
Open vSwitch Environment Setup

This tutorial will use the Open vSwitch sandbox environment from the OVS source tree. For the sake of simplicity, we will build OVS without SSL support. You will need git, C development tools, automake, autoconf, and libtool. See the Installing Open vSwitch instructions for build requirements and more detailed build instructions.

git clone https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs
cd ovs
./configure --disable-ssl --enable-shared
export OVS_SRCDIR=`pwd`
make -j $(nproc) sandbox

Backend Setup

While the original ovs-vsctl -based backend required no setup, other backends may. For example, the python-ovs IDL backend maintains a constant connection to ovsdb-server and requires an IDL class to be instantiated and passed to an OVSDBapp IDL backend Connection object.

import os
from ovs.db import idl as ovs_idl
from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import connection
from ovsdbapp.schema.open_vswitch import impl_idl

src_dir = os.getenv("OVS_SRCDIR")
run_dir = os.getenv("OVS_RUNDIR", "/var/run/openvswitch")
schema_file = os.path.join(src_dir, "vswitchd", "vswitch.ovsschema")
db_sock = os.path.join(run_dir, "db.sock")
remote = f"unix:{db_sock}"

schema_helper = ovs_idl.SchemaHelper(schema_file)
idl = ovs_idl.Idl(remote, schema_helper)
conn = connection.Connection(idl=idl, timeout=60)

api = impl_idl.OvsdbIdl(conn)

Using the API

Each API definition varies based on the schemas it supports and what the app requires. There is built-in support for many common OVS and OVN-related schemas, but it is possible that the APIs defined for these are not optimized for a given app’s use cases. It may often make sense for apps to define APIs separate from those that are in ovsdbapp.

With that said, any api that inherits from ovsdbapp.api.API will at least have methods defined for the standard generic OVSDB DB operations found described in the ovs-vsctl manpage under Database Commands.

  • list

  • find

  • get

  • set

  • add

  • remove

  • clear

  • create

  • destroy

They are all prefixed with db_ (e.g. list becomes db_list) and have an interface similar to that used by ovs-vsctl, ovn-nbctl, ovn-sbctl, etc. db_list() and db_find() return results as lists of dicts with each dict representing a row, with keys as the column names. Later versions added db_list_rows() and db_find_rows() to return lists of RowView objects.

API commands that interact with the OVSDB server typically return an instance of a subclass of ovsdbapp.api.Command. These objects hold the state of a request that will be sent to an OVSDB server as part of a transaction. They can be thought of as the equivalent of queries in SQL.

For a Command to be sent to the OVSDB server, it must be attached to a transaction, and committed. For single commands, this can be done with execute():

results = api.db_list("Open_vSwitch").execute(check_error=True)

This implicitly creates a transaction, adds the Command returned by db_list() to that transaction, calls commit() on the transaction, and returns the result that is stored on the Command object. It is the equivalent of:

txn = api.create_transaction(check_error=True)
list_cmd = api.db_list("Open_vSwitch")
results = list_cmd.result

That API also defines transaction(), a context manager, that makes multi-command transactions easier.

with api.transaction(check_error=True) as txn:
    br_cmd = txn.add(api.db_create("Bridge", name="test-br"))
    txn.add(api.db_add("Open_vSwitch", ".", "bridges", br_cmd))

There are some things to note with the above code. First, is that Transaction.add() returns the Command object that is passed to it. In the case of the db_create() command, the row it will create can be referenced in other commands in the same transaction. Second, if a table is defined as having at most one row, like the Open_vSwitch table, instead of passing its UUID, “.” can be passed. Lastly, note that we are creating a Bridge row and adding it to the Open_vSwitch row’s “bridges” field. The Bridge table is not set as a “root” table in the Open_vSwitch schema. What this means is that if no row in a root table references this Bridge, ovsdb-server will automatically clean up this row. The Open_vSwitch table is a root table, so referencing the bridge in that row prevents the bridge that was just created from being immediately removed.