

The Secret Class

The Secret class inherits from Resource.

class openstack.key_manager.v1.secret.Secret(_synchronized=False, **attrs)

The base resource

Parameters:_synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().
algorithm = None

Metadata provided by a user or system for informational purposes

bit_length = None

Metadata provided by a user or system for informational purposes. Value must be greater than zero.

content_types = None

A list of content types

expires_at = None

Once this timestamp has past, the secret will no longer be available.

created_at = None

Timestamp of when the secret was created.

mode = None

The type/mode of the algorithm associated with the secret information.

name = None

The name of the secret set by the user

secret_ref = None

A URI to the sercret

secret_type = None

Used to indicate the type of secret being stored.

status = None

The status of this secret

updated_at = None

A timestamp when this secret was updated.

payload = None

The secret’s data to be stored. payload_content_type must also be supplied if payload is included. (optional)

payload_content_type = None

The media type for the content of the payload. (required if payload is included)

payload_content_encoding = None

The encoding used for the payload to be able to include it in the JSON request. Currently only base64 is supported. (required if payload is encoded)

get(session, requires_id=True, error_message=None)

Get a remote resource based on this instance.

  • session (Adapter) – The session to use for making this request.
  • requires_id (boolean) – A boolean indicating whether resource ID should be part of the requested URI.

This Resource instance.


MethodNotSupported if Resource.allow_get is not set to True.

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