keystoneclient.v3.contrib package

keystoneclient.v3.contrib package


keystoneclient.v3.contrib.endpoint_filter module

class keystoneclient.v3.contrib.endpoint_filter.EndpointFilterManager(client)

Bases: keystoneclient.base.Manager

Manager class for manipulating project-endpoint associations.

Project-endpoint associations can be with endpoints directly or via endpoint groups.

add_endpoint_group_to_project(endpoint_group, project)

Create a project-endpoint group association.

add_endpoint_to_project(project, endpoint)

Create a project-endpoint association.

check_endpoint_group_in_project(endpoint_group, project)

Check if project-endpoint group association exists.

check_endpoint_in_project(project, endpoint)

Check if project-endpoint association exists.

delete_endpoint_from_project(project, endpoint)

Remove a project-endpoint association.

delete_endpoint_group_from_project(endpoint_group, project)

Remove a project-endpoint group association.


List all endpoint groups for a given project.


List all endpoints for a given project.


List all projects for a given endpoint.


List all projects associated with a given endpoint group.

keystoneclient.v3.contrib.endpoint_policy module

class keystoneclient.v3.contrib.endpoint_policy.EndpointPolicyManager(client)

Bases: keystoneclient.base.Manager

Manager class for manipulating endpoint-policy associations.

check_policy_association_for_endpoint(policy, endpoint)

Check an association between a policy and an endpoint.

check_policy_association_for_region_and_service(policy, region, service)

Check an association between a policy and a service in a region.

check_policy_association_for_service(policy, service)

Check an association between a policy and a service.

create_policy_association_for_endpoint(policy, endpoint)

Create an association between a policy and an endpoint.

create_policy_association_for_region_and_service(policy, region, service)

Create an association between a policy and a service in a region.

create_policy_association_for_service(policy, service)

Create an association between a policy and a service.

delete_policy_association_for_endpoint(policy, endpoint)

Delete an association between a policy and an endpoint.

delete_policy_association_for_region_and_service(policy, region, service)

Delete an association between a policy and a service in a region.

delete_policy_association_for_service(policy, service)

Delete an association between a policy and a service.


Get the effective policy for an endpoint.

Parameters:endpoint – endpoint object or ID
Returns:policies.Policy object

List endpoints with the effective association to a policy.

Parameters:policy – policy object or ID
Returns:list of endpoints that are associated with the policy

keystoneclient.v3.contrib.simple_cert module

class keystoneclient.v3.contrib.simple_cert.SimpleCertManager(client)

Bases: object

Manager for the OS-SIMPLE-CERT extension.


Get CA certificates.

Returns:PEM-formatted string.
Return type:str

Get signing certificates.

Returns:PEM-formatted string.
Return type:str

keystoneclient.v3.contrib.trusts module

class keystoneclient.v3.contrib.trusts.Trust(manager, info, loaded=False)

Bases: keystoneclient.base.Resource

Represents a Trust.

  • id: a uuid that identifies the trust
  • impersonation: allow explicit impersonation
  • project_id: project ID
  • trustee_user_id: a uuid that identifies the trustee
  • trustor_user_id: a uuid that identifies the trustor
class keystoneclient.v3.contrib.trusts.TrustManager(client)

Bases: keystoneclient.base.CrudManager

Manager class for manipulating Trusts.

base_url = '/OS-TRUST'
collection_key = 'trusts'
create(trustee_user, trustor_user, role_names=None, role_ids=None, project=None, impersonation=False, expires_at=None, remaining_uses=None, **kwargs)

Create a Trust.

  • trustee_user (string) – user who is capable of consuming the trust
  • trustor_user (string) – user who’s authorization is being delegated
  • role_names (string) – subset of trustor’s roles to be granted
  • role_ids (string) – subset of trustor’s roles to be granted
  • project (string) – project which the trustor is delegating
  • impersonation (boolean) – enable explicit impersonation
  • expires_at (datetime.datetime) – expiry time
  • remaining_uses (integer) – how many times this trust can be used to generate a token. None means unlimited tokens.

Delete a trust.


Get a specific trust.

key = 'trust'
list(trustee_user=None, trustor_user=None, **kwargs)

List Trusts.


alias of Trust


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