Snort Intergration¶
This document describes how to integrate OS-Ken with Snort.
There are two options can send alert to OS-Ken controller. The Option 1 is easier if you just want to demonstrate or test. Since Snort need very large computation power for analyzing packets you can choose Option 2 to separate them.
[Option 1] OS-Ken and Snort are on the same machine
| unixsock |
| OS-Ken == snort |
| |
+-------+ +----------+ +-------+
| HostA |---| OFSwitch |---| HostB |
+-------+ +----------+ +-------+
The above depicts OS-Ken and Snort architecture. OS-Ken receives Snort alert packet via Unix Domain Socket . To monitor packets between HostA and HostB, installing a flow that mirrors packets to Snort.
[Option 2] OS-Ken and Snort are on the different machines
| Snort eth0--|
| Sniffer | |
+-----eth1------+ |
| |
+-------+ +----------+ +-----------+
| HostA |---| OFSwitch |---| LAN (*CP) |
+-------+ +----------+ +-----------+
| |
+----------+ +-------------+
| HostB | | OS-Ken |
+----------+ +-------------+
*CP: Control Plane
The above depicts OS-Ken and Snort architecture. OS-Ken receives Snort alert packet via Network Socket . To monitor packets between HostA and HostB, installing a flow that mirrors packets to Snort.
Installation Snort¶
Snort is an open source network intrusion prevention and detectionsystem developed by Sourcefire. If you are not familiar with installing/setting up Snort, please referto snort setup guides.
Configure Snort¶
The configuration example is below:
Add a snort rules file into
alert icmp any any -> any any (msg:"Pinging...";sid:1000004;) alert tcp any any -> any 80 (msg:"Port 80 is accessing"; sid:1000003;)
Add the custom rules in
include $RULE_PATH/Myrules.rules
Configure NIC as a promiscuous mode.
$ sudo ifconfig eth1 promisc
[Option 1]
Modify the
:socket_config = {'unixsock': True} # True: Unix Domain Socket Server [Option1] # False: Network Socket Server [Option2]
Run OS-Ken with sample application:
$ sudo osken-manager os_ken/app/
The incoming packets will all mirror to port 3 which should be connect to Snort network interface. You can modify the mirror port by assign a new value in the self.snort_port = 3
Run Snort:
$ sudo -i $ snort -i eth1 -A unsock -l /tmp -c /etc/snort/snort.conf
Send an ICMP packet from HostA ( to HostB (
$ ping
You can see the result under next section.
[Option 2]
Modify the
:socket_config = {'unixsock': False} # True: Unix Domain Socket Server [Option1] # False: Network Socket Server [Option2]
Run OS-Ken with sample application (On the Controller):
$ osken-manager os_ken/app/
Run Snort (On the Snort machine):
$ sudo -i $ snort -i eth1 -A unsock -l /tmp -c /etc/snort/snort.conf
(On the Snort machine):$ sudo python
This program listening snort alert messages from unix domain socket and sending it to OS-Ken using network socket.
You can clone the source code from this repo.
Send an ICMP packet from HostA ( to HostB (
$ ping
You can see the alert message below:
alertmsg: Pinging... icmp(code=0,csum=19725,data=echo(data=array('B', [97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105]),id=1,seq=78),type=8) ipv4(csum=42562,dst='',flags=0,header_length=5,identification=724,offset=0,option=None,proto=1,src='',tos=0,total_length=60,ttl=128,version=4) ethernet(dst='00:23:54:5a:05:14',ethertype=2048,src='00:23:54:6c:1d:17') alertmsg: Pinging... icmp(code=0,csum=21773,data=echo(data=array('B', [97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105]),id=1,seq=78),type=0) ipv4(csum=52095,dst='',flags=0,header_length=5,identification=7575,offset=0,option=None,proto=1,src='',tos=0,total_length=60,ttl=64,version=4)