This project provides the Ansible modules:
- config_template
- dist_sort
- glance
- keystone
- memcached
- name2int
- neutron
- provider_networks
This project provides the Ansible Jinja2 filters:
- bit_length_power_of_2
- netloc
- netloc_no_port
- netorigin
- string_2_int
- pip_requirement_names
- pip_constraint_update
- splitlines
- filtered_list
- git_link_parse
- git_link_parse_name
- deprecated
This project provides an Ansible callback that will report task profiling timings
lookup_plugins = /etc/ansible/plugins/lookups
filter_plugins = /etc/ansible/plugins/filters
action_plugins = /etc/ansible/plugins/actions
library = /etc/ansible/plugins/library
The Ansible role requirement file can be used to overload the ansible- galaxy command to automatically fetch the plugins for you in a given project. To do this add the following lines to your ansible-role- requirements.yml file.
- name: plugins
scm: git
version: master