Nicira Extension Structures

Nicira Extension Structures

Nicira Extension Actions Structures

The followings shows the supported NXAction classes only in OpenFlow1.0

class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0_parser.NXActionSetQueue(queue_id, type_=None, len_=None, vendor=None, subtype=None)

Set queue action

This action sets the queue that should be used to queue when packets are output.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
queue_id Queue ID for the packets


This actions is supported by OFPActionSetQueue in OpenFlow1.2 or later.


actions += [parser.NXActionSetQueue(queue_id=10)]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0_parser.NXActionDecTtl(type_=None, len_=None, vendor=None, subtype=None)

Decrement IP TTL action

This action decrements TTL of IPv4 packet or hop limit of IPv6 packet.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.



This actions is supported by OFPActionDecNwTtl in OpenFlow1.2 or later.


actions += [parser.NXActionDecTtl()]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0_parser.NXActionPushMpls(ethertype, type_=None, len_=None, vendor=None, subtype=None)

Push MPLS action

This action pushes a new MPLS header to the packet.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
ethertype Ether type(The value must be either 0x8847 or 0x8848)


This actions is supported by OFPActionPushMpls in OpenFlow1.2 or later.


match = parser.OFPMatch(dl_type=0x0800)
actions += [parser.NXActionPushMpls(ethertype=0x8847)]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0_parser.NXActionPopMpls(ethertype, type_=None, len_=None, vendor=None, subtype=None)

Pop MPLS action

This action pops the MPLS header from the packet.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
ethertype Ether type


This actions is supported by OFPActionPopMpls in OpenFlow1.2 or later.


match = parser.OFPMatch(dl_type=0x8847)
actions += [parser.NXActionPushMpls(ethertype=0x0800)]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0_parser.NXActionSetMplsTtl(ttl, type_=None, len_=None, vendor=None, subtype=None)

Set MPLS TTL action

This action sets the MPLS TTL.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description


This actions is supported by OFPActionSetMplsTtl in OpenFlow1.2 or later.


actions += [parser.NXActionSetMplsTil(ttl=128)]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0_parser.NXActionDecMplsTtl(type_=None, len_=None, vendor=None, subtype=None)

Decrement MPLS TTL action

This action decrements the MPLS TTL.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.



This actions is supported by OFPActionDecMplsTtl in OpenFlow1.2 or later.


actions += [parser.NXActionDecMplsTil()]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0_parser.NXActionSetMplsLabel(label, type_=None, len_=None, vendor=None, subtype=None)

Set MPLS Lavel action

This action sets the MPLS Label.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
label MPLS Label


This actions is supported by OFPActionSetField(mpls_label=label) in OpenFlow1.2 or later.


actions += [parser.NXActionSetMplsLabel(label=0x10)]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0_parser.NXActionSetMplsTc(tc, type_=None, len_=None, vendor=None, subtype=None)

Set MPLS Tc action

This action sets the MPLS Tc.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
tc MPLS Tc


This actions is supported by OFPActionSetField(mpls_label=tc) in OpenFlow1.2 or later.


actions += [parser.NXActionSetMplsLabel(tc=0x10)]

The followings shows the supported NXAction classes in OpenFlow1.0 or later

class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionPopQueue(type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Pop queue action

This action restors the queue to the value it was before any set_queue actions were applied.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.



actions += [parser.NXActionPopQueue()]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionRegLoad(ofs_nbits, dst, value, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Load literal value action

This action loads a literal value into a field or part of a field.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
ofs_nbits Start and End for the OXM/NXM field. Setting method refer to the nicira_ext.ofs_nbits
dst OXM/NXM header for destination field
value OXM/NXM value to be loaded


actions += [parser.NXActionRegLoad(
                ofs_nbits=nicira_ext.ofs_nbits(4, 31),
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionRegLoad2(dst, value, mask=None, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Load literal value action

This action loads a literal value into a field or part of a field.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
value OXM/NXM value to be loaded
mask Mask for destination field
dst OXM/NXM header for destination field


actions += [parser.NXActionRegLoad2(dst="tun_ipv4_src",
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionNote(note, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Note action

This action does nothing at all.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
note A list of integer type values


actions += [parser.NXActionNote(note=[0xaa,0xbb,0xcc,0xdd])]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionSetTunnel(tun_id, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Set Tunnel action

This action sets the identifier (such as GRE) to the specified id.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.


This actions is supported by OFPActionSetField in OpenFlow1.2 or later.

