify_password: "secrete"
keystone_container_mysql_password: "SuperSecrete"
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_transport: rabbit
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_port: 5671
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl: true
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_userid: keystone
keystone_oslomsg_rpc_vhost: /keystone
keystone_oslomsg_notify_transport: rabbit
keystone_oslomsg_notify_port: 5671
keystone_oslomsg_notify_use_ssl: true
keystone_oslomsg_notify_userid: keystone
keystone_oslomsg_notify_vhost: /keystone
galera_client_drop_config_file: false
galera_root_user: root
- name: "galera_root_password"
prompt: "What is galera_root_password?"
External Restart Hooks¶
When the role performs a restart of the service, it will notify an Ansible
handler named Manage LB
, which is a noop within this role. In the
playbook, other roles may be loaded before and after this role which will
implement Ansible handler listeners for Manage LB
, allowing external roles
to manage the load balancer endpoints responsible for sending traffic to the
servers being restarted by marking them in maintenance or active mode,
draining sessions, etc. For an example implementation, please reference the
ansible-haproxy-endpoints role
used by the openstack-ansible project.
This role supports two tags: keystone-install
and keystone-config
The keystone-install
tag can be used to install and upgrade.
The keystone-config
tag can be used to maintain configuration of the