Home OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Identity Service (keystone) service provider background
In OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) the Identity Service (keystone) is set up to
use Apache with mod_wsgi. The additional configuration of
keystone as a federation service provider adds Apache mod_shib
and configures it to respond to specific locations requests
from a client.
There are alternative methods of implementing
federation, but at this time only SAML2-based federation using
the Shibboleth SP is instrumented in OA.
When requests are sent to those locations, Apache hands off the
request to the shibd service. Only requests pertaining to
authentication are handed off.
The shibd service configuration is primarily handled through
the following files in /etc/shibboleth/ within the keystone
- sp-cert.pem, sp-key.pem: These files are generated on the
first keystone container and replicated to the other keystone
containers by the os-keystone-install.yml playbook. They are
used as signing credentials in communications between the SP
and the IdP.
- shibboleth2.xml: This file’s contents are written by the
os-keystone-install.yml playbook based on the configuration
of the keystone_sp structured attribute in the
/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml file. It contains
the list of trusted IdP’s, the entityID by which the SP will
be known and some other facilitating configuration.
- attribute-map.xml: This file’s contents are written by the
os-keystone-install.yml playbook based on the configuration
of the keystone_sp structured attribute in the
/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml file. It contains
some default attribute mappings which will work for any basic
Shibboleth-type IDP setup, but also contains any additional
attribute mappings which were set out in the keystone_sp
structured attribute.
- shibd.logger: This file is left alone by Ansible, but is useful
when troubleshooting issues with federated authentication or
when trying to discover what attributes published by an IdP
are not currently being understood by your SP’s attribute map.
To enable debug logging, change log4j.rootCategory=INFO to
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG at the top of the file. The
log file is output to /var/log/shibboleth/shibd.log.