Attribute Description
tun_id Tunnel ID(32bits)


actions += [parser.NXActionSetTunnel(tun_id=0xa)]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionSetTunnel64(tun_id, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Set Tunnel action

This action outputs to a port that encapsulates the packet in a tunnel.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.


This actions is supported by OFPActionSetField in OpenFlow1.2 or later.

Attribute Description
tun_id Tunnel ID(64bits)


actions += [parser.NXActionSetTunnel64(tun_id=0xa)]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionRegMove(src_field, dst_field, n_bits, src_ofs=0, dst_ofs=0, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Move register action

This action copies the src to dst.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

move:src[start..end]->dst[start..end ]
Attribute Description
src_field OXM/NXM header for source field
dst_field OXM/NXM header for destination field
n_bits Number of bits
src_ofs Starting bit offset in source
dst_ofs Starting bit offset in destination


src_start and src_end difference and dst_start
and dst_end difference must be the same.


actions += [parser.NXActionRegMove(src_field="reg0",
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionResubmit(in_port=65528, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Resubmit action

This action searches one of the switch's flow tables.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
in_port New in_port for checking flow table


actions += [parser.NXActionResubmit(in_port=8080)]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionResubmitTable(in_port=65528, table_id=255, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Resubmit action

This action searches one of the switch's flow tables.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
in_port New in_port for checking flow table
table_id Checking flow tables


actions += [parser.NXActionResubmit(in_port=8080,
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionOutputReg(ofs_nbits, src, max_len, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Add output action

This action outputs the packet to the OpenFlow port number read from src.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
ofs_nbits Start and End for the OXM/NXM field. Setting method refer to the nicira_ext.ofs_nbits
src OXM/NXM header for source field
max_len Max length to send to controller


actions += [parser.NXActionOutputReg(
                ofs_nbits=nicira_ext.ofs_nbits(4, 31),
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionOutputReg2(ofs_nbits, src, max_len, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Add output action

This action outputs the packet to the OpenFlow port number read from src.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.



Like the NXActionOutputReg but organized so that there is room for a 64-bit experimenter OXM as 'src'.

Attribute Description
ofs_nbits Start and End for the OXM/NXM field. Setting method refer to the nicira_ext.ofs_nbits
src OXM/NXM header for source field
max_len Max length to send to controller


actions += [parser.NXActionOutputReg2(
                ofs_nbits=nicira_ext.ofs_nbits(4, 31),
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionLearn(table_id, specs, idle_timeout=0, hard_timeout=0, priority=32768, cookie=0, flags=0, fin_idle_timeout=0, fin_hard_timeout=0, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Adds or modifies flow action

This action adds or modifies a flow in OpenFlow table.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
table_id The table in which the new flow should be inserted

Adds a match criterion to the new flow

Please use the NXFlowSpecMatch in order to set the following format

field[start..end] =src[start..end]

Please use the NXFlowSpecLoad in order to set the following format

load:src[start..end] ->dst[start..end]

Please use the NXFlowSpecOutput in order to set the following format

idle_timeout Idle time before discarding(seconds)
hard_timeout Max time before discarding(seconds)
priority Priority level of flow entry
cookie Cookie for new flow
flags send_flow_rem
fin_idle_timeout Idle timeout after FIN(seconds)
fin_hard_timeout Hard timeout after FIN(seconds)


The arguments specify the flow's match fields, actions, and other properties, as follows. At least one match criterion and one action argument should ordinarily be specified.


actions += [
                                       dst=('eth_type_nxm', 0),
                parser.NXFlowSpecMatch(src=('reg1', 1),
                                       dst=('reg2', 3),
                parser.NXFlowSpecMatch(src=('reg3', 1),
                                       dst=('reg3', 1),
                                      dst=('reg4', 3),
                parser.NXFlowSpecLoad(src=('reg5', 1),
                                      dst=('reg6', 3),
                parser.NXFlowSpecOutput(src=('reg7', 1),
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionExit(type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Halt action

This action causes OpenvSwitch to immediately halt execution of further actions.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.



actions += [parser.NXActionExit()]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionController(max_len, controller_id, reason, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Send packet in message action

This action sends the packet to the OpenFlow controller as a packet in message.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
max_len Max length to send to controller
controller_id Controller ID to send packet-in
reason Reason for sending the message


actions += [
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionController2(type_=None, len_=None, vendor=None, subtype=None, **kwargs)

