

The Member Class

The Member class inherits from Resource.

class openstack.load_balancer.v2.member.Member(_synchronized=False, **attrs)

The base resource

Parameters:_synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().
address = None

The IP address of the member.

created_at = None

Timestamp when the member was created.

is_admin_state_up = None

The administrative state of the member, which is up True or down False. Type: bool

monitor_address = None

IP address used to monitor this member

monitor_port = None

Port used to monitor this member

name = None

Name of the member.

operating_status = None

Operating status of the member.

pool_id = None

The ID of the owning pool.

provisioning_status = None

The provisioning status of this member.

project_id = None

The ID of the project this member is associated with.

protocol_port = None

The port on which the application is hosted.

subnet_id = None

Subnet ID in which to access this member.

updated_at = None

Timestamp when the member was last updated.

weight = None

A positive integer value that indicates the relative portion of traffic that this member should receive from the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with weight of 2.

backup = None

A bool value that indicates whether the member is a backup or not. Backup members only receive traffic when all non-backup members are down.

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