Writing and Running Barbican Client Tests

As a part of every code review that is submitted to the python-barbicanclient project there are a number of gating jobs which aid in the prevention of regression issues within python-barbicanclient. As a result, a python-barbicanclient developer should be familiar with running python-barbicanclient tests locally.

For your convenience we provide the ability to run all tests through the tox utility. If you are unfamiliar with tox please see refer to the tox documentation for assistance.

Unit Tests

We follow the Tested Runtimes <https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/project-testing-interface.html#tested-runtimes> as defined by the Technical Committe every cycle.

All available test environments within the tox configuration will execute when calling tox. If you want to run them independently, you can do so with the following command:

# Executes tests on Python 3.9
tox -e py39


If you do not have the appropriate Python versions available, consider setting up PyEnv to install multiple versions of Python. See the documentation setting up a Barbican development environment.


Individual unit tests can also be run, using the following commands:

# runs a single test with the function named
# test_should_entity_str
tox -e py39 -- test_should_entity_str

# runs only tests in the WhenTestingSecrets class and
# the WhenTestingOrderManager class
tox -e p39 -- '(WhenTestingSecrets|WhenTestingOrderManager)'

The function name or class specified must be one located in the barbicanclient/tests directory.

Groups of tests can also be run with a regex match after the --. For more information on what can be done with stestr, please see: https://stestr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

You can also setup breakpoints in the unit tests. This can be done by adding import pdb; pdb.set_trace() to the line of the unit test you want to examine, then running the following command:

tox -e debug


For a list of pdb commands, please see: https://docs.python.org/2/library/pdb.html

Functional Tests

Unlike running unit tests, the functional tests require Barbican and Keystone services to be running in order to execute. For more information on setting up a Barbican development environment and using Keystone with Barbican, see our accompanying project documentation.

A configuration file for functional tests must be edited before the tests can be run. In the top-level directory of the python-barbicanclient, edit /etc/functional_tests.conf to the values you setup in Keystone.

# Leaving this as a placeholder

# Replace values that represent barbican server and user information

# Replace these with values that represent your identity configuration



# Leaving this as a placeholder

Once you have the appropriate services running and configured you can execute the functional tests through tox.

# Execute Barbican Functional Tests
tox -e functional


In order to run individual functional test functions, you must use the following commands:

# runs only tests in the test_secrets.py file
tox -e functional -- client/v1/functional/test_secrets.py

# runs only tests in the SecretsTestCase class
tox -e functional -- client/v1/functional/test_secrets.py:\

# runs a single test with the function named
# test_secret_create_defaults_check_content_types
tox -e functional -- client/v1/functional/test_secrets.py:\

The path specified must be one located in the functionaltests directory.

Remote Debugging

In order to be able to hit break-points on API calls, you must use remote debugging. This can be done by adding import rpdb; rpdb.set_trace() to the line of the API call you wish to test. For example, adding the breakpoint in def create in barbicanclient.secrets.py will allow you to hit the breakpoint whenever the create function is called.


After performing the POST the application will freeze. In order to use rpdb, you must open up another terminal and run the following:

# enter rpdb using telnet
telnet localhost 4444

Once in rpdb, you can use the same commands as pdb, as seen here: https://docs.python.org/2/library/pdb.html