Send packet in message action

This action sends the packet to the OpenFlow controller as a packet in message.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
max_len Max length to send to controller
controller_id Controller ID to send packet-in
reason Reason for sending the message
userdata Additional data to the controller in the packet-in message
pause Flag to pause pipeline to resume later


actions += [
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionDecTtlCntIds(cnt_ids, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Decrement TTL action

This action decrements TTL of IPv4 packet or hop limits of IPv6 packet.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
cnt_ids Controller ids


actions += [parser.NXActionDecTtlCntIds(cnt_ids=[1,2,3])]


If you want to set the following ovs-ofctl command. Please use OFPActionDecNwTtl.

class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionStackPush(field, start, end, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Push field action

This action pushes field to top of the stack.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
field OXM/NXM header for source field
start Start bit for source field
end End bit for source field


actions += [parser.NXActionStackPush(field="reg2",
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionStackPop(field, start, end, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Pop field action

This action pops field from top of the stack.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
field OXM/NXM header for destination field
start Start bit for destination field
end End bit for destination field


actions += [parser.NXActionStackPop(field="reg2",
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionSample(probability, collector_set_id=0, obs_domain_id=0, obs_point_id=0, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Sample packets action

This action samples packets and sends one sample for every sampled packet.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
probability The number of sampled packets
collector_set_id The unsigned 32-bit integer identifier of the set of sample collectors to send sampled packets to
obs_domain_id The Unsigned 32-bit integer Observation Domain ID
obs_point_id The unsigned 32-bit integer Observation Point ID


actions += [parser.NXActionSample(probability=3,
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionSample2(probability, collector_set_id=0, obs_domain_id=0, obs_point_id=0, sampling_port=0, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Sample packets action

This action samples packets and sends one sample for every sampled packet. 'sampling_port' can be equal to ingress port or one of egress ports.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
probability The number of sampled packets
collector_set_id The unsigned 32-bit integer identifier of the set of sample collectors to send sampled packets to
obs_domain_id The Unsigned 32-bit integer Observation Domain ID
obs_point_id The unsigned 32-bit integer Observation Point ID
sampling_port Sampling port number


actions += [parser.NXActionSample2(probability=3,
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionFinTimeout(fin_idle_timeout, fin_hard_timeout, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Change TCP timeout action

This action changes the idle timeout or hard timeout or both, of this OpenFlow rule when the rule matches a TCP packet with the FIN or RST flag.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
fin_idle_timeout Causes the flow to expire after the given number of seconds of inactivity
fin_idle_timeout Causes the flow to expire after the given number of second, regardless of activity


match = parser.OFPMatch(ip_proto=6, eth_type=0x0800)
actions += [parser.NXActionFinTimeout(fin_idle_timeout=30,
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionConjunction(clause, n_clauses, id_, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Conjunctive matches action

This action ties groups of individual OpenFlow flows into higher-level conjunctive flows. Please refer to the ovs-ofctl command manual for details.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
clause Number assigned to the flow's dimension
n_clauses Specify the conjunctive flow's match condition
id_ Conjunction ID


actions += [parser.NXActionConjunction(clause=1,
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionMultipath(fields, basis, algorithm, max_link, arg, ofs_nbits, dst, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Select multipath link action

This action selects multipath link based on the specified parameters. Please refer to the ovs-ofctl command manual for details.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

multipath(fields, basis, algorithm, n_links, arg, dst[start..end])
Attribute Description
fields One of NX_HASH_FIELDS_*
basis Universal hash parameter
algorithm One of NX_MP_ALG_*.
max_link Number of output links
arg Algorithm-specific argument
ofs_nbits Start and End for the OXM/NXM field. Setting method refer to the nicira_ext.ofs_nbits
dst OXM/NXM header for source field


actions += [parser.NXActionMultipath(
                ofs_nbits=nicira_ext.ofs_nbits(4, 31),
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionBundle(algorithm, fields, basis, slave_type, n_slaves, ofs_nbits, dst, slaves)

Select bundle link action

This action selects bundle link based on the specified parameters. Please refer to the ovs-ofctl command manual for details.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

bundle(fields, basis, algorithm, slave_type, slaves:[ s1, s2,...])
Attribute Description
algorithm One of NX_MP_ALG_*.
fields One of NX_HASH_FIELDS_*
basis Universal hash parameter
slave_type Type of slaves(must be NXM_OF_IN_PORT)
n_slaves Number of slaves
ofs_nbits Start and End for the OXM/NXM field. (must be zero)
dst OXM/NXM header for source field(must be zero)
slaves List of slaves


actions += [parser.NXActionBundle(
                slaves=[2, 3])]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionBundleLoad(algorithm, fields, basis, slave_type, n_slaves, ofs_nbits, dst, slaves)

