This document is for people who are upgrading from an existing Rocky-based installation of OpenStack, where Placement is a part of Nova, to a Stein-based system, using the independently packaged placement service. It is also for people who have already upgraded to Stein but are using the version of the placement service included in Nova in the Stein release.
Upgrading to the extracted placement is not a requirement when upgrading the rest of OpenStack to Stein. The version of the placement service in the Nova Stein release may be used. It is possible to upgrade to Stein and then deploy and switch to the extracted placement at a later time.
The placement code in Nova will be removed in Train so the switch to using extracted placement must happen before upgrading to Train.
The extracted placement code has features and performance and bug fixes that are not present in the placement code in Nova, but no code that is required by Nova. See the release notes for more detail.
If you are installing a new OpenStack, you will want the installation docs.
Upgrading to use the extracted placement service requires migrating several
database tables from the nova_api
database to a placement database.
Depending on the number of compute hosts in your system and the number of
active virtual machines, the amount of data to copy can vary widely. You can
get an idea by counting rows in the resource_providers
and consumers
To avoid losing data while performing the copy it is important that writing to the placement database (on either side of the upgrade) is stopped. You may shut down solely the placement service but this will result in errors attempting to use the service from Nova. It is potentially less disruptive to shut down the entire control plane to avoid confusing errors. What strategy is best will vary. This document describes the simple way.
In some installations of nova and placement, data may already be in
a database named placement
and not nova_api
. If that is the
case, you will not need to copy data. Make sure that there are tables
and rows in that database and that it is of expected quantity and
recently modified (many tables have created_at
and updated_at
columns). In some cases the placement
database will be present
but empty.
There are database migrations scripts in the placement code repository which may be used to copy the data or as models for your own tooling: and
For best results run the database migration on your database host. If you are unable to do this, you will need to take some additional steps below.
This document assumes that the same HTTP endpoint will be used before and after the upgrade. If you need to change that see Configure User and Endpoints for guidance.
Install the new placement code on a controller node. This can be openstack-placement from PyPI or you can use packages from a Linux distribution. If you are using the latter be aware that:
Create a placement
database with appropriate access controls. If you
need details on how to do this, see Create Database.
Create and configure the placement.conf
The default location is /etc/placement
Set placement_database.connection
to point to the
new database. For example (replacing PLACEMENT_DBPASS
with the appropriate password and host):
connection = mysql+pymysql://placement:PLACEMENT_DBPASS@controller/placement
Configure the keystone_authtoken
section as described
in Install and configure components.
If the following configuration settings are set in the [placement]
section of /etc/nova/nova.conf
, move them to a [placement]
section in /etc/placement/placement.conf
Move placement-policy.yaml
, if required.
. If you wish to use a different filename
adjust placement.policy_file
.Configure the database migration tool.
Create the configuration file.
$ --mkconfig /tmp/migrate-db.rc
Edit the file to set the values for the NOVA_API_USER
These are the usernames and passwords for accessing the database.
If you are unable to run the migration script on the database host you
will need to set NOVA_API_DB_HOST
Do not change MIGRATE_TABLES
unless you need to migrate tables
Configure the web server that will host the placement service. The details of this are beyond the scope of this document. Install and configure Placement from PyPI may provide some guidance. Make sure you also disable the previously running placement service in the web server configuration.
Shut down or disable your control plane in whatever way works best for you.
Run the migration script:
$ --migrate /tmp/migrate-db.rc
If your controller host (the one where you have been editing
) and database host are not the same, and
you have run the migration script on the database host, the final step in
the process will fail. This step stamps the database with an initial version
(the hash of the first alembic migration) so that future migrations will
work properly. From the controller host, you may do it manually with:
$ placement-manage db stamp b4ed3a175331
Sync the placement database to be up to date with all migrations:
$ placement-manage db sync
database that were migrated to the placement
database.Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.