
This type represents a step in the REPORTERCHAIN that captures information about any notable REPORTER (in addition to the OBSERVER) that modified or relayed the CADF Event Record and any details regarding any modification it performed on the CADF Event Record it is contained within.

The Reporterstep data type should capture information about the resources that have had a role in modifying, or relaying the CADF Event Record during its lifecycle after having been created by the OBSERVER.

Property Type Required Description
role xs:string Yes The role the REPORTER performed on the CADF Event Record (e.g., an “observer”, “modifier” or “relay” role)
reporter cadf:Resource Dependent This property defines the resource that acted as a REPORTER on a CADF Event Record. Required if not reporterId
reporterId cadf:Identifier Dependent This property identifies a resource that acted as a REPORTER on a CADF Event Record by reference. Required if not reporter
reporterTime cadf:Timestamp No The time a REPORTER adds its Reporterstep entry into the REPORTERCHAIN
attachments cadf:Attachment[] No An optional array of additional data containing information about the reporter or any action it performed


    "typeURI": "",
    "reporterchain": [
            "role": "modifier",
            "reporterTime": "2012-03-22T13:00:00-04:00",
            "reporter": {
                "id": "myscheme://mydomain/resource/monitor/id/0002"