Select bundle link action

This action has the same behavior as the bundle action, with one exception. Please refer to the ovs-ofctl command manual for details.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

bundle_load(fields, basis, algorithm, slave_type, dst[start... *emd*], slaves:[ s1, s2,...]) |
Attribute Description
algorithm One of NX_MP_ALG_*.
fields One of NX_HASH_FIELDS_*
basis Universal hash parameter
slave_type Type of slaves(must be NXM_OF_IN_PORT)
n_slaves Number of slaves
ofs_nbits Start and End for the OXM/NXM field. Setting method refer to the nicira_ext.ofs_nbits
dst OXM/NXM header for source field
slaves List of slaves


actions += [parser.NXActionBundleLoad(
                ofs_nbits=nicira_ext.ofs_nbits(4, 31),
                slaves=[2, 3])]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionCT(flags, zone_src, zone_ofs_nbits, recirc_table, alg, actions, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Pass traffic to the connection tracker action

This action sends the packet through the connection tracker.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
flags Zero or more(Unspecified flag bits must be zero.)
zone_src OXM/NXM header for source field
zone_ofs_nbits Start and End for the OXM/NXM field. Setting method refer to the nicira_ext.ofs_nbits. If you need set the Immediate value for zone, zone_src must be set to None or empty character string.
recirc_table Recirculate to a specific table
alg Well-known port number for the protocol
actions Zero or more actions may immediately follow this action


If you set number to zone_src, Traceback occurs when you run the to_jsondict.


match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=0x0800, ct_state=(0,32))
actions += [parser.NXActionCT(
                flags = 1,
                zone_src = "reg0",
                zone_ofs_nbits = nicira_ext.ofs_nbits(4, 31),
                recirc_table = 4,
                alg = 0,
                actions = [])]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionNAT(flags, range_ipv4_min='', range_ipv4_max='', range_ipv6_min='', range_ipv6_max='', range_proto_min=None, range_proto_max=None, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Network address translation action

This action sends the packet through the connection tracker.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.


The following command image does not exist in ovs-ofctl command manual and has been created from the command response.

nat(src=ip_min-ip_max : proto_min-proto-max)
Attribute Description
flags Zero or more(Unspecified flag bits must be zero.)
range_ipv4_min Range ipv4 address minimun
range_ipv4_max Range ipv4 address maximun
range_ipv6_min Range ipv6 address minimun
range_ipv6_max Range ipv6 address maximun
range_proto_min Range protocol minimum
range_proto_max Range protocol maximun


NXActionNAT must be defined in the actions in the NXActionCT.


match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=0x0800)
actions += [
        flags = 1,
        zone_src = "reg0",
        zone_ofs_nbits = nicira_ext.ofs_nbits(4, 31),
        recirc_table = 255,
        alg = 0,
        actions = [
                flags = 1,
                range_ipv4_min = "",
                range_ipv4_max = "",
                range_ipv6_min = "",
                range_ipv6_max = "",
                range_proto_min = 1,
                range_proto_max = 1023
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionOutputTrunc(port, max_len, type_=None, len_=None, experimenter=None, subtype=None)

Truncate output action

This action truncate a packet into the specified size and outputs it.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
port Output port
max_len Max bytes to send


actions += [parser.NXActionOutputTrunc(port=8080,
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXActionDecNshTtl(type_=None, len_=None, vendor=None, subtype=None)

Decrement NSH TTL action

This action decrements the TTL in the Network Service Header(NSH).

This action was added in OVS v2.9.

And equivalent to the followings action of ovs-ofctl command.



actions += [parser.NXActionDecNshTtl()]
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXFlowSpecMatch(src, dst, n_bits)

Specification for adding match criterion

This class is used by NXActionLearn.

For the usage of this class, please refer to NXActionLearn.

Attribute Description
src OXM/NXM header and Start bit for source field
dst OXM/NXM header and Start bit for destination field
n_bits The number of bits from the start bit
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXFlowSpecLoad(src, dst, n_bits)

Add NXAST_REG_LOAD actions

This class is used by NXActionLearn.

For the usage of this class, please refer to NXActionLearn.

