Home OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
OpenStack has many configuration options available in configuration files which are in the form of .conf files (in a standard INI file format), policy files (in a standard JSON format) and also YAML files.
YAML files are only in the ceilometer project at this time.
OpenStack-Ansible provides the facility to include reference to any options in the OpenStack Configuration Reference through the use of a simple set of configuration entries in /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml.
This section provides guidance for how to make use of this facility. Further guidance is available in the developer documentation in the section titled Setting overrides in configuration files.
The most common use-case for implementing overrides are for the <service>.conf files (for example, nova.conf). These files use a standard INI file format.
For example, if you add the following parameters to nova.conf:
remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds = 43200
cpu_mode = host-model
disk_cachemodes = file=directsync,block=none
idle_timeout = 300
max_pool_size = 10
This is accomplished through the use of the following configuration entry in /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml:
remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds: 43200
cpu_mode: host-model
disk_cachemodes: file=directsync,block=none
idle_timeout: 300
max_pool_size: 10
Overrides may also be applied on a per host basis with the following configuration in /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml:
remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds: 43200
cpu_mode: host-model
disk_cachemodes: file=directsync,block=none
idle_timeout: 300
max_pool_size: 10
Use this method for any INI file format for all OpenStack projects deployed in OpenStack-Ansible.
To assist you in finding the appropriate variable name to use for overrides, the general format for the variable name is: <service>_<filename>_<file extension>_overrides.
You can adjust the default policies applied by services in order to implement access controls which are different to a standard OpenStack environment. Policy files are in a JSON format.
For example, you can add the following policy in keystone’s policy.json:
"identity:foo": "rule:admin_required",
"identity:bar": "rule:admin_required"
Accomplish this through the use of the following configuration entry in /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml:
identity:foo: "rule:admin_required"
identity:bar: "rule:admin_required"
Use this method for any JSON file format for all OpenStack projects deployed in OpenStack-Ansible.
To assist you in finding the appropriate variable name to use for overrides, the general format for the variable name is <service>_policy_overrides.
The following is a list of overrides available: