
The ServerAction Class

The ServerAction class inherits from Resource.

class openstack.compute.v2.server_action.ServerAction(_synchronized=False, connection=None, **attrs)

The base resource

  • _synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().

  • connection (openstack.connection.Connection) – Reference to the Connection being used. Defaults to None to allow Resource objects to be used without an active Connection, such as in unit tests. Use of self._connection in Resource code should protect itself with a check for None.

resource_key = 'instanceAction'

Singular form of key for resource.

resources_key = 'instanceActions'

Plural form of key for resource.

base_path = '/servers/%(server_id)s/os-instance-actions'

The base part of the URI for this resource.

allow_fetch = True

Allow get operation for this resource.

allow_list = True

Allow list operation for this resource.


The ID of the server that this action relates to.


The name of the action.


The ID of the request that this action related to.


The ID of the user which initiated the server action.


The ID of the project that this server belongs to.


The related error message for when an action fails.



The ServerActionEvent Class

The ServerActionEvent class inherits from Resource.

class openstack.compute.v2.server_action.ServerActionEvent(_synchronized=False, connection=None, **attrs)

The base resource

  • _synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().

  • connection (openstack.connection.Connection) – Reference to the Connection being used. Defaults to None to allow Resource objects to be used without an active Connection, such as in unit tests. Use of self._connection in Resource code should protect itself with a check for None.


The name of the event


The date and time when the event was started. The date and time stamp format is ISO 8601


The date and time when the event finished. The date and time stamp format is ISO 8601


The result of the event


The traceback stack if an error occurred in this event. This is only visible to cloud admins by default.


The name of the host on which the event occurred. This is only visible to cloud admins by default.


An obfuscated hashed host ID string, or the empty string if there is no host for the event. This is a hashed value so will not actually look like a hostname, and is hashed with data from the project_id, so the same physical host as seen by two different project_ids will be different. This is useful when within the same project you need to determine if two events occurred on the same or different physical hosts.


Details of the event. May be unset.