Attribute Description
src OXM/NXM header and Start bit for source field
dst OXM/NXM header and Start bit for destination field
n_bits The number of bits from the start bit
class os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.NXFlowSpecOutput(src, n_bits, dst='')

Add an OFPAT_OUTPUT action

This class is used by NXActionLearn.

For the usage of this class, please refer to NXActionLearn.

Attribute Description
src OXM/NXM header and Start bit for source field
dst Must be ''
n_bits The number of bits from the start bit
os_ken.ofproto.nicira_ext.ofs_nbits(start, end)

The utility method for ofs_nbits

This method is used in the class to set the ofs_nbits.

This method converts start/end bits into ofs_nbits required to specify the bit range of OXM/NXM fields.

ofs_nbits can be calculated as following:

ofs_nbits = (start << 6) + (end - start)

The parameter start/end means the OXM/NXM field of ovs-ofctl command.

Attribute Description
start Start bit for OXM/NXM field
end End bit for OXM/NXM field

Nicira Extended Match Structures

The API of this class is the same as OFPMatch.

You can define the flow match by the keyword arguments. The following arguments are available.

Argument Value Description
in_port_nxm Integer 16bit OpenFlow port number.
eth_dst_nxm MAC address Ethernet destination address.
eth_src_nxm MAC address Ethernet source address.
eth_type_nxm Integer 16bit Ethernet type. Needed to support Nicira extensions that require the eth_type to be set. (i.e. tcp_flags_nxm)
vlan_tci Integer 16bit VLAN TCI. Basically same as vlan_vid plus vlan_pcp.
nw_tos Integer 8bit IP ToS or IPv6 traffic class field dscp. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = [0x0800 (IPv4)|0x86dd (IPv6)]
ip_proto_nxm Integer 8bit IP protocol. Needed to support Nicira extensions that require the ip_proto to be set. (i.e. tcp_flags_nxm) Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = [0x0800 (IPv4)|0x86dd (IPv6)]
ipv4_src_nxm IPv4 address IPv4 source address. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0800 (IPv4)
ipv4_dst_nxm IPv4 address IPv4 destination address. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0800 (IPv4)
tcp_src_nxm Integer 16bit TCP source port. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = [0x0800 (IPv4)|0x86dd (IPv6)] and ip_proto_nxm = 6 (TCP)
tcp_dst_nxm Integer 16bit TCP destination port. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = [0x0800 (IPv4)|0x86dd (IPv6)] and ip_proto_nxm = 6 (TCP)
udp_src_nxm Integer 16bit UDP source port. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = [0x0800 (IPv4)|0x86dd (IPv6)] and ip_proto_nxm = 17 (UDP)
udp_dst_nxm Integer 16bit UDP destination port. eth_type_nxm = [0x0800 (IPv4)|0x86dd (IPv6)] and ip_proto_nxm = 17 (UDP)
icmpv4_type_nxm Integer 8bit Type matches the ICMP type and code matches the ICMP code. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0800 (IPv4) and ip_proto_nxm = 1 (ICMP)
icmpv4_code_nxm Integer 8bit Type matches the ICMP type and code matches the ICMP code. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0800 (IPv4) and ip_proto_nxm = 1 (ICMP)
arp_op_nxm Integer 16bit Only ARP opcodes between 1 and 255 should be specified for matching. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0806 (ARP)
arp_spa_nxm IPv4 address An address may be specified as an IP address or host name. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0806 (ARP)
arp_tpa_nxm IPv4 address An address may be specified as an IP address or host name. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0806 (ARP)
tunnel_id_nxm Integer 64bit Tunnel identifier.
arp_sha_nxm MAC address An address is specified as 6 pairs of hexadecimal digits delimited by colons. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0806 (ARP)
arp_tha_nxm MAC address An address is specified as 6 pairs of hexadecimal digits delimited by colons. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0806 (ARP)
ipv6_src_nxm IPv6 address IPv6 source address. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x86dd (IPv6)
ipv6_dst_nxm IPv6 address IPv6 destination address. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x86dd (IPv6)
icmpv6_type_nxm Integer 8bit Type matches the ICMP type and code matches the ICMP code. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x86dd (IPv6) and ip_proto_nxm = 58 (ICMP for IPv6)
