Manual Upgrade Steps

The steps detailed here match those performed by the script. Any of these steps can safely be run multiple times.

Check out the Mitaka release

Ensure your OpenStack-Ansible code is on the latest Mitaka release tag (13.x.x).

# git checkout stable/mitaka
# LATEST_TAG=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)
# git checkout ${LATEST_TAG}

Preparing the shell variables


This step is optional, since these environment variables are simply shortcuts. Files can be referenced directly.

From the openstack-ansible root directory, run the following commands:

# export MAIN_PATH="$(pwd)"
# export SCRIPTS_PATH="${MAIN_PATH}/scripts"
# export UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS="${SCRIPTS_PATH}/upgrade-utilities/playbooks"

These variables reduce typing when running the remaining upgrade tasks.

Re-bootstrap Ansible for Mitaka

Bootstrapping Ansible again ensures that all OpenStack-Ansible role dependencies are in place before running playbooks from the Mitaka release.


Change to playbooks directory

Change to the playbooks directory so that the OpenStack-Ansible dynamic inventory is found automatically.

# cd playbooks

Clean up old facts

Purge old facts before beginning the upgrade.

See ansible_fact_cleanup.yml for more details.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/01_ansible_fact_cleanup.yml"

Update configuration and environment files

The user configuration files in /etc/openstack_deploy/ and the environment layout in /etc/openstack_deploy/env.d have new name values added in Mitaka.

See deploy-config-changes.yml for more details.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/deploy-config-changes.yml"

Update user secrets file

Mitaka introduces new user secrets to the stack. These are populated automatically with the following playbook.

See user-secrets-adjustment.yml for more details.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/user-secrets-adjustment.yml"

Cleanup pip.conf file

The presence of pip.conf file can cause build failures when upgrading to Mitaka. This play removes the pip.conf file on all the physical servers and on the repo containers.

See pip-conf-removal.yml for more details.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/pip-conf-removal.yml"

Ensure hostname aliases are created for non-RFC1034/35 hostnames

Ensure an alias is created for non-RFC1034/35 hostnames.

See old-hostname-compatibility.yml for details.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/old-hostname-compatibility.yml"

Upgrade hosts

The next step is upgrading your hosts. Avoid upgrading the Galera cluster nodes to prevent changes in the cluster.

# openstack-ansible setup-hosts.yml --limit '!galera_all'

Restart Rabbitmq containers

This ensures the rabbitmq nodes are using their proper new hostnames.

See restart-rabbitmq-containers for details.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/restart-rabbitmq-containers.yml"

Clean up old facts

Facts are purged as container hostnames have changed after running the old-hostname-compatibility.yml playbook. Failing to do this could result in a failure in upgrading RabbitMQ.

See ansible_fact_cleanup.yml for more details.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/02_ansible_fact_cleanup.yml"

Update Galera LXC container configuration

The setup-hosts.yml playbook above skipped the Galera nodes. In this step, the lxc-container-create.yml playbook applies changes to Galera containers while preventing them from restarting.

# openstack-ansible lxc-containers-create.yml -e \
  'lxc_container_allow_restarts=false' --limit galera_all

Upgrade repositories

Running the OpenStack-Ansible repo-install.yml playbook prepares the repo server with all the packages needed for Mitaka.

# openstack-ansible repo-install.yml

Upgrade Galera

Running the OpenStack-Ansible galera-install.yml playbook ensures Galera is running on the latest Mitaka.

# openstack-ansible galera-install.yml -e 'galera_upgrade=true'

Restart Galera

After the Galera update in the previous step, restart the cluster in a controlled fashion.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/galera-cluster-rolling-restart.yml"

Upgrade the remaining infrastructure

Run the remaining parts of the setup-infrastructure.yml playbook.

# openstack-ansible haproxy-install.yml
# openstack-ansible memcached-install.yml
# openstack-ansible rabbitmq-install.yml -e 'rabbitmq_upgrade=true'
# openstack-ansible utility-install.yml
# openstack-ansible rsyslog-install.yml

Flush Memcached cache

See memcached-flush.yml for details.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/memcached-flush.yml"

Populate neutron MTUs

See neutron-mtu-migration.yml for details.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/neutron-mtu-migration.yml"

Upgrade OpenStack

Upgrade the OpenStack components with the same installation playbook, without any additional options.

# openstack-ansible setup-openstack.yml

Clean up Databases for RFC 1034 and 1035

Use the rfc1034_1035-cleanup.yml playbook to remove invalid hostnames that may still be within the databases.

See rfc1034_1035-cleanup.yml for details.

# openstack-ansible "${UPGRADE_PLAYBOOKS}/rfc1034_1035-cleanup.yml"