The oslo_db.sqlalchemy.exc_filters Module

The oslo_db.sqlalchemy.exc_filters Module

Define exception redefinitions for SQLAlchemy DBAPI exceptions.

oslo_db.sqlalchemy.exc_filters.filters(dbname, exception_type, regex)

Mark a function as receiving a filtered exception.

  • dbname – string database name, e.g. ‘mysql’
  • exception_type – a SQLAlchemy database exception class, which extends from sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError.
  • regex – a string, or a tuple of strings, that will be processed as matching regular expressions.

Connect to the engine, including handle_error handlers.

The compat library now builds this into the engine.connect() system as per SQLAlchemy 1.0’s behavior.


Iterate through available filters and invoke those which match.

The first one which raises wins. The order in which the filters are attempted is sorted by specificity - dialect name or “*”, exception class per method resolution order (__mro__). Method resolution order is used so that filter rules indicating a more specific exception class are attempted first.

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