icmpv6_code_nxm Integer 8bit Type matches the ICMP type and code matches the ICMP code. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x86dd (IPv6) and ip_proto_nxm = 58 (ICMP for IPv6)
nd_target IPv6 address The target address ipv6. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x86dd (IPv6) and ip_proto_nxm = 58 (ICMP for IPv6)
nd_sll MAC address The source link-layer address option. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x86dd (IPv6) and ip_proto_nxm = 58 (ICMP for IPv6) and icmpv6_type_nxm = 135 (Neighbor solicitation)
nd_tll MAC address The target link-layer address option. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x86dd (IPv6) and ip_proto_nxm = 58 (ICMP for IPv6) and icmpv6_type_nxm = 136 (Neighbor advertisement)
ip_frag Integer 8bit frag_type specifies what kind of IP fragments or non-fragments to match. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = [0x0800 (IPv4)|0x86dd (IPv6)]
ipv6_label Integer 32bit Matches IPv6 flow label. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x86dd (IPv6)
ip_ecn_nxm Integer 8bit Matches ecn bits in IP ToS or IPv6 traffic class fields. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = [0x0800 (IPv4)|0x86dd (IPv6)]
nw_ttl Integer 8bit IP TTL or IPv6 hop limit value ttl. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = [0x0800 (IPv4)|0x86dd (IPv6)]
mpls_ttl Integer 8bit The TTL of the outer MPLS label stack entry of a packet. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x8847 (MPLS Unicast)
tun_ipv4_src IPv4 address Tunnel IPv4 source address. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0800 (IPv4)
tun_ipv4_dst IPv4 address Tunnel IPv4 destination address. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x0800 (IPv4)
pkt_mark Integer 32bit Packet metadata mark.
tcp_flags_nxm Integer 16bit TCP Flags. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = [0x0800 (IP)|0x86dd (IPv6)] and ip_proto_nxm = 6 (TCP)
conj_id Integer 32bit Conjunction ID used only with the conjunction action
tun_gbp_id Integer 16bit The group policy identifier in the VXLAN header.
tun_gbp_flags Integer 8bit The group policy flags in the VXLAN header.
tun_flags Integer 16bit Flags indicating various aspects of the tunnel encapsulation.
ct_state Integer 32bit Conntrack state.
ct_zone Integer 16bit Conntrack zone.
ct_mark Integer 32bit Conntrack mark.
ct_label Integer 128bit Conntrack label.
tun_ipv6_src IPv6 address Tunnel IPv6 source address. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x86dd (IPv6)
tun_ipv6_dst IPv6 address Tunnel IPv6 destination address. Requires setting fields: eth_type_nxm = 0x86dd (IPv6)
_recirc_id Integer 32bit ID for recirculation.
_dp_hash Integer 32bit Flow hash computed in Datapath.
nsh_flags Integer 8bit Flags field in NSH Base Header. Requires eth_type_nxm = 0x894f (NSH). Since OpenFlow 1.3 and OVS v2.8.
nsh_mdtype Integer 8bit Metadata Type in NSH Base Header. Requires eth_type_nxm = 0x894f (NSH). Since OpenFlow 1.3 and OVS v2.8.
nsh_np Integer 8bit Next Protocol type in NSH Base Header. Requires eth_type_nxm = 0x894f (NSH). Since OpenFlow 1.3 and OVS v2.8.
nsh_spi Integer 32bit Service Path Identifier in NSH Service Path Header. Requires eth_type_nxm = 0x894f (NSH). Since OpenFlow 1.3 and OVS v2.8.
nsh_si Integer 8bit Service Index in NSH Service Path Header. Requires eth_type_nxm = 0x894f (NSH). Since OpenFlow 1.3 and OVS v2.8.
nsh_c<N> Integer 32bit Context fields in NSH Context Header. <N> is a number of 1-4. Requires eth_type_nxm = 0x894f (NSH). Since OpenFlow 1.3 and OVS v2.8.
nsh_ttl Integer 8bit TTL field in NSH Base Header. Requires eth_type_nxm = 0x894f (NSH). Since OpenFlow 1.3 and OVS v2.9.
reg<idx> Integer 32bit Packet register. <idx> is register number 0-15.
xxreg<idx> Integer 128bit Packet extended-extended register. <idx> is register number 0-3.


Setting the TCP flags via the nicira extensions. This is required when using OVS version < 2.4. When using the nxm fields, you need to use any nxm prereq fields as well or you will receive a OFPBMC_BAD_PREREQ error


# WILL NOT work
flag = tcp.TCP_ACK
match = parser.OFPMatch(
    tcp_flags_nxm=(flag, flag),

# Works
flag = tcp.TCP_ACK
match = parser.OFPMatch(
    tcp_flags_nxm=(flag, flag),
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.