Note: To see the complete syntax for the plugin commands, see the CLI_Ref
Delete ACLs for a secret or container as identified by its href.
Retrieve ACLs for a secret or container by providing its href.
Submit ACL on a secret or container as identified by its href.
Add ACL users to a secret or container as identified by its href.
Remove ACL users from a secret or container as identified by its href.
Retrieve a CA by providing its URI.
List cas.
Store a container in Barbican.
Delete a container by providing its href.
Retrieve a container by providing its URI.
List containers.
Delete a secret by providing its URI.
Retrieve a secret by providing its URI.
List secrets.
Create a new order.
Delete an order by providing its href.
Retrieve an order by providing its URI.
List orders.
Store a secret in Barbican.
Update a secret with no payload in Barbican.
Create a new chassis.
Delete a chassis.
List the chassis.
Set chassis properties.
Show chassis details.
Unset chassis properties.
Create resources from files or Register a new node (DEPRECATED).
Create resources from files (by only specifying the files) or register a new node by specifying one or more optional arguments (DEPRECATED, use ‘openstack baremetal node create’ instead).
Unregister a baremetal node. DEPRECATED
List the enabled drivers.
Call a vendor passthru method for a driver.
List available vendor passthru methods for a driver.
Show information about a driver.
List baremetal nodes. DEPRECATED
Set provision state of baremetal node to ‘abort’
Set provision state of baremetal node to ‘adopt’
Set the boot device for a node
Show the boot device information for a node
Set provision state of baremetal node to ‘clean’
Disable console access for a node
Enable console access for a node
Show console information for a node
Register a new node with the baremetal service
Unregister baremetal node(s)
Set provision state of baremetal node to ‘deploy’
Inject NMI to baremetal node
Set provision state of baremetal node to ‘inspect’
List baremetal nodes
Set baremetal node to maintenance mode
Unset baremetal node from maintenance mode
Set provision state of baremetal node to ‘manage’
Call a vendor passthu method for a node
List vendor passthru methods for a node
Set power state of baremetal node
Set provision state of baremetal node to ‘provide’
Reboot baremetal node
Set provision state of baremetal node to ‘rebuild’
Set baremetal properties
Show baremetal node details
Set provision state of baremetal node to ‘deleted’
Unset baremetal properties
Validate a node’s driver interfaces
Attach VIF to a given node
Detach VIF from a given node
Show attached VIFs for a node
Create a new port
Delete port(s).
Create a new baremetal port group.
Unregister baremetal port group(s).
List baremetal port groups.
Set baremetal port group properties.
Show baremetal port group details.
Unset baremetal port group properties.
List baremetal ports.
Set baremetal port properties.
Show baremetal port details.
Unset baremetal port properties.
Set baremetal properties. DEPRECATED
Show baremetal node details. DEPRECATED
Unset baremetal properties. DEPRECATED
List supported actions for datasource.
Create a datasource.
Delete a datasource.
List Datasources.
Trigger a datasource to poll.
List datasource rows.
Update rows to a datasource table.
Show schema for datasource.
List status for datasource.
List datasource tables.
Show schema for datasource table.
Show Datasource Table properties.
List driver tables.
List drivers.
List datasource tables.
Create a policy.
Delete a policy.
List Policy.
List policy rows.
Create a policy rule.
Delete a policy rule.
List policy rules.
Show a policy rule.
Show policy properties.
Show the result of simulation.
List policy tables.
Show policy table properties.
List API Versions.
Create new action.
Show action definition.
Delete action.
List all actions.
Show specific action.
Update action.
Delete action execution.
Show Action execution input data.
List all Action executions.
Show Action execution output data.
Create new Action execution or just run specific action.
Show specific Action execution.
Update specific Action execution.
Create new trigger.
Delete trigger.
List all cron triggers.
Show specific cron trigger.
Shares a resource to another tenant.
Delete a resource sharing relationship.
List all members.
Show specific member information.
Update resource sharing status.
List all tasks.
Show task published variables.
Rerun an existing task.
Show task output data.
Show specific task.
Create new workbook.
Show workbook definition.
Delete workbook.
List all workbooks.
Show specific workbook.
Update workbook.
Validate workbook.
Create new workflow.
Show workflow definition.
Delete workflow.
List all services.
Create new environment.
Delete environment.
List all environments.
Show specific environment.
Update environment.
Create new execution.
Delete execution.
Show execution input data.
List all executions.
Show execution output data.
Show specific execution.
Update execution.
List all workflows.
Show specific workflow.
Update workflow.
Validate workflow.
Creates cluster
Deletes cluster
Lists clusters
Scales cluster
Display cluster details
Creates cluster template
Deletes cluster template
Lists cluster templates
Display cluster template details
Updates cluster template
Updates cluster
Updates cluster verifications
Creates data source
Delete data source
Lists data sources
Display data source details
Update data source
Lists registered images
Register an image
Display image details
Add image tags
Remove image tags
Set image tags (Replace current image tags with provided ones)
Unregister image(s)
Creates job binary
Deletes job binary
Downloads job binary
Lists job binaries
Display job binary details
Updates job binary
Deletes job
Executes job
Lists jobs
Display job details
Creates job template
Deletes job template
Lists job templates
Display job template details
Updates job template
Get job type configs
Lists job types supported by plugins
Updates job
Creates node group template
Deletes node group template
Lists node group templates
Display node group template details
Updates node group template
Get plugin configs
Lists plugins
Display plugin details
No documentation found in dataprocessing_plugin_update = saharaclient.osc.v1.plugins:UpdatePlugin
Create claim and return a list of claimed messages
Display claim details
Delete a claim
Renew a claim
Create a pool flavor
Delete a flavor
List available flavors
Display flavor details
Update a flavor’s attributes
Create a pool
Delete a pool
List available Pools
Display pool details
Update a pool attribute
Create a queue
Delete a queue
Check queue existence
Get queue metadata
List available queues
Set queue metadata
Get queue stats
Retrieve build information.
List resource types.
Show details and optionally generate a template for a resource type.
List the Heat engines.
List the available functions.
Validate a template
List the available template versions.
Create software config
Delete software configs
List software configs
Show software config details
Create a software deployment.
Delete software deployment(s) and correlative config(s).
List software deployments.
Get deployment configuration metadata for the specified server.
Show a specific deployment output.
Show SoftwareDeployment Details.
Abandon stack and output results.
Adopt a stack.
Check a stack.
Create a stack.
Delete stack(s).
Show a stack’s environment.
List events.
Show event details.
Show information about failed stack resources.
Show a stack’s files map.
Clear resource hooks on a given stack.
List resources with pending hook for a stack.
List stacks.
List stack outputs.
Show stack output.
List stack resources.
Set resource’s health.
Show resource metadata
Display stack resource.
Signal a resource with optional data.
Resume a stack.
Show stack details.
Create stack snapshot.
Delete stack snapshot.
List stack snapshots.
Restore stack snapshot
Show stack snapshot.
Suspend a stack.
Display stack template.
Update a stack.