Home OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide

Configuring the operating system

Check the kernel version, install additional software packages, and configure NTP.

  1. Check the kernel version. It should be 3.13.0-34-generic or later.

  2. Install additional software packages if not already installed during operating system installation:

    # apt-get install bridge-utils debootstrap ifenslave ifenslave-2.6 \
      lsof lvm2 ntp ntpdate openssh-server sudo tcpdump vlan
  3. Add the appropriate kernel modules to the /etc/modules file to enable VLAN and bond interfaces:

    # echo 'bonding' >> /etc/modules
    # echo '8021q' >> /etc/modules
  4. Configure NTP to synchronize with a suitable time source.

  5. Reboot the host to activate the changes.

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