Sphinx Oslo Sample Policy Generation


This extension relies on oslopolicy-sample-generator, which requires configuration of policies in code to function. Refer to the Usage guide for more information.

oslo.policy includes a sphinx extension to generate a sample policy file at the beginning of each sphinx build. This sample policy file can then be included in your documents as a raw file, for example, via the literalinclude directive.

To activate the extension add oslo_policy.sphinxpolicygen to the list of extensions in your sphinx conf.py. Once enabled, you need to define two options: policy_generator_config_file and sample_policy_basename. For example:

policy_generator_config_file = '../../etc/nova/nova-policy-generator.conf'
sample_policy_basename = '_static/nova'



Path to an configuration file used with the oslopolicy-sample-generator utility. This can be a full path or a value relative to the documentation source directory (app.srcdir). If this option is not specified or is invalid then the sample policy file generation will be skipped.

To handle cases where multiple files need to be generated, this value can be a list of two-part tuples containing the path to the configuration file and the base name for the output file (in this case, sample_policy_basename should not be set).


Base name of the output file. This name will be appended with a .policy.yaml.sample extension to generate the final output file, and the path is relative to the documentation source directory (app.srcdir). As such, using the above example, the policy file will be output to _static/nova.policy.yaml.sample. If this option is not specified, the file will be output to sample.policy.yaml.

Once configured, you can include this configuration file in your source:

Sample Policy

Here is a sample policy file.

.. literalinclude:: _static/nova.policy.yaml.sample