
The Service Class

The Service class inherits from Resource.

class openstack.identity.v3.service.Service(_synchronized=False, connection=None, **attrs)

The base resource

  • _synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().

  • connection (openstack.connection.Connection) – Reference to the Connection being used. Defaults to None to allow Resource objects to be used without an active Connection, such as in unit tests. Use of self._connection in Resource code should protect itself with a check for None.


User-facing description of the service. Type: string


Setting this value to False prevents the service and its endpoints from appearing in the service catalog. Type: bool

The links for the service resource.


User-facing name of the service. Type: string


Describes the API implemented by the service. The following values are recognized within the OpenStack ecosystem: compute, image, ec2, identity, volume, network. To support non-core and future projects, the value should not be validated against this list. Type: string