The oslo_db.sqlalchemy.migration_cli.ext_base Module

The oslo_db.sqlalchemy.migration_cli.ext_base Module

class oslo_db.sqlalchemy.migration_cli.ext_base.MigrationExtensionBase

Bases: object


Used for downgrading database.

Parameters:version (string) – Desired database version

Used for availability verification of a plugin.

Return type:bool

Checks whether the repo contains a revision

Parameters:rev_id – Revision to check
Returns:Whether the revision is in the repo
Return type:bool
order = 0
revision(*args, **kwargs)

Used to generate migration script.

In migration engines that support this feature, it should generate new migration script.

Accept arbitrary set of arguments.

stamp(*args, **kwargs)

Stamps database based on plugin features.

Accept arbitrary set of arguments.


Used for upgrading database.

Parameters:version (string) – Desired database version

Current database version.

Returns:Databse version
Return type:string
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