List allowed tests

List allowed tests

You can use tempest-skip list-allowed command to list the tests to be executed with two positional parameters which are in the expected format:

1. ``--file`` is the positional parameter - list all the tests in the file
2. ``--group`` or ``--job`` - filter the tests for a specific job, or a
       specific group.

Job filter

The job filter, is as the name indicate, it checks the yaml file for a job that matches (must be full match, not partial), and list the tests related to that specific job:

$ tempets-skip list-allowed --file tempest_allow.yml --job job1

Group filter

The group filter, which have precedence on the --job, will list the tests for a particular group. This is good when you have several jobs, that run a specific set of tests. In this case, you don’t need to repeat the same set of tests for several different jobs:

$ tempest-skip list-allowed --file tempest_allow.yml --group default_group

Release filter

The release filter, which is default to master, filter based on group or job for an specific release.

Multiple Groups with same name

Multiple groups can have same name with different tests and releases. This behaviour allows us to classify the tests on the basis of releases. Here, we cannot define a release more than once in such groups i.e groups having same name should mandatorily have different releases:

- name: featureset062  # standalone-jobs
    - 'octavia_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.v2.test_healthmonitor'
    - 'octavia_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.v2.test_listener'
    - master
    - wallaby
- name: featureset062  # standalone-jobs
    - 'octavia_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.v2.test_healthmonitor'
    - 'octavia_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.v2.test_l7policy'
    - train

Wildcard filter for releases

If in the releases list in the yaml file, the release all is set, that means, it will not matter which release is passed to tempest-skip command, it will be included